(A little late, the first one is sent, please subscribe to support…) Recently, the new pneumonia seems to be a little serious, everyone try to go out, do not go to places with many people, open windows for ventilation… Right at home, reading novels doesn’t he smell good? )

An Jing drove his own deep blue supercar to lead the way in front.

Followed by a trailer, pulling a full 4 unpainted Formula 1 cars, out of the villa.

Along the way, it attracted the attention of many people.

The only deep blue form on the road now is the Jing car.

Deep blue is synonymous with tranquility.

Not to mention that it was followed by a trailer carrying 4 Formula 1 cars.

Even if you don’t know about Formula 1, everyone knows that this model is a formula car.

“@平无奇的安同学, @深蓝工业, @深蓝超跑, this is Anjing, right? What is such a big battle for? ”

Online, someone photographed Anjing traveling with four Formula 1 cars and videos.

An Jing drove Deep Blue, and the four F1 cars behind him were all dragged by trailers, which was still very attractive to the eye.

Where can I see Formula 1 cars?

Only visible on TV!

Or on the field!

99% of people have only seen this thing visually.

In reality, even if it is supported by a trailer, few people have seen this thing.

Unexpectedly, An Jing went out with 4 F1 cars?

“This should be going to Rong’an New District, right?”

“Deep Blue Industry’s first plant in Rong’an New Area has been completed construction and decoration, and the automobile production equipment has been delivered some time ago, Deep Blue should have started production and testing, right?”

“Does Deep Blue have anything to do with Formula 1?”

“It’s related, navy is a supercar, F1 cars represent the top craftsmanship of the car, maybe Anjing is ready to use F1 cars, navy blue to do right?”

“Silly, F1 cars are also good and bad, maybe there is only one shell of an F1 car, and a batch of garbage inside? How to make a comparison? ”

“I think it should be Deep Blue Industry to form its own formula racing team, enter F1 cars, and promote the Deep Blue brand.”

“No need, right? How much does an F1 team cost? Red Bull, Mercedes-Benz, operating expenses of several hundred million euros a year, no joke! ”

“The Deep Blue Supercar is produced 70 units, is it necessary to play F1?”

“You know Deep Blue will only push out supercars? Won’t launch other models? ”

“Even if only the supercar is launched, it is not only these 70 units, there are other models in the future!”

Wang Siyuan: “You are just through the network we @Siyuan Capital @Fengyin International @Hongwei talk @Deep Blue Industry, have set up their own F1 team, have been for a while

After the acquisition of the F1 team, no changes were made, and the team was renamed to the FIA, of course, the outside world did not know the news.

Only a small number of people know the news.

The popularity of F1 cars in China is not high, and the people who pay attention to … Hardly.

Wang Siyuan and An Jing did not announce the F1 team, and no one really paid attention to the relevant news.

Now Anjing has completed the research and development of Formula 1 cars, which have been assembled and pulled down the test site of Deep Blue Industry in Rong’an New Area for testing.

were photographed and videotaped, and Wang Siyuan took this opportunity to stand up and announce this incident and promote the F1 team.

Wang Siyuan is a top Internet celebrity in the neck, with more than 30 million followers, more than An Jing.

Before the rise of Anjing… In other words, before the 700 billion orders were exposed, Wang Siyuan was a real national husband.

Even now, Wang Siyuan is still a national husband.

Because Anjing already has a female ticket!

Wang Siyuan doesn’t have a female ticket yet… In other words, there is no kind of female ticket to get married, and the current female ticket is at most for fun.

Wang Siyuan changed the female ticket, there is no 100 or 80, right?

An Jing and Wu Yumeng, but they have known each other for a long time, and the kind that both parents know are going to get married.

Countless female netizens expressed a pity, and then Anjing the title of the national husband, and… Back to Wang Siyuan.

Of course, this is all netizens talking about fun.

In any case, Wang Siyuan directly posted a Weibo, announcing his Siyuan Capital, Anjing’s Deep Blue Industry, as well as Hongwei Group, Fengyin International, these four companies… Together they formed a 1 team and prepared to compete in the F1 championship.

This news still surprised many people.

The attention of the F1 championship is not very high at home, but globally… There are still hundreds of millions of fans.

F1 teams also invest a lot, a top team, 2-300 million euros a year!

Even more money is needed to keep the fleet running.

Now, Wang Siyuan announced the formation of the F1 team, among the four companies, Siyuan Capital is the smallest!

Even the deep blue industry, now has official and military orders of 00 billion, is developing and expanding wildly;

Needless to say, Hongwei Group is the top private group company in Huaxia.

This group company is very top in terms of telecommunications equipment, communication equipment, servers, cloud computing, mobile devices, and is a trillion-level company.

Not many people know about Fengyin International, this is a family bank founded in Heungjiang, mainly in Heungjiang and the United Kingdom.

Forming an F1 team with four companies is certainly not just a joke.

It’s really about racing in the F1 championship.

Yang Peng heard the assistant report this matter, and also knew that Wang Siyuan directly stood up and said that the establishment of the F1 team was also to create momentum for the F1 team.

But more, Wang Siyuan still promotes his own company.

On the Deep Blue Industrial side, the official bib also released news.

Deep Blue Industries and Deep Blue Supercar official bib announced: “Deep Blue F1 Team, founded on November 1, 2019, will compete in the championship in March next year, welcome everyone to pay attention to next year’s F1 championship!” ”

Subsequently, Hongwei Group, Fengyin International, and even the organizers of the F1 race, the organizers of the Chinese Grand Prix, and the official FIA all issued necks to congratulate the formation of the Deep Blue F1 team, and also let everyone pay attention to next year’s F1 championship.

Why are FIA.’s event organizers and organizers so active in promotion?

Of course, in order to attract more attention and open up the huge market of Huaxia.

If nothing else, Huaxia has a population of 14, and even a small number of people who follow F1 racing can bring huge benefits when converted into fans.

The Deep Blue F1 Team is also formed by Wang Siyuan and An Jing, the two most influential young people in China, and has more investment and sponsorship from Hongwei Group… Each one can bring huge attention.

Huaxia has been hosting the Huaxia Grand Prix since 04… But how many people have followed F1 over the years?

F1 racing has never been the main event that everyone focuses on in China.

The promotion effect is not very large!

Now, there are An Jing, Wang Siyuan, Hongwei Group, two of the most representative young people in China, plus the most influential group companies in Huaxia… Can it expand the influence of F1 racing in China?

This is what the FIAF1 organizers are more concerned about and looking forward to! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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