444th one lasting!

“That’s it? That’s it? That’s it? ”

“I lean, is Anshi Technology playing monkeys?”

“Show us wearable holographic devices, but don’t produce and manufacture them ourselves?”

“So we have to wait until Hongwei, Rice and other companies hold a press conference, release wearable holographic devices, and then wait for a period of time to officially go on the market, and we have to rush to buy…”

“Drunk… Isn’t this a hanger? ”

“Actually, why doesn’t Anshi Technology make its own mobile phones, computers, wearable devices? They have the strength to do so. ”

“Anshi Technology definitely has such strength, but you can’t do everything by yourself, then you will have no friends!”

“That’s where Anshi Technology excels… Everyone knows that Anshi Technology and Deep Blue are Anjing’s company, Deep Blue can even build ultra-long-range intercontinental technology, and Deep Blue Precision such a company, graphene chip manufacturing equipment, are provided by Deep Blue Precision, but Anshi Technology and Deep Blue have not done this. ”

“What Anshi Technology needs is a huge ecology, what is needed is a standard… In the early stage, the introduction of domestic top software and hardware companies, several companies in Internet software and hardware, occupied most of the country, it can be said that the collection of domestic Internet power, coupled with the terrifying performance of graphene chips, there is the CSL system ecology. ”

“In the early days, when Anshi Technology graphene semiconductor was first released, it was not only processor chips, graphics cards, memory chips, etc.

“The latter projects have all been spun off and integrated into other companies, holding only a part of the shares and supporting other companies.”

“Anshi Technology is right to do this, if you really do everything yourself, so many companies in China, it is impossible to play with him.”

“Even if there is graphene semiconductor technology and graphene chips, it is impossible to create its own ecology in a short time, and the standards formulated are useless, and finally it may be paving the way for overseas companies!”


Cai Chen announced wearable holographic devices at the press conference, but did not do related products, but had to wait for Hongwei, rice and other companies to do it.

Criticism was made for this kind of monkey trick.

However, everyone is just talking.

For Anshi Technology’s approach, everyone also understands.

For so many years, operating systems, chips … It has always been a pain in the hearts of the people of the whole country.

The operating system used by the computer is foreign, the mobile operating system is foreign, and even the system used by supercomputing… All foreign.

Even companies such as Atanu and Qianxun, saying that self-developed big data systems, etc., also use some foreign open source technologies.

This is the pain of the operating system!!

Not to mention the chip processor!

Apple tax and Qualcomm tax are not just talk.

The total annual import of domestic chip processors exceeds that of oil.

Is it that China can’t make its own operating system, or can’t it make its own chip?


It does not have its own core technology, core patents, its own standards, and its own ecology!!

Anshi Technology has gathered most of the domestic Internet software and hardware companies, plus the graphene chip raid… Only then has the pattern of SL graphene core in the CSL system.

To get to this point, it is natural to pay a lot.

Anshi Technology is Anjing’s company!

Anjing also has a deep blue.

A lot of things, both hardware and software, can be self-contained

It can even be done well…

But Ahn Technology can’t do everything on its own.

That’s impossible!



“The press conference of Anshi Technology will not have much impact on our global developer conference at the end of the month!”


“For our operating system, I want to ask the ecology of the CSL system, and I want to ask for the entire ecology and standards built by Anshi Technology around graphene chips… It will become more difficult! ”

Whether it’s Microsoft, Google, Apple.

Everyone watched the press conference of Anshi Technology.

In early May, they successively released new versions of the operating system, which have minimized the CSL system;

Anshi Technology directly brought forward the press conference held in June to mid-May, and released the CSL system version 5.0 and the second generation of ink chips.

Its purpose is to consolidate the ecology and standards created by Anshi Technology around the entire graphene chip.

Nowadays, this ecology and standards are not limited to Microsoft, Google, Apple… Even Intel, Qualcomm, AMD, IBM… and companies from global hardware and software.

Once added to the ecology and standards created by Anshi Technology around graphene chips.

Want to break away?

Where is it so easy!

The press conference of Anshi Technology is to continuously consolidate and strengthen its own ecology and consolidate its own standards.

“This is a protracted battle!”

“A game that could span ten, twenty, thirty years… Even longer! ”

“These problems are all in our expectation.”

“Alas… An Jing this person is really a big trouble! ”

“The key is that he does not leave Huaxia at all now, and the security measures around him have been done to the extreme, and it is impossible to have any thoughts about him!”


Since the last time Ryan had some accidents.

An Jing rarely appears in public.

Even in the country… All so.

When I usually travel, the safety work around me is also taken to the extreme.

Not only has Deep Blue Security done enough work, but also official support for various security protections.

This is true in the mainland.

Not to mention abroad!

If it’s okay… In other words, if it were not for things and invitations at the national level, Anjing would generally not go abroad to participate.

It is impossible to target tranquility.

Want to target Anjing’s company?!

Deep Blue is not listed, it is an industrial company that has grown into a behemoth.

To target Deep Blue, unless it is a direct shot by the state.

Or rather… Aren’t Deep Blue and Anshi Technology always being targeted?

Even so, Deep Blue and Anshi Technology still survive very well.

There is no way to target it at all!

Although Anshi Technology is listed, it is listed in Huaxia, and the shareholders are only Huaxia Enterprises, and the control of the company is still in the hands of Anjing.

There are no problems with the development of the company in all aspects.

If you want to, you can’t do it!

For this kind of thing, it really makes these overseas technology giants feel a headache.

No way at all!

No solution!!

So it’s a protracted battle!

Up to ten, twenty, thirty … Even longer commercial wars!

For such a long time, all sorts of new technologies will emerge.

Perhaps the birth of a new technology will rewrite the entire world technology and Internet pattern.

For such a long time, there may be companies that slowly disappear as they walk.

This kind of thing is completely possible!

The original Yahoo, Cisco… and other companies, which are also world-class companies.

It was also walking and walking and disappearing for hours.

Yahoo has been sold and acquired by other companies!

Cisco is now also out of the limelight, and its business has been completely replaced by Hongwei Group… Even so, the company still has a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Because he has a patent!

Earn money lying down! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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