(Another round of anti-pornography…) It has constantly avoided the appearance of official-level plots in the book to avoid being targeted by the mythical beast river crab! )

“Nuclear energy, neutron, atomic energy related researchers, research scholars gathered in large numbers, suspected of developing new superlethal weapons! 》

“Nuclear Weapons? Or controlled nuclear fusion! 》

“Deep Blue Group and An Jing personally led, gathering top experts and scholars in the country to invest in the research of controllable nuclear fusion!” 》

“Huaxia will independently research controllable nuclear fusion technology”

Independent Research into Controlled Nuclear Fusion? It is bound to fail! 》

“Huaxia may withdraw from the International Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Alliance!” 》



The Deep Blue Laboratory is fully operational, dedicated to controlled nuclear fusion-related research.

Since January, there have been reports of this.

Especially foreign media, it is even more lively.

It is even suspected that this is not a study of controlled nuclear fusion at all, but a study of weapons of very mass destruction, and recommends that the Security Council and the United Nations launch an investigation;

There has also been countless media speculations that this is research on controlled nuclear fusion.

There are not many optimistic people!

Many people in the media and even overseas TV stations have set up special reports, inviting experts in the field to introduce the research problems of controlled nuclear fusion.

In a word: Huaxia cannot develop controlled nuclear fusion in a short period of time.

Even if Deep Blue Group and An Jing led this research, it was still an impossible project.

Without a decade, or even longer, it is simply impossible to achieve controlled fusion energy and put it into commercial use.

You know, the global formation of a controllable nuclear fusion research alliance, a large amount of money invested in research every year, still has not made breakthroughs.

This is a study that gathers the power of major countries around the world.

Now there are countries that want to use their own power to study controlled nuclear fusion?

Isn’t this a joke?

“Not even the Deep Blue Group!”

“Even if An Jing leads the research of this controllable nuclear fusion, I think it is impossible to make a breakthrough in a short time…”

An international TV station invited and experts to say so.

Even the Deep Blue Group is now a world hegemon-level existence in the field of materials.

Even if An Jing relied on his research achievements in the field of materials, he won the Nobel Prize at a young age and single-handedly expanded the entire field of materials.

In recent years, many countries, many companies, and many research institutions, according to Anjing’s research results, have successively made new breakthroughs in the field of materials.

Even so, it is necessary to achieve controllability, commerciality of controllable nuclear fusion… It would not have been possible without ten years.

Even if Deep Blue’s position in the field of materials is there!

Even if the research capabilities of Deep Blue Labs are there!

Even if Anjing’s personal research and development ability, with his research achievements in the field of materials, won the Nobel Prize… Many years have passed, and no one is sure whether Anjing has gained something new?

There are also ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners, J-35 fighters, low-altitude vehicles, graphene semiconductors, and so on … So much research is out there.

Just not optimistic about tranquility!

Just not optimistic about Deep Blue Labs

Just not optimistic about Huaxia!

It’s just plain not optimistic!

In order not to be optimistic and not to be optimistic!

For such reports, there is no need to worry at all, just ignore it.

As for those reports, this is research on weapons of super mass destruction, the official responded directly, vetoing the report, believing that the other party was exaggerating…


“Huaxia is studying controlled nuclear fusion?”

“My God, why is Huaxia always so fast?! Always ahead of us? ”

“Controlled nuclear fusion? How is it possible in a short period of time? Huaxia research is research, what is there to be surprised, many countries are studying ah, but when can it be studied! ”

“This is the research of controlled nuclear fusion personally led by Deep Blue Group and An Jing…”

“After all, it was that man who personally made a move, but whenever he made a move, he always felt that controllable nuclear fusion might bloom in China in a few years…”

“I also think that An Jing’s personal leadership of the research on controlled nuclear fusion may have made a breakthrough in this regard, after all, it is An Jing’s !!!.”

“A few years ago, An Jing relied on his research results in the field of materials to overwhelm countless scholars, so that the Nobel Prize was under great pressure and had to award the Nobel Prize to An Jing… How old was An Jing at that time? After so many years, how could An Jing not have new research results? ”

“In fact, there is no need to be nervous, Anjing is indeed very powerful, and he is likely to become an existence like Newton and Einstein in the future.”

“But in the past few years, his research has been scattered, looking at low-altitude vehicles, ultra-long-range technology, J-35 fighters, graphene semiconductors, holographic technology, operating systems, and so on;

“With such a scattered research effort, he could no longer have the energy to study controlled nuclear fusion.”

“In any case, think about it for so many years, Huaxia has been ahead of us in all aspects: Internet, semiconductors, industrial manufacturing, precision instruments, aerospace, top science and technology… Why is this so?! ”

“What are the enterprises of our country doing?!”


It’s different from the media’s perception.

Overseas netizens have fierce discussions and different views on this.

Some people think that Huaxia must have An Jing personally led this research in terms of controllable nuclear fusion, and it may have achieved some kind of research results, so it will be put into research with such fanfare.

In the next few years, the light of controlled nuclear fusion may bloom in China.

After all, it is Anjing!!

In this era, An Jing has been praised by many as the smartest person in the world and the top scholar.

His future status may be comparable to Einstein, Newton and others.

Of course, there are many disobediences.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t convince, An Jing is only 24!

It is precisely because of the peak age of his research results that the next 20 years will be the most active time for Anjing research, and all kinds of research results will be born in his hands.

For quiet evaluation, no one will evaluate!

There are people who are not convinced!

But hundreds of years later, posterity will give an evaluation!

Of course…… If someone is optimistic, there must be someone who is not optimistic.

Not because of anything else, just because the research of controlled nuclear fusion is really being carried out in many countries.

Even major countries around the world have formed a coalition to conduct research on controlled nuclear fusion.

Gathering the strength of major countries around the world, no breakthroughs have been made in controlled nuclear fusion.

How is it possible to do it in a country of China?!

No matter what outsiders think, no matter how the media and netizens discuss, it is the most reflective of the impact of Anjing and Deep Blue Group’s leading controllable nuclear fusion project – the stock market!!

Overseas stock markets.

Listed companies in oil and energy were affected by this news and reacted very honestly.

The stock price has fallen!!!

It turns out!

Just reports that Anjing and Deep Blue Group led the research of controlled nuclear fusion, which caused the stock prices of listed companies in oil and energy to fall.

It can also be seen from here.

Many investors and investment institutions still choose to believe in Jingjing.

After all, it is tranquility!

It’s a hot man after all!

The man who controls the black technology!!

There are really too many “surprises” he brings.

Controlled nuclear fusion is in the hands of others, in the hands of other countries, in the hands of alliances formed around the world … Probably studied for more than a decade, and there is not a single breakthrough.

But it does not mean that in the hands of Anjing, there is no breakthrough!

Therefore, investors still choose to withdraw and can use the funds invested in oil and energy in other fields.

There is no need to take this risk, isn’t it?!

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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