"Acridine shit, Hou Jingtao!"

"Acridine shit, cnm...

At the same time, "Wang Laoju", an up owner of station B, was live broadcasting as usual.

"Hi, good evening everyone!"

Wang Laoju skillfully put on a pair of black sunglasses and deliberately pretended to be cool and said: "Tonight, I am about to bring a surprise to all the audience friends!"

"So, here's the problem..."

"What's this surprise?"

At this point, Wang Laoju paused deliberately: "Thing, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, that's it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he moved the camera's field of view to the table in front of him, and saw that there was only a dark game console placed in that area, with a LOGO pattern of riding a dragon flying in the sky printed on it, exuding a A mechanical beauty.

Moreover, there are two game discs next to it, labeled: [Blood Curse], [Uncharted Factory].

"That's right, it's the TenLo game console, and there are two new games produced by Tamron."

"Of course... there are also some peripheral gifts from Tamron. '

While speaking, Wang Laoju took out an exquisite hand model of the doll lady and a simple world map with island treasures printed on it: "To be honest, the figure of this doll lady is pretty good."

As soon as these words came out, the entire live broadcast room was flooded with barrage:

"666666, the anchor actually bought a TenLo console?"

"Damn it, why hasn't my pre-order arrived yet, but the anchor's has arrived?"

"Wow, does the anchor have any internal channels? I want to buy one too..."

"Please give me a way to buy it, beg on your knees, Laoju..."

"Strong, invincible, can Tamron ship so fast?"

"cnm, isn't mine swallowed by the courier? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"Brother, I have your TenLo host in my hand, please pay me quickly, otherwise I will kill you."

"Old Juhao, you actually bought a console and two games at once, which costs tens of thousands of dollars, right?"

"What, Tamron is also giving away figures?"

“66666, the god of Tenglong Company who is not doing his job is still making figures.

"Ah, I also want a figure of the doll sister. I want to see the bottom of her skirt..."

"This... pervert, get out of here!"

"Haha, if you buy the figure, you will get a game + console..."

"That's right, hand-made models and games..."

"It's a dog's day, it's inhumane

Looking at the barrage content on the screen, Wang Laoju's lips curved into a proud smile: "There is no special channel, I just pre-ordered earlier.

When the TenLo game console has not yet been announced, with a TenLo console + games, there is no need to worry about the "wrong product" situation.

Through the experience of several games...

Now, Wang Laoju has become one of the 42 model fans of "Tenglong".

"Ahem, don't worry... I'm going to play the first game [Bloodline] right now."

Wang Laoju casually chatted with the barrage, then connected the TenLo game console to the computer screen, and then inserted the [Bloodline Curse] game disc.

A buzzing sound......

In an instant, a familiar Tamron logo appeared on the screen, followed by a CG scene introducing the strangers and Yanan.

"Hehehe, my favorite face-pinching part."

Wang Laoju quickly entered her name, then entered the character face-making interface, and then said nonsense seriously: "First of all, we need a handsome character, a character who can stun the enemy with his handsomeness."

As soon as he finished speaking, he dragged his mouse and frantically modified the appearance of the characters on the screen.

As time goes by......

Soon, everyone saw a terrifying face that looked like an "ancient god".

I was too sleepy and fell asleep last night, so I forgot to post it.

As Wang Laoju completes the character's face...

Soon, a terrifying face that looked like an ancient god appeared in everyone's field of vision. With its distorted facial features, weird hairstyle, and a set of dilapidated hunter clothes, it simply didn't look like a normal human being.

Suddenly, the barrage in the live broadcast room of Station B became lively:

"Damn it, this is Xingli!??"

"It's annoying to your eyes, it's annoying to your eyes, just cover your face with the barrage..."

"Go away, it suddenly became a horror game..."

"Hehehe, you are so cheeky, Lao Ju, you'd better quit the group."

"Wow, this character is as handsome as Lao Ju."

"Yes, he is as handsome as Lao Ju

"Hey, why are you still scolding people? To be honest, Laoju is still a little bit more handsome than him. y

"Huh? This face is similar to the ancient god in the Crusu mythology."

*6666, Lao Ju can already pass the level without any injuries based on his face?"

"Well, it makes sense. [Bloodline] is a Crusu myth. Those monsters should not attack the same kind."

"Ah...Why hasn't my TenLo console been delivered yet? I want to play it too.

While there were a lot of comments about the barrage, Wang Laoju had already embarked on a "blood relationship" journey, controlling his character to wander around in Yanan Town.

However, this journey seems not to be smooth.

Because the difficulty of the game "Bloodborne" is beyond Wang Laoju's expectation. If you don't pay attention, even an ordinary monster can kill his hunter character with a few knives.

