Lu Yu let out a breath of air, and then looked at another article with detailed information about the intruder.

Now that the internal defenses of the TenLo factory have been improved...

Now, he needs to think about how to deal with the problem of the initiator.

Gao Hua, a member of the criminal industry, has hacked into the internal databases of some large international groups. He is a well-known thief in the underground industry. His career success rate is 100%. He is one of the most wanted persons in various countries.

So, who is his employer?

Thinking of this question, Lu Yu reached out and tapped the table, and then said: "Victor, can you find his employer information?"

Immediately, the phone rang with a reply from "Butler Victor":

"Ding, searching...

"Ding, the target information has not been uploaded to the network and cannot be queried."

"Modify the query method, look for humans that the target has come into contact with within a week, and screen out suspects..."

"Ding, there is only one suspect who meets all the requirements: Tianyu Games C-EQ Guo Yue.

"Hey, is it him?"

Lu Yu's brows raised, then a joking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly: "Since you want to cause trouble, then I must give you a meeting gift in return."

"Victor, retrieve all the video content of their meeting, evidence of the employment relationship between the two, and then upload these content to the Internet.

"Also call the police, I need to hold them criminally responsible."

"Also, throw out [Tianyu Games]'s internal black information to create some negative fishing reels for them.

As soon as he finished speaking, a torrent of data appeared on the screen. "Butler Victor" was secretly invading some street cameras through the huge Internet network to find the video of the meeting between the thief and Wu Yue.

As time goes by......

It didn't take long for "Victor" to find some key evidence videos.

Although Wu Yue deliberately avoided some crowded places and cautiously found an old-style restaurant without cameras.

But, unfortunately, he didn't know that in the area on the other side of the street, a batch of parking lot cameras had just been installed yesterday. The entire process from the two meeting to discussing "cooperation" was recorded by them.

Moreover, "Butler Victor" also uncovered some transfer records between the two of them.

These contents are enough to prove that Wu Yue is the mastermind of this theft, and at the same time, it makes the mastermind behind it very painful.

Lu Yu groaned, then quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands to write an article, and then asked "Butler Victor" to call the police and contact the team of lawyers who had just been recruited a few days ago, so that Zhunlong could pursue the criminal responsibility of the culprit.


He needs to knock the mountain to shake the tiger!

Let those guys know that as long as their "hands" reach inside the factory, they will have to pay a heavy price, just like the fate of "Tianyu Games".

After all, there is a lot of "alien technology" hidden in the TenLo project.

Lu Yu stretched back and then turned on his computer. Next, he needed to talk to Su Qian about the "breach of contract" issue.

Although the breach of contract information provided by Doyu Live Broadcast is fine...

However, after discussions with some lawyers yesterday, it turned out that there were a lot of loopholes in those contents, which might save Su Qian from having to pay tens of millions in liquidated damages.

Meanwhile, Wu Guo is waiting for a reply from a phone number.

However, the screen of his mobile phone is always black...

When Wu Yue gradually felt a little irritable in his heart, suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Wu Yue frowned and swiped the screen casually. He just put the phone to his ear and before he spoke, a skillful question came from the receiver:

"Hello, sir, Fushou Health Insurance, do you need to know more about it?"

"I CN...get out!"

Wu Yue resisted the urge to smash his phone, hung up the call without hesitation, and then stared at the call history on the screen.

No news about that guy yet...

Suddenly, an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

Could it be...

Has that guy failed his mission or even been captured?

Thinking of this question, a trace of panic appeared on Wu Yue's face, and some "leaked" pictures kept popping up in his mind.

You know, his plan has already involved some criminal crimes. As long as that guy tells everything, he will face the risk of losing his job as CEO and even facing "jail life."

No, that guy's mission success rate is 100%.

How could it fail?

Moreover, even if the plan fails, he has deleted all contact records and left no evidence. It is absolutely impossible for the police to find him.

Wu Yue's fingers kept tapping on the table, and some comforting words kept ringing in his mind.

At this moment...

With a bang, his office door was slammed open.

A panting, fat employee rushed in and shouted in a panic: "Boss, two policemen just came in and asked you to go back with them to assist in the investigation."


Upon hearing this, Wu Yue's face turned pale, his pupils flashed with an unbelievable light, and he said in a trembling voice: "What...did you just say?"

"Boss, are you... okay?"

