“Little boss, this manufacturing equipment… Did you get it from the Aviation Industry Group ?! ”

At this moment, Yang Peng watched An Jing upgrade the blast furnace and smelting equipment, and such an idea came to his heart.

The outside world’s doubts about the deep blue industry made Yang Peng hold his breath.

Now when I saw these pieces of equipment pulled out of the Anjing villa, I immediately became a little excited.

Having served as an executive in SAIC, Mercedes-Benz and Geely, Yang Peng himself is still a technician born, and he still has an understanding of processing equipment and high-end manufacturing equipment in this world.

These equipment pulled out of Anjing Villa are definitely the world’s top processing accuracy.

Maybe…… Not even on the side of the aviation industry group, right?

Even if there is, it is impossible to give tranquility!

This kind of equipment, any one, is the treasure of a group company’s town store,

At the same time, Nie Heguang also seemed very excited!

Having worked in a smelter for decades, he was not highly educated, but he was also a technician, the kind of self-taught.

He knows how advanced the equipment is after the factory upgrade.

There are even some smelting processes that have never been heard of, such as sonic composite smelting, which uses sonic properties for further smelting.

Other off-furnace refining, electroslag remelting, vacuum smelting… These metallurgical methods are only used by special alloys.

The factory is to produce special alloys!

“Good, good, our company will be great in the future!”

After fighting all night, An Jing upgraded the smelting equipment, and Nie Heguang was afraid that the upgraded equipment would take a good look.

An Jing said with a smile: “This is just an upgrade of smelting equipment, and in the future, we will produce brand new equipment ourselves, which is much better than such upgraded equipment!” ”

An Jing asked Yang Peng to register Deep Blue Precision, and it is of course much better to produce this kind of equipment himself in the future than to upgrade other people’s equipment.

“Let’s start trial production according to the recipe!”

That’s the point.

An Jing personally operated, and Nie Heguang and Yang Peng consciously stepped back.

Even if this special alloy has extremely high requirements for the treatment process and equipment, the formula is also very important.

Materials are selected for smelting, and the upgraded blast furnace can produce better rough embryos.

Re-furnace refining begins, argon blowing treatment, vacuum degassing, external desulfurization, and chemical formula is added for refining;

After that, other special steelmaking methods are carried out to smelt special alloys.

The whole process was faster than expected.

After the blast furnace upgrade, the production of crude embryos has been accelerated, and the time spent on refining later is the largest.

The upgraded production line, if full, is about 10 tons per hour, working 8 hours a day, and the capacity can reach 80 tons.

If you remove equipment maintenance, maintenance, holidays and holidays, the annual output can be about tons.

This output, for the current deep blue industry, simply cannot be consumed.

After all, there is only one supercar, and only 70 cars are produced.

Most of the remaining production capacity should be sold to the outside world, and a small part should be used to manufacture precision equipment.

This time it was only trial production, producing a part of the sample, and then sending it to a national testing center for testing.

In fact, Anjing was sent directly to the testing center in Qingda.

However, there is no need to be in too much of a hurry, in a few hours, Anjing produced some samples of three formulas that imitated X alloys.

Three special alloys, with different characteristics and focuses, can be used to test and then be used to make supercars and other models of cars.

Supercars are definitely the best to use, and in the future, if other models of cars are produced, medium alloys can be used.

If it is sold to the outside world, the best alloy must be used for its own use, and it is almost sold to the outside world.

Three special alloys were directly named by Anjing:

Special alloy type, the best alloy,

Special alloy type, medium quality alloy,

Special alloy type, general quality alloy.

In his own private laboratory, Anjing has tested, even if it is a special alloy, it is better than some high-quality alloys on the market.


In the second half of the night, An Jing pulled the equipment down the carbon fiber production line and upgraded the production line of carbon fiber materials.

The production line of carbon fiber materials is very high in process and precision, much higher than smelting equipment.

In addition to the requirements of the production equipment, carbon fiber technology is also very important.

Without your own technology, you can’t produce good carbon fiber, and you may also violate other people’s patents.

An Jing has intermediate materials, or is he proficient in all materials, and he knows all materials very well.

When studying carbon fiber materials, it triggered the halo of inspiration, so that the carbon fiber technology developed by Anjing is different from the carbon fiber technology in the world.

He added other material elements and adopted a new carbon fiber structure to make the carbon fiber produced stronger in terms of collisions.

This kind of strength is not strong in the traditional sense, but reflected in the other side.

In the event of a collision, the new architecture provides a good cushioning effect to protect the driver in the vehicle.

The hardness of carbon fiber is dozens of times that of steel, but some carbon fiber frames are different, which will become very fragile and cannot protect the driver in the car well when it hits.

With this in mind, Anjing designed a new structure and developed a new carbon fiber material.

After upgrading the production line of carbon fiber, some test products have been produced for both alloy and carbon fiber.

An Jing was ready to take it to Qingda for testing.

“These equipment, you let people transport them back to the company, and when the factory building over there in Rong’an New Area is finished decorated, you will transport them over… At that time, the car production line will be upgraded, and then it will be placed in a registered precision instrument company. ”

After speaking, An Jing asked Yang Peng: “Are you going back to rest, or are you going to Qingda with me?” ”

“Let’s go to Qingda with you!”

Even if he didn’t sleep for a while, Yang Peng still felt that he was energetic and full of energy.

The main thing is that An Jing, the little boss, is too powerful.

Although it has not been professionally tested, after the alloy and carbon fiber are produced, Yang Peng conducts simple tests.

He is also a technician and has come into contact with various automobile manufacturing materials, so he can naturally distinguish between good and bad materials.

There is no doubt that the materials developed by Anjing, the little boss, are not simple!!

He was more confident in the deep blue industry, and even felt like he was walking on thin ice.

It has to be done well.

Otherwise…… He may really not be able to keep up with the development of the deep blue industry in the future and be eliminated.

Yang Peng asked someone to send the equipment to the company.

These are large pieces of equipment, it is impossible to be stolen, someone can just watch it, don’t worry too much.

After that, Yang Peng drove to the National Materials Research Center of Qingda University with An Jing to test the materials. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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