After calling his assistant away, Lu Yu asked the R&D department to download the game to his computer alone.

Now that most of the company's problems have been solved, and he has some free time, he wants to try out such a masterpiece from a previous life and play it again in another world to see if there will be any different feel.

Looking at the icon of a dagger on the desktop, Lu Yu took a long breath.

Click on the game, and soon the icon of the game company is displayed, followed by the logos of some sponsors. When you finally enter the game interface, it looks almost the same as the previous life.

The above options and even the fonts are almost the same as in the previous life. This is because Lu Yu personally checked to avoid making mistakes and worked hard to make every detail of each game the same as the previous life, which finally led to this result.

"I'm afraid that's the only way to avoid making any mistakes."

Lu Yu thought this, and finally without hesitation, he moved the mouse up and clicked to start the game.

As a burst of gentle music played, domestic animation gradually appeared. Lu Yu stared at the game attentively, refusing to let go of every detail.

After taking a closer look, it turns out that everything on it is exactly the same as in the previous life.

Seeing this, Lu Yu finally felt relieved, picked up the mouse and started playing. Of course, when he played the game, he did not have the mentality of playing, but he was going to complain about it at ten o'clock.

Look for possible issues with the game.

Fortunately, after playing for an hour, there were no major problems. Although the picture is different from the previous life, the difference is not very big, and the overall feeling is similar to the original Zelda.

"This should be no problem." After closing the game, a big stone in Lu Yu's heart finally fell to the ground.

As long as this game can be launched smoothly, there will be no problems. All Lu Yu needs to do is to wait for the game's reputation to ferment and eventually become a complete hit.

In order to avoid any mistakes, Lu Yu closed the game and went to the game R&D department to discuss many issues with the game R&D staff. Only after confirming that every step was correct did he go home with confidence.

The laptop he carries with him has already tested the game, and he hasn't broadcast it for a long time. This time when a new game comes out, he naturally wants to live stream it first to see the response.

Opening the live broadcast platform and looking at her millions of fans, Lu Yu smiled knowingly. This was all the popularity she had accumulated from her previous live broadcasts, and now was the time to put it to use.

Lu Yu clicked on the start reminder and didn't look at the number of people, and just started playing on his own.

As a previous masterpiece, the most indispensable thing is immersion. Although Lu Yu has played it once before, the feeling of actually playing it is still addictive.

He hadn't watched the live broadcast for about an hour. When Lu Yu once again killed a boss, he took the time to look at the barrage and was stunned.

"What kind of game is this? It feels so awesome! So powerful!"

“This interaction is so novel, I’ve never seen it before.

"I swear there is no other game that can compare to this one."

"So what's its name? Host, please answer."

He couldn't help but smile when he saw the last barrage.

"I'm really sorry. I was too engrossed just now and didn't have time to watch the barrage. I'd like to excuse you, sir.

When he first replied, Lu Yu made a joke, and soon the barrage exploded.

"Anchor, stop being so pretentious and tell us what kind of game this is."

"That's right, my wallet is already thirsty."

Barrage after barrage passed by, urging Lu Yu to tell the name of the game, because they all wanted to play it.

Lu Yu could only smile helplessly and said a little apologetically: "You may be disappointed. If you want to play this game while it is still in the closed beta stage, you will have to wait for a while.

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, the barrage burst into mourning.

"How could this happen? It's hard to find a game that I can play."

"That's right, this game is very fun at first sight."

Seeing this reaction in the barrage, Lu Yu felt more at ease. At least now it seems that the game is quite popular.

Generally, those who choose to watch the live broadcast are those who really like games. Since they have said so, this game must not be wrong.

With these potential players, Lu Yu was naturally even happier. He said jokingly: "Don't worry, everyone? This game is made by my company. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will definitely release the game as soon as possible."

As expected, the purpose became more cheerful and the atmosphere became more lively. Obviously everyone is looking forward to the appearance of this game.

"I just remembered that this is the guy who made the last game. I still remember his last game. I played it for a long time.

"But it's fun, but it's too expensive. I spent so much money on it, but they didn't even give me a better card."

"Africans passing by."

Seeing these, Lu Yu smiled knowingly. The method of making money in the previous life, if copied to this world, still caused so many people to fall into it.

Smiling slightly, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, this is the first time our company has developed a game project other than mobile games. This time I guarantee that everyone will be satisfied."

The game has not yet been released to public beta, but he has already given it a guarantee. If a game company always feels like a scam, it is not far from bankruptcy. But this time Lu Yu is confident that he can make money even without spending money. Get a lot of money.

After saying this, many people felt relieved, and the barrage suddenly became funny. As soon as they saw Lu Yu start the game, many barrages began to discuss the game itself, nothing more than asking about various aspects of the game's mechanics, and Lu Yu also Answer one by one.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was cheerful, and it was midnight before we knew it. Lu Yu once again introduced the game to the audience in the live broadcast room, and finally ended the broadcast happily.