Wu Yue did not reply to the fat employee's inquiry. His feet gave way, and he slumped to the ground like mud. He stared at the screen of his mobile phone in a daze, and kept muttering: "It's over, it's over." ."

Just when everyone was immersed in the "Hearthstone Tavern"...

Late at night, at around two o'clock in the morning, a shocking news broke out on the Internet: [The Tenglong factory was stolen, and the CEO of Tianyu Games was detained and faces criminal liability. 1

Suddenly, the entire fishing boat network fell into a crazy state:

"Damn it, what happened? Tamron's factory was robbed?"

"Hehehe, the biggest scandal of domestic game companies, hot chicken Tianyu..."

"Wait a minute, I'm only concerned about whether the production of TenLo game consoles has been affected?"

"That's right, if the production of TenLo game console is delayed, I will go to Tianyu Games' company address and throw shit at it!"

"Tianyu Games, why haven't I heard of this manufacturer?"

"Haha, Japanese manufacturers, all games are plagiarized, have a lot of black history of cheating players, and recently they are making a game called Gods, claiming to be [the only MOBA game]

Shameless black manufacturer. "

"6666666, Tianyu hasn't closed down yet?"

"Hahahaha, I guess it will almost go bankrupt this time. I just saw a Weibo post. Mr. Lu said that he has asked the legal team to pursue their criminal responsibility. He also accused Tianyu of plagiarizing [Chicken] and [LOL]. He will fight to the end. "

"Wow, this Japanese manufacturer is not dead, but also crippled."

While a bunch of Internet users were talking about it, the police chief of Guangdong City felt a dull pain in his head when he looked at a file report in front of him.

Tamron Games

It is a newly emerging star company in the city and has been included in the "key observation" list.

On the other hand, Tianyu Games, another company, is a long-established Japanese company with a lot of internal relationships within the municipal government. If it is not handled properly, it may be affected by its official career.

Suddenly, a phone number labeled "Old Leader" popped up on the screen of his mobile phone.

The director immediately put the mobile phone to his ear and asked cautiously: "Hey, old leader, what's the matter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a meaningful sentence rang on the phone:

"Ahem, Xiao Song, Tianyu CEO is suspected of theft. We are very concerned about this case. You must enforce the law impartially and never let Tenglong, a star company, leave our city.

"You have to know, this... concerns us."

"I got it.

Hearing this, the director secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then chatted with the old leader for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Since their attitude has been stated above...

Then, I don't have to worry about the forces behind "Tianyu", and rely on the evidence provided by Lu Yu to give "Tenglong Games" a satisfactory answer.

Thinking of this, he quickly called several police officers in charge. Tell them clearly your attitude and then promote the progress of the case.

At the same time, Doyu management is discussing the issue of "Su Qian's breach of contract".

Last night, "Tenglong"'s legal team sent them a letter describing in detail some loopholes in the contract, the unilateral breach of contract by the Doyu website, and its strong attitude towards entering the judicial process.

However, the fate of "Tianyu Games" has made Doyu management aware of a problem.

"Tamron" is no longer that small game manufacturer that is about to go bankrupt...

Now, they have huge financial reserves and recently hired a terrifying team of lawyers, which is enough to make all companies in the country feel afraid.

Boss Doyu looked at the management in front of him and said slowly: "Did you read the news last night?"

Before they could answer this question...

Suddenly, Mr. Chen, the boss of Doyu, sighed, and then continued: "The matter of Tenglong and Tianyu has nothing to do with us, but this incident has shown their tough attitude."

“Last night, people from Tamron also had some conversations with me.

"They made it clear that they are unwilling to abandon Su Qian and may enter judicial proceedings with us.

"And... there's a very serious problem."

"If it enters judicial proceedings, is it possible that our website will be banned from playing games produced by Dragon?"


As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room fell into an awkward silence.

Ban all games produced by Tamron...

You must know that "Chicken" and "LOL" are both popular games. Once Doyu Live was restricted from live broadcast content, it was quickly left behind by other live broadcast websites and gradually fell into the sight of a large number of Internet users.

After all, this is an era of traffic. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.


At this time, a management member looked up and looked around and said in a arrogant tone: "Boss, you don't have to worry. It's impossible for all game manufacturers to do this. They need our promotion."

0…please give me flowers 0

"Similarly, if they do this, they will definitely offend all the companies in the industry, and the losses outweigh the gains."

