Chapter 43 Researcher Holy Land!

“The easiest reaction to control in nuclear fusion is: the deuterium-tritium reaction!”

“The problem is that there is no natural tritium element, it has a short life… Artificial production of tritium element, although not as many as hundreds of millions of dollars a kilogram before, but also tens of millions of dollars a kilogram, material is a problem! ”

“Secondly… Or is it a matter of materials: superconducting materials! ”

“This deuterium-tritium reaction is too high, we can extrapolate to choose the deuterium-deuterium reaction, which is two orders of magnitude lower than the deuterium-tritium reaction…”

“What we want to do is nuclear fusion, not a masterpiece, once it is determined, once it is put into research and development, can it be changed casually in the middle?”

“At the beginning, we have to choose carefully, this is hundreds of billions or even trillions of investment, not a joke.”

“In this regard, it depends on the Deep Blue Lab and Professor An’s help!”


The outside world is still concerned about the market value of Anshi Technology exceeding trillion US dollars;

Discuss who has a higher market capitalization between Anshi Technology and Deep Blue Group?

Who is more important?

Qianzhou City, Shouling County Deep Blue University.

The Deep Blue Laboratory has been built and renovated, waiting for various laboratory installations to enter the site.

From the top domestic research bulls in nuclear energy, atomic energy, energy, materials and so on.

Arriving one after another.

There was a brief discussion on the “controlled fusion” project.

Of course, most of them are experts and professors who have been summoned from above and rushed over to discuss here.

As we all know, this time is to study controlled nuclear fusion.

But the problem of controlled nuclear fusion is on the surface, and all countries, all research institutions, know this problem.

These problems must be addressed if controlled fusion is to be achieved.

At this time, Anjing and the researchers of Deep Blue Laboratory had not yet entered.

It is all the experts and professors convened above who are having a simple discussion.

People were called in and said they were going to work on “controlled nuclear fusion.”

All felt surprised, or rather… Are there many experts and professors who are doing relevant research at nuclear energy research institutions?

At this time, gather them and send them to a city like Qiangzhou to study controlled nuclear fusion with the Deep Blue Laboratory?

What is the meaning?

As you can guess, even the Deep Blue Laboratory should also enter the research of controlled nuclear fusion.

In other words, An Jing wants to devote himself to the research of “controlled nuclear fusion”.

Anjing and official cooperation require relevant researchers.

An Jing this person everyone knows, the ability is undoubted, he wants to study “controlled nuclear fusion” technology, the official must be willing to see, more believe that he can do it, naturally willing to participate in it.

Solve the problem of the century of “controlled nuclear fusion”.

Once “controlled nuclear fusion” technology is developed.

As Lev Arvich, the father of the tokamak, said, “Fusion happens when society needs it.” ”

When controlled nuclear fusion appears, the world will enter another section!

It is not impossible to rush out of the earth and into space.

Although manned rockets are now raised many times, it can also be said that they have entered the field of space exploration.

Compared with “entering space” and “entering the universe” after mastering controllable nuclear fusion, manned rockets are a masterpiece.

Once controlled nuclear fusion is realized, the future development of the entire human race will enter a new era.


At the end of the month, various instruments and equipment required for the experiment began to enter.

At the same time, Deep Blue began building a nuclear fusion experiment facility.

That is, the legendary tokamak device.

Because to do nuclear fusion experiments, the use of tokamak devices, this thing relies on magnetic confinement to achieve nuclear fusion, the shape is ring-shaped…

If you want to find a reference, you can refer to the Ark reactor in “Iron Man”.

However, the real tokamak device is not so “advanced”

After all, it’s a virtual thing in a movie, just add a special effect.

In reality, this is not possible.

Such a tokamak device will take a while to build.

This is also the Deep Blue Group, which is responsible for providing various materials and various world-class manufacturing equipment.

Even so, it will take a long time to complete the construction of the experimental equipment.

After the official start of the experiment, various problems need to be solved.

It’s not that the tokamak device is done, and you can do fusion experiments casually.

It can be done, but it does not solve some problems… Is this different from other research institutes and other countries that study nuclear fusion?

If that’s the case, why not go to other labs to do related research?

This also saves an upfront investment in the tokamak unit, as well as a space investment, as well as time waiting.

The entire controlled nuclear fusion laboratory is not directly in one step.

It’s not Anjing who can do it alone!

Nor is Deep Blue Lab’s side responsible.

It is the researchers who come to the major relevant laboratories and research institutes, each with their own division of labor, responsible for solving all aspects of the problem.

When all the problems are almost solved and a qualitative breakthrough is determined, the relevant tests of nuclear fusion begin.

After various high-end instruments entered the market, many researchers were sighing:

“I have long heard that the equipment of the Deep Blue Laboratory is the most advanced in China, and even many instruments are more advanced than international instruments… I didn’t expect it to be true! ”

This legend has always been circulating in the field of research.

Anyone who does research, whether it is domestic researchers or research institutions.

It is also foreign researchers and research institutions that are very concerned about this kind of thing.

Better instruments and equipment can play a big role in research.

The more advanced research equipment, when doing research, it is naturally more effective with half the effort.

Located in the Deep Blue Laboratory in Rong’an New District, many academicians who have a good relationship with Anjing are willing to rub equipment from time to time.

Deep Blue Lab has relied on this advantage to slowly keep many top researchers in its own laboratory.

This is also why Deep Blue Lab is so good at doing research.

It’s not just that there are all kinds of top talent;

More than just tranquility!

And top-notch equipment… It also relies on top-notch equipment to continuously attract talents.

Slowly, Deep Blue Labs has become known as a mecca for researchers in the industry.

Many people feel exaggerated and scoff at this matter … That’s because they didn’t go into Deep Blue Labs to take a look.

Now in Shouling County, Deep Blue University.

Seeing the top instruments and research equipment in the entrance, many people know that the Deep Blue Laboratory is known as a mecca for researchers.

That’s true, not wrong at all!

Laboratory equipment and instruments come into the field.

Tokamak installations take time to build.

In this time period, it is impossible to do nothing and wait for the tokamak device to be built, okay?

Other studies can be carried out before the tokamak is built.

The tokamak device was used as the final fusion laboratory.

Material problems in the early stage can be solved first.

To solve the material problem, the tokamak device is built, and nuclear fusion experiments can be carried out. _

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