(Still five more sent…) In the countryside these days, the update time is a little unstable, everyone try to look after eight o’clock in the evening, this time should be updated. )

“Okay, pay attention completely, pay attention to safety, pay attention to safety!”

An Jing directly gave way and told Wang Siyuan three times.

This matter is very important!

The performance of the “Deep Blue Supercar” is too strong, if you don’t pay attention, you will kick the accelerator down and rush directly off the track.

“Got it!”

How could Wang Siyuan joke about his little life?

He was also very concerned about Anjing’s reminder.

After getting into the car, sitting in the driver’s seat, Wang Siyu felt: comfortable.

Much more comfortable than his Rafa.

“You can do this car, I really ordered one…”

Wang Siyuan said to An Jing very seriously, and then pulled down the scissor door.

The hanging pad under the wave steering wheel, the accelerator under the foot gently stepped on, the silver supercar instantly rushed out, and there was a sound from Wang Siyuan: “Hold the grass”.

Subsequently, the silver supercar began to take the form on the track.

Just watched An Jing’s operation on the track, and then watched Wang Siyuan’s operation?

It’s like a turtle crawling.

Compared with Anjing, it is like a child driving, without the slightest ornamentation.

Some corners, without even drifting, directly slow down through the corner ?!

After driving in a circle, Wang Siyuan did not mean to stop at all, and insisted on driving two more circles.

After three laps.

When the silver supercar stopped and the scissor door rose, Wang Siyuan got down from the car with a satisfied face: “Not bad, this car is too strong, don’t dare to step on the accelerator, only after familiarity can you drive faster… You guys don’t laugh at me, just try it yourself. ”

“Let’s go change the tires!”

An Jing glanced at it and knew that the tires might need to be replaced.

After all, the ultimate speed ran two laps, even if the tires used for Anjing were made of aviation materials used by 103.

Two laps of extreme speed running, plus Wang Siyuan drove two more laps, there was also serious wear.

It’s definitely okay to keep going.

The people present are not low in status, either rich or expensive.

It’s better to be careful.

Shi Bingwei was not allowed to be a person.

Just now, he was preempted by Wang Siyuan, a guy who did not have a gentlemanly attitude.

This time, Shi Bingwei didn’t wait for others to be humble, and directly got into the car and pulled the scissor door down.

“As a girl, ladies are preferred~!”

Shi Bingwei on the car spoke, stepped on the accelerator, drove the car to the side of the maintenance and ran up, changed four tires, and began to gallop around the track.

As far as car skills are concerned, everyone has to admit a little.

Shi Bingwei’s car skills are really better than Wang Siyuan!

And it’s a lot better.

In the club, everyone discussed this before, but Wang Siyuan did not admit it, and did not compete with Shi Bingwei, which has always been an unsolved mystery.

Now it’s time to solve the case directly.

Wang Siyuan chatted with An Jing about ordering a deep blue supercar and the F1 team.

Seeing several other guys in the club looking at themselves like this, Wang Siyuan immediately said: “I’m not familiar with quiet cars, don’t dare to run too fast…”

“Besides, when I drove it, the tires were badly worn, and I definitely wouldn’t dare to drive like this crazy woman.”

“Okay, don’t make excuses!”

“Everyone knows that your car skills are really not as good as Bingwei.”

Wang Siyuan raised his middle finger to several people, expressing his dissatisfaction and not discussing the issue.

After that, Qin Ren and He Rui all felt the “deep blue” supercar performance.

At the moment, a “deep blue” was ordered here in Anjing.

If nothing else, just the appearance of this supercar, as well as the driving comfort, can make their hearts move.

When Shi Bingwei ordered a car here in Anjing, she said with some doubt: “Why can your car, the car be designed so comfortable?” I drive millions of supercars, how is it so rubbish. ”

Ordinary supercar… Even most supercars have no driving comfort at all.

Qin Ren said: “Don’t talk about millions of supercars, my King Martin… There is also no quiet “deep blue” comfort. ”

King Martin… That is, Aston Martin One-77, a super car worth half a billion, and the appearance is low-key and restrained, and the driving experience in the super car is relatively excellent.

Even so, in terms of driving experience, it is still not comparable to Anjing’s “deep blue”.

“My Rafa doesn’t smell good either!”

Wang Siyuan also said that his Rafa can be thrown in the garage to ashes.

After all, An Jing’s “design skills” have reached an advanced level and are the best in the world.

The “Deep Blue Supercar” he designed has done its best in appearance and comfort.

To put it bluntly… In this world, it is impossible to find a better design than Anjing, taking into account appearance, performance, and comfort.

Other cars, at most, defeat the “Deep Blue Supercar” in a certain aspect.

The other Chen Guan of the club don’t have to think about experiencing the quiet supercar.

The people who can experience the “Deep Blue Supercar” are all big guys in the club.

The other members just looked at it at most, and did not take the initiative to bring it up.

The most is to ask An Jing about the “Deep Blue Supercar”.

At this time, everyone knows that Anjing has established its own supercar brand and is ready to create its own supercar!

The car company established by Anjing, the supercar produced, has the exact same appearance and comfort as Anjing’s “dark blue supercar”.

In terms of performance, the supercar produced by “Deep Blue Industry” is definitely inferior to Anjing’s.

But Anjing promises, it is also the performance of the world’s top supercars.

Anjing gave assurances, believe it or not, that’s someone else’s business.

In fact, most people don’t believe it.

After all, the car didn’t see it.

Anjing’s “Deep Blue Supercar” is indeed awesome, and it was also created by Shufei Industrial Group for Anjing.

It was not built by Anjing’s own company.

To what extent can the supercar created by Anjing’s own company reach?

He can’t always entrust Shufei Industrial Group to help him do the OEM, right?

That’s impossible!

Shufei is a military enterprise, how can it be an OEM for people?

So there are many people who don’t believe it.

An Jing said that it didn’t matter, anyway, he had already ordered 10 “deep blue supercars” at this time.

The price did not come out, so it directly said that it was set, and even willing to pay a deposit.

The deposit was symbolically collected 99 yuan.

Not a lot, symbolic expropriation, determine the order.

After the supercar comes off the production line, the car is delivered to the owner in this order.

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