Lu Jiajia, who is far away from abroad, is holding a photo frame and looking at Lu Yu in the photo. Her eyes are full of longing, and she doesn't know how her brother is doing. "She hasn't seen her brother for a long time.

She fell straight back on the soft sofa. She touched Lu Yu's face in the photo and sighed. She didn't know whether her brother was doing well in China, whether he ate on time, or whether he would encounter any difficulties. ...

"Ah! I miss my brother so much." Lu Jiajia buried her head on the sofa. Her mind was now filled with her brother and she was no longer in the mood to think about anything else.

She was thinking about how to return to China, and suddenly she thought of her aunt Lu Yao. She could take her to find her brother.

Lu Jiajia did what she said. She immediately put on her clothes and went to find Lu Yao. At Lu Yao's house, Li Jiajia held her arm and acted coquettishly: "Aunt Lu Yao, I know you are the best, can you take me with you?" Go back to your country to find your brother."

She looked at Lu Yao expectantly, hoping she could take her back to the country.

But Lu Yao sighed: "Jiajia, you know how troublesome it is to go back to China. If you don't go back this time, what will happen to your studies? Don't you care?"

Lu Yao persuaded her earnestly, but Lu Jiajia didn't listen. She had been thinking about her brother for so long and even wanted to see him.

Lu Jiajia had tears in her eyes: "Does that mean I can't go back to see my brother? But I miss my brother so much!"

When Lu Yao saw Lu Jiajia crying, she felt heartbroken. After much hesitation, she agreed.

"Okay, okay, I'm really defeated by you. Just go ahead and wait until auntie will show you tomorrow when your flight back to China will be. You can go back and pack your luggage first.

Lu Jiajia shouted and jumped up. She could finally see her brother.

Lu Yao worked for a long time before coaxing the little girl Lu Jiajia back. She sat in the living room, thinking that she was going to take Lu Jiajia back, so she had better inform Lu Yu, so she picked up her phone again and called Lu Yu Yu made a video call.

The video call was quickly connected. Lu Yu was a little surprised that Lu Yao called him at this time, but he still picked up the phone.

"Hey, Aunt Lu Yao, why are you calling me at this hour? Is there something wrong?" Lu Yu asked.

Lu Yao had a tired look on her face, and it was getting late. She was indeed very sleepy, but she felt she still had to talk to Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu, it's like this. Jiajia's child came to me today and said she missed you. She clamored for me to take her back to China to find you. I saw that the child was also distressed, so I agreed. Auntie said Take her back in two days." Lu Yao said to Lu Yu on the phone.

Lu Yu frowned, Jia Jia was naughty again now, and her aunt was not too young, how could she withstand such a torment, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Lu Yao.

But thinking about it carefully, he really hasn't seen that girl Jiajia for a long time, so he might as well take this opportunity to see that girl.

Lu Yao nodded: "That's fine. I can't watch that girl Jia Jia alone. I'm afraid that something unexpected happened to her on the way and I can't explain it to you. It's best if you come to see this girl. I'll do it tomorrow Just tell Jiajia this good news."

"Auntie, please go and have a rest as soon as possible. It's getting late." Lu Yu hung up the phone as he spoke.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yu immediately called his assistant, put down his work for the past few days, and booked the nearest flight to visit Lu Jiajia and Lu Yao abroad.

The next day, Lu Yu took a plane to visit Lu Yao and Lu Jiajia abroad. Lu Jiajia became very excited when she saw him and threw herself into Lu Yu's arms.

"Are you causing trouble for your Aunt Lu Yao again?" Lu Yu tapped Lu Jiajia's nose. This little girl is very smart. Aunt Lu Yao may not be able to do anything to her.

Lu Jiajia stuck out her tongue playfully: "Where can I find it? I'm very good, okay? If you don't believe me, ask Aunt Lu Yao."

Lu Yao looked at Lu Jiajia with a smile: "Okay, okay, you can just rely on your mouth, go away, I will cook for you when I get back.

The three of them took a taxi and soon arrived at the home where Lu Jiajia lived. Lu Yao was cooking for the two of them in the kitchen, and Lu Yu was talking to Lu Jiajia in the living room.

Lu Jiajia had been playing games on her mobile phone. Lu Yu was a little curious and went over to take a look.

"What is this?" he asked.

Lu Jiajia raised her head and glanced at Lu Yu: "This is a new game that has been released recently. My friends said it is fun and recommended me to play it. I tried it these two days and it is really fun."

Lu Yu watched Lu Jiajia playing games and joined him curiously. Who knows that he was also interested in games.

