Chapter 46 leads the snake out of the hole

During the Spring Festival, the report of First TV Station sparked a huge discussion.

Both domestic netizens and overseas netizens are discussing that Huaxia has been at the forefront of the world and is moving towards a “smart country”

After the report, during the Spring Festival break, trading in the Chinese stock market was suspended, and nothing was visible.

But overseas stock market, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned driving, G, 6G, holographic technology… And so on, such related listed companies, the market value has risen sharply.

It is enough to see that during this Spring Festival, the special report of the first TV station on the Spring Festival was watched by netizens around the world.

Affected countless investors.

Many investors and investment institutions cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned driving, 5G, 6G, holographic technology… These aspects will develop in the future.

Smart City!

Smart Nation!

Huaxia has begun to develop in this regard, taking firm steps and walking in the forefront of many countries.

This will lead to imitation in other countries and cities, and related technologies will be used in large quantities.

The entire related industry will reap huge benefits, while also developing rapidly.

The rise in market capitalization is also certain.

In particular, the Tanuki Group, which is not a company listed in Huaxia, and the market value of the Tanuki Group also skyrocketed during the Spring Festival.

Because Atanu Group is the major shareholder of Anshi Technology.

Huaxia’s nationwide intelligent platform, Anshi Technology is the biggest winner.

Graphene chips are widely used, and the company itself has invested in the construction of smart platforms.

Atanu Group is a shareholder of Anshi Technology and one of the construction companies of the smart platform.

In this way, it is strange that the market value of the Tanuki Group does not rise.

During the Spring Festival, the market value of Ah Tanu Group broke through 850 billion US dollars and has moved towards 90 billion US dollars.

“The market value of Ali Group has soared!”

“It’s not surprising that Atanu Group is one of the smart platform construction companies, but the reason why the market value of Ali Group has soared is also Anshi Technology.”

“Anshi Technology resumes trading after the year, how much will the market value rush?”


“Microsoft is also a powerful cloud computing company, and the market value has also risen during this time, and it still takes a little time for Anshi Technology to catch up!”

“Look at the first quarter earnings report of Anshi Technology this year, as long as the first quarter earnings report is enough, surpassing Microsoft is not a problem…”

“Even if the first quarter earnings report is average, it surpasses Microsoft this year and becomes the company with the highest market value in the world, which is not a problem!”

This is something that everyone agrees with and can be expected.

When the Spring Festival is over, the stock market on the Chinese side opens.

There is no doubt that Huaxia and cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned, 5G, 6G, holographic technology related industries, will also rise sharply, direct limit is possible.

Anshi Technology is undoubtedly the object of everyone’s attention.

Similarly, Qianxun Group is too.


“Dr. Guan, think about it… You received an invitation to return to China, your family is abroad, don’t worry at all, we “protect” well, you just need to give me some information! ”

“I said, I can’t receive the core information at all!”

“It’s okay, within your scope of authority, just give us a copy of the information you can get…”

“Huh-huh… I can’t bring the information out at all, you should know the style of deep blue, no one can bring the information out of their hands, and no one can enter deep blue! ”

“You don’t need to bring it out, you need to tell us, even… Just tell us about the research you’ve done, your progress, and some important information you’ve heard from Anjing and other populations! ”

“Don’t come to me!!”

Located in a café in a small city in the south.

Guan Ning sat down with a young man in his 20s and chatted quietly.

It was clear that the content of the discussion was very sensitive, and Guan Ning gritted his teeth.

But to outsiders, they look normal and even talk very well.

But…… There are no people over here.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have chosen to meet here.

Guan Ning is a member of the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Center of the Deep Blue Laboratory in Qiangzhou.

A few years ago, he received news from the Nuclear Energy Research Center asking him to return to China to participate in an important research, and he rushed back.

At that time there was no idea what to study.

I don’t know if it’s a study of controlled nuclear fusion with Deep Blue.

I didn’t know about it until I went into research.

What Guan Ning didn’t expect even more was…

Such an important research, at the New Year, actually gave researchers a holiday?

The management of researchers is also very easy.

Guan Ning was very curious, Anjing and Deep Blue Labs, and above… Aren’t you worried about someone leaking relevant news, relevant research progress, and even important technical information?


At the same time.

In a hotel not far from Guanning.

Two people looking at the computer in front of them.

The computer is the surveillance screen.

In terms of monitoring, it was naturally Guan Ning and the young man who contacted Guan Ning.

The whole monitoring, there is monitoring in the café, there is also monitoring on the road, and some other monitoring.

The video captured by these surveillance is all aggregated to the computer, calculated and analyzed.

Soon give all kinds of highlighted doubts.

Of course, it is impossible for this computer in the hotel to support such calculations and operations.

These videos are processed and analyzed through cloud processing and calculation.

But looking at the surveillance video, it is impossible to see that the person who contacted Guan Ning is any different, that is, an ordinary young man.

The identity resume is even more ordinary.

But…… After background calculation, analysis.

After processing the surveillance video, after video comparison, from some small details, such as walking steps, cadence, some action details, and even micro expressions… can analyze something useful.

Prove that the person is professionally trained.

Among them, it is inseparable from the powerful artificial intelligence system, powerful security system, and powerful face recognition and action recognition technology of Deep Blue Group.

Of course, the most basic big data and computing are the foundation that underpins all this.

“Collect the Internet bar, you can determine that there is a problem with this person’s identity!”

“Where is Guan Ning? We’re not at all sure if he said something? ”

“We are not responsible for this… Think about it, we all know Guan Ning’s every move, can analyze and calculate the people who contact Guan Ning, and even monitor all aspects of their calls, do you think they can pass the information out? ”

“Oh too!”

When the net was closed and arrested, it was definitely not the two people in charge of monitoring who did it.

There are too few people, and it will be a bit troublesome if you let people run.

Contact the local authorities directly, call on nearby local forces, and control the young man who came into contact with Guan Ning.

This kind of thing has been staged in many parts of the country.

It’s very tomorrow…

Deep Blue Labs gives researchers a holiday, not only because of the corporate culture and management methods of Deep Blue Group;

It’s not because the research progress hasn’t fallen behind;

And part of the reason, maybe to lure the snake out of the hole, by the way to test the researchers? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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