Metropolis: Agree On The Mini Program And You Create The Virtual World

Chapter 43: Buying Land And Meeting An Acquaintance

Now that some of the manufacturing equipment for the Ecosphere Project has been purchased...

Then, the next preparation work is to purchase a suitable factory land and then build a large-scale equipment manufacturing plant for the manufacturing of some alien black technologies.


Lu Yu groaned and then said: "Victor, bring up the drawings of vacant industrial land in the city."

"Scanning, calling out..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a map of Guangdong City with detailed information popped up on the screen. This map marked some industrial areas in the city and their sales prices.

Because of urban planning...

Nowadays, the amount of industrial land in the entire Guangdong City is very small, and even the few industrial areas are occupied by some group companies, so Lu Yu only glanced briefly, and then looked at the suburban areas aside.

"Here...and here...the location is so-so."

Looking at the map information of the suburbs in front of him, Lu Yu frowned and then said: "Victor, bring up the real-life image of this cliff area."


Suddenly, a real virtual scene gradually appeared on the screen.

I saw that it was a cliff area near the sea. It was quite large and surrounded by mountains and rivers. There was only one intersection on the west that could be accessed. It was a good location for a factory.

After all, Lu Yu will need to manufacture some alien technology in the future, so he must consider the issue of internal confidentiality.

"Well, just buy this piece of land."

"Ding, there is an auction going on in this area and you cannot buy it directly. It is recommended to participate in the auction."

Hearing this, Lu Yu frowned: "Bidding? Victor, I need detailed information about this bidding."

"This afternoon, the City Planning Bureau will hold a bidding auction to sell several barren mountain areas in the suburbs. The address is the 23rd floor of Huiyue Hotel. Currently, several large companies have participated in the bidding. The starting price is: 70 million."


Lu Yu reached out and touched the beard on his chin, and then said in a deep voice: "Well, you can try this auction."

Indeed, the starting price of 70 million yuan for land is not expensive.

Judging from the recent sales of the two games and the huge amount of advertising fees, it should be no problem to take pictures of that piece of land by myself. Moreover, there are barren mountains and mountains nearby, so the final transaction price is not expected to be high.

Now that his "ecosystem plan" has entered the preparation stage, the land in the cliff area must be purchased. It can be said that he is determined to win it.

PM, 2:25.

Lu Yu has arrived on the 25th floor of Huiyue Hotel, preparing to participate in the next land auction. He is accompanied by an "alien coder" and assistant Song Yumeng.

"Mr. Lu, bidding can be completed by some employees. You don't have to come in person."

Song Yumeng pushed up her glasses and said coldly: "Besides, the company still has a lot of work to deal with, why did you ask me to come over?"


A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and he whispered: "Those tasks are not urgent, just treat it as a half-day holiday."


Looking at his face, Song Yumeng sighed helplessly, as if she was already familiar with this boss's character.

Although this guy usually seems a bit unreliable...

However, as soon as he enters work mode, he becomes serious instantly and often puts forward some unexpected creative ideas.

At this moment, Lu Yu noticed a familiar figure, the president of "Tianyu Games": Wu Yue.

That guy was in the front row, chatting and laughing with a fat-headed man, like a flattering eunuch.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, then put on a Bluetooth headset and said at a volume that only he could hear: "Victor, monitor what they are saying."


As soon as he finished speaking, some electric current sounds rang out from the Bluetooth headset, and then the voices of Wu Yue and the fat-headed man came out.


A confident smile appeared on Wu Yue's face, and he said nonchalantly: "Mr. Jin, I guarantee that you will be able to take pictures of that land without any problems."

"Okay... *********, no problem, thank you."

Mr. Jin's Chinese seemed to be average, with a few Korean words mixed in one sentence.


Wu Yue looked at the fat man and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Jin, please promise my capital injection."

"No problem, no problem..."

Upon hearing this, Wu Yue's face showed an ecstatic expression, as if he had won a grand prize.

However, he didn't know that there was another person who heard the content of this sentence.

Lu Yu glanced at the positions of the two people thoughtfully, and then the prototype of a plan emerged in his mind.

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