Lu Jiajia played games very intensely, and Lu Yu found that Lu Jiajia was very skillful in playing games.

So he asked curiously: "Jiajia, do you like playing games?"

He asked Lu Jiajia and nodded: "Yes, I like playing it very much, especially the game that your company just put on the shelves some time ago. I played it for several days. My friends all said that I played well and asked me for advice. .”

She said with a proud face. For her, playing games is her fun. She can experience the fun every time she plays a game.

Lu Yu saw Lu Jiajia's excited face: "Then do you know what the shortcomings of the game you are playing now are?"

Lu Jiajia looked at the game on her phone and thought for a moment: "Although this game is novel, the subject matter seems a bit crude. The content of the game is too simple, and customers may stop playing it after a few days."

She said seriously, Lu Yu looked at his sister in surprise

I didn't expect that little girl Jiajia would have such unique insights into games. It seems that his sister is also very sensitive to games.

"Brother, I have an idea." Lu Jiajia suddenly said at this time.

Lu Yu, who saw Lu Jiajia's ability, was also interested. He came up and asked, "What do you think?"

Lu Jiajia smiled mysteriously. She got up first and poured a glass of water for herself and Lu Yu. By then, her mouth was dry.

Only then did she speak: "Brother, I have thought of a puzzle game. I have already thought of the name. It is called Xiaoxiaole. It is the kind of game where several identical patterns can be eliminated together.

Lu Yu was a little surprised when she heard Lu Jiajia's idea. This little girl could actually think of Xiaoxiaole. It's really not easy.

The brother and sister discussed for a long time. In the end, if Lu Yao hadn't called them to eat, they would have stopped eating all day long.

Lu Jiajia's talent was beyond Lu Yu's expectation, but his sister's behavior also surprised him. What Lu Jiajia proposed was not like what a child would say.

After Lu Yu, Lu Jiajia and Lu Yao returned home to eat, Lu Yao packed up the dishes and washed them in the kitchen. Lu Yu and his sister Lu Jiajia talked about the elimination game they proposed before. ---

Through the conversation before the meal, Lu Yu's view of Lu Jiajia was not at the level of a child, but regarded Lu Jiajia as a game enthusiast like herself.

Yes, can an ordinary primary and secondary school student think of the game Xiaoxiaole? I’m afraid they are just playing games like everyone else and don’t think of game development.

"Jiajia! Just now you said you found a new game, Xiaoxiaole, right?" Lu Yu turned his head to his sister and looked at her excitedly.

"Yeah! I think this game will definitely become popular all over the world." I was a little excited when faced with my brother's question.

Being able to realize one's own ideas is such a dream for a teenage middle school student. This made her take Lu Yu's question very seriously.

"Then what do you think are the characteristics of this game?"

"Which group of people do you think this game is more suitable for?"

"What are the shortcomings of this game?"... Lu Yu asked a series of questions about the game Xiaoxiaole, and he discovered a brand new game. He imagined what would happen in the gaming circle in the future. And (great) there will be a game that will be loved by the masses.

Recalling the past, there was also a Crush game in the original world. This game would allow him to open up a new game route. This made him excited, but she didn't show it too obviously in front of her sister.

Lu Jiajia also answered her brother's question in the same way. She actually couldn't think of many shortcomings of Xiaoxiaole, after all, she was still a child.

"Thank you Jiajia, thank you for reminding me." Lu Yu thanked him again.

Lu Yu completely believes that Lu Jiajia is a talented gamer. If he is interested in this area, Lu Yu will definitely let Lu Jiajia learn some knowledge about games.

Lu Yu began to think about the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the match-making game in the past world:

1. It is a stand-alone game, but some activities require the Internet.

2. Its rules are easy to understand and equipped with some tutorials. It’s about improving the player’s experience.

3. Players can be ranked to stimulate people's competitive spirit.

These characteristics allowed this game to be downloaded by more than hundreds of millions of people. At that time, although it could not be said to be a global hit, it was also very popular in China.

If Lu Yu really developed the puzzle game Xiaoxiaole, he would have found a nostalgia for the past world and great achievements in this world.

Seeing my brother thinking like this, an expression of excitement appeared on his face. Lu Jiajia waved her hand in front of Lu Yu, but Lu Yu acted as if nothing was wrong. It took more than ten minutes to react.

"If it can really be done, the reputation of Longteng Games will definitely reach a higher level." Thinking about the game, Lu Yu couldn't help but muttered to himself.

He was already imagining the sensation this game would cause when it appeared.

This conversation also went by quickly, and I washed the dishes with my feet.

He came over with a handkerchief and said like a stern mother, "Stop chatting here, go take a shower early and go to bed."

Lu Jiajia shook her shoulders and said coquettishly: "Anyway, I asked my brother to come here just to accompany me. Just play a little longer!"... Handsome.

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