
Lu Yu exited Doyu's live broadcast room, and then clicked to enter some forum websites, preparing to take a look at the evaluation status of [PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds] in recent days.


Soon, he entered this forum website for sharing news.

[NEL News Network] is the largest news sharing website in China. Many famous news media have entered this forum community to update some of their own exclusive news in real time.

At this time, the homepage of the NEL website has been occupied by several high-profile news.

“Shocking, Tamron’s game [PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds] sold 23 million copies in 5 days and won the August sales champion!”

——"Recommended quality games"

"With its novel survival mode, weapon and resource matching, and high-quality game graphics, [PUBG] demonstrates Tamron Games' strong production standards. At the same time, it injects a shot in the arm into the sluggish game market. Established manufacturers are about to make a strong comeback."

——"Gamer Daily"

"The trend of eating chicken, a recent multiplayer FPS game, has made the long-dormant Tamron game once again appear in our field of vision."

——"Game Origin"

After reading the entire article, many news newspapers have given [PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds] high evaluations, believing that this game will be a masterpiece of the FPS genre.

Moreover, it has a very good reputation among players, with a score of 9.1 on the IGN official website, a score of 9.5 on the Mran website, and an overall score of 9.0 in the questionnaire.

However, there are also some news newspapers that give very bad ratings:

"This is the worst FPS game in history. There is no detailed background story at all. It forces the introduction of some messy weapon combinations and huge maps, which just keeps players in a boring running state."

——"Today's Comments"

"Vulgar games, violence, cruel and bloody content make some young people feel very uncomfortable. We must reflect on the domestic game review system."

——"Tianyu Games"


Lu Yu casually glanced at the news content and then closed the page of the NEL website. The reviews of those game websites were just the icing on the cake. As long as [PUBG] has enough strength, even if the website review falls below 0.1 points, it can still sell a high-priced copy. amount of sales.

Previous website ratings, which can determine the sales of a game.

Now, players already have their own criteria for judgment, and it is absolutely impossible to give up on a popular game just because of low ratings.

"Phew, there's a second game."

Lu Yu took out a breath and created a new blank document.

Now that [PUBG] has entered the operational stage...

Then, he must prepare for the second game. First, Lu Yu needs to complete a game content plan, such as: game type, features, and some key points that need attention.

Under normal circumstances, it will take several months for a game manufacturer's second game to be released.

However, Lu Yu has a group of "alien employees" who can complete a game in just a few days, so why waste a long blank period.


Lu Yu groaned, then quickly typed a word on the keyboard: Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

Three Kingdoms...

It was a chaotic time in the Eastern Han Dynasty with constant disputes, a historical story with many heroes. At the same time, it was also a very good game theme.

That's right, he is planning to make a Three Kingdoms-themed strategy game.

However, the gameplay mode of this game is based on the framework of the previous "Three Kingdoms 11" as a prototype, and then gradually adds some of Lu Yu's own ideas.

To be honest, Lu Yu has no intention of copying that "Three Kingdoms 11".

Because "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" is a game that is about 10 years old, the picture production level is also a bit rough. The only advantage is its war chess map mode. The huge seamless map gives players a refreshing feeling of controlling the overall situation.

"Well, the theme of the game is confirmed..."

"Since it is a new strategy game, we must make another game engine."

"Well, the real-time calculation of the war scene also adds a function for players to connect online."

"Wait a minute, I still need to make a movie-level CG animation trailer. No, I need every frame of animation in the game to be of the world's top level."


Lu Yu frowned, then wrote down the detailed thoughts in his mind one by one, and then gradually revised and improved some game content issues.

Soon, he finished writing the production plan for "Three Kingdoms".


Lu Yu stretched and said slowly: "Victor, send this plan to the Alien employees for me and ask them to make a CG trailer tomorrow."

"No problem, Victor is at your service..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a message popped up on the screen: "Ding, the plan has been delivered!"


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