"So...we don't need to worry about their ban."

After saying this, he looked proudly at his colleagues aside, as if he was showing off what he had just said.


None of his colleagues responded to this sentence. There was a hint of contempt in their eyes, and they looked at him as if they were looking at an idiot.

Indeed, Tamron's approach is likely to offend some people.

But, as a group of people, they

Pinfang, as long as there is no contract signed, can completely restrict which live broadcast website broadcasts its own games at will.

Why can’t Doyu’s “Tamron Games” be banned?


CEO Doyu sighed, and then said: "Hey, let's make a concession and unconditionally terminate Su Qian's contract, and then talk to Tenglong in private, and try to let them

Pay a symbolic penalty and publish a statement that the anchor will change the website. "

As he said this sentence

Suddenly, all the management personnel realized that the boss of Doyu Live in front of them had backed down and made a big compromise for the "Tenglong" that was gaining momentum.

Soon, Doyu’s official Weibo posted a notice: [Anchor Su Qian, negotiate to transfer to LomoTV. 】....

Although there are not many words in this notice...

However, it has been written in detail that the Doyu website reached a consensus with "Tenglong" LomoTV and paid a symbolic fee of 100,000 RMB for Su Qian to switch to L

omoTV, and is responsible for paying her live broadcast salary.

Suddenly, the job-hopping turmoil between the two websites gradually subsided and the relationship returned to normal.


And, the criminal case of Tianyu CEO Wu Yue.

In just a few days, the case was closed, which was so fast that everyone was stunned.

In the final result, Wu Yue was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and Tianyu Game Company had to pay 10 million RMB in compensation and an official apology statement.

with no doubt………………

The next day, this result attracted the attention of a bunch of news media. They searched for interviews with the parties involved and frantically dug up old and dirty information about "Tianyu Games" in order to attract the attention of the media.

To attract the reader's attention, he also describes some of [Tianyu's] "evil deeds" with added detail.

With the emergence of these damning news...

It didn't take long for Tianyu's stock price to fall, a large number of employees resigned, and it was facing a state of imminent collapse.

He stayed out of the situation and did not respond to recent questions at all. His life was as usual. He returned to the company every day to deal with some work documents and played games live in his spare time.

At the same time, Tamron Games also fell into a period of calm for more than 20 days."

You know, they have been breaking explosive news in the past few months, randomly throwing out a trailer for a game, and then launching other games, as if they are not giving other manufacturers a way to survive, crazy.

It occupies the top spot among the most popular searches on the Internet.


This month's "Tenglong" seems to be particularly quiet, without breaking any news content, which makes those journalists and gamers feel very uncomfortable.

Although "LOL" and "Chicken" are still very popular, the competitions of the two games are also in full swing, and the first international competition has even begun.

Preparation work.

However, those gamers and users are not satisfied with the status quo. They need some previews of new games and the launch of TerLo gaming mobile phones.

At this time, a forum website organized by Tamron players.

Just when everyone was discussing some game issues, suddenly, a high-quality post on the top of the screen caught their attention.

[Shocked, Tamron is preparing for a press conference. 】

[Floor 1: My cousin works at Tamron Games. Yesterday, she sent me a photo and said that Tamron was preparing for a very large press conference!!!]

However, there is a photo attached to the post.

I saw that a stage was being set up in the camera, and several staff members were discussing the problem. There was also a beautiful young lady standing next door. She held up a selfie stick and put herself and herself behind her.

The stage was taken into the photo.

Suddenly, the comments on the post became lively:

"6666, are Tamron products released?"

"Holy shit, the much-anticipated TenLo game console?"

"Ah ah ah, I beg for an invitation to the press conference [I also want to see the show!"

"That's right, I beg you for the address..."

"Wait a minute, this photo looks familiar. The surrounding decoration style is very similar to the Grand Theater in Guangdong City?"

"Wow, my house is next door, and I just need an invitation letter now!"

"Well, to be honest, there has been no news about Tamron this month. I'm not used to it."

"Indeed, Tamron has been releasing new games like crazy in the past few months. It has stopped recently, and I am not used to it."

"Wow, LOL's skin lottery is poisonous, and the explosion rate is really low, but... just now I couldn't help but draw another 500RMB. My heart hurts."

"Hey, what you can't get is always turbulent, my dragon-blind skin..."

..………………Dividing line………….…

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