Suddenly, the entire live broadcast process presented a dramatic and certain entertainment effect.

"Ah? Why are these monsters so strong!"

"Nice, hot chicken priesthood beast, I can defeat it with just a few random rolls..."

"Wait a minute, I jumped out and slashed you, but you couldn't hit me. I jumped out again, but you still couldn't hit me..."

"Hey, this psychopathic priest who has lost his mind and a humanoid monster looks very weak. I think I can defeat it..." 1

"Damn it, this BOSS is unreasonable...

"Damn it, why did I die again?"

"Damn it, can this guy evolve into a werewolf in the second stage?"

"Wow, this game is hard to play..."

"Made, come again, I have learned the secret of defeating a BOSS..."

"Hmph, look at my righteous poisonous flying knife.

Although Wang Laoju defeated the second boss: the priest through constant "deaths", his "suffering journey" is still not over yet, and there are still a lot of BOSS monsters waiting for him to come.

For example: Bloodthirsty Beast, Black Beast Parr, Bishop Amelia...

When Wang Laoju came into contact with increasingly powerful bosses, his smile gradually disappeared, and his mental state was close to the edge of "collapse".

However, those players who watched the live broadcast learned the background story of the game bit by bit.

The myth of Crusu, the church using blood therapy, and the town of Yharnam infected by disease

Even if all the secrets are still shrouded in a layer of fog...

However, players have been intrigued by the trivial story clues and have speculated on the "true face" of this story.


Looking at the familiar death prompt on the screen, Wang Laoju fell silent and held back a sentence for a long time: "Well, the creator of this game has sinister intentions and wants to abuse us players."

"Ah, I don't want to play this game anymore.


As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Laoju seemed to have forgotten what she had just said, and continued the second round of "suffering journey".

At this time, many anchors have chosen to play this charming "Tamron new game".

However, the live broadcasts of some popular anchors attracted the attention of a large number of players. They rushed to Tamron's official website to pre-order the "Bloodline" + TenLo game console, making their sales stars explosive.

Although [Blood Curse] is also one of the games in the Soul series...

However, if the difficulty level of "Bloodline" is compared with that of Dark Souls 1, it will still lower the threshold for some players to get started and greatly increase the number of players' audience.

At the same time, newspaper websites around the world have launched the latest news content.

[Yesterday, I went to the mysterious Eastern Continent, where I witnessed an epoch-making game console. 】

--New York Times

[There is no doubt that Lu Yu is a talented young leader. I see a magical creativity in this guy. He has created several popular games around the world and also created an epoch-making game. host. 】

—The Times

[Tenglong Games, a rising Eastern company, is showing its sharp fangs to the world...

——The Wall Street Journal

[Two new games with perfect scores, "Bloodline" and "Shenhai" will soon become the hottest stand-alone IP. 】

——IGN report

[Unfortunately, "Zelda" did not appear at the press conference, but I think the top priority for "Tamron Games" is to increase the production of TenLo game consoles, because there is no shipping information for the console I pre-ordered...]

——Game Nation

With more and more reports about [TenLo host]...

Soon, a "TenLo craze" set off around the world. In just a few days, the number of pre-orders soared to 150 million, making some game manufacturers envious and eager to enter the console industry immediately to follow. make money.

But, they can only think about it...

Because of the black technology of the TenLo game console, they have become desperate. Even if they make a console, they still can't compete with the TenLo game console that comes with high-quality games.


At this moment, several management members of the famous technology company: Microsoft are conducting an internal vote: Should they enter the gaming mobile phone industry?

At this time, several core management personnel were sitting in Microsoft's internal conference room, including one of its founders: Bill Gates. ...

After a short silence...

Soon, the managers of the game department took the lead in raising an issue: "Ahem, yesterday Tamron Games launched a TenLo game console. Should we also enter the console industry?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a chaotic discussion in the entire conference room.

"No, the risks in the host industry are too high, I don't agree."

"That's right, we don't have mature host technology yet, and I don't agree..."

"Haha, as long as we don't try, we will never be able to enter the host industry and share that huge cake.

"Indeed, Tamron has opened a new era of gaming. We must quickly occupy a position that belongs to us. Time waits for no one."

"But the question is... can we make a new console that competes with the Tenb console?"

Suddenly, everyone at the scene fell into silence.

Make a new console to compete with the TenLo game console?

To be honest, their confidence is not very high because yesterday

After purchasing a TenLo game console through special channels and trying it out, everyone was shocked by its powerful performance. It is for this reason that several management personnel

Only then did I come up with the idea of ​​entering the host industry.

Suddenly, the Microsoft founder who had been silent broke the silence:

"No matter what... we must enter the gaming industry!"

Bill Gates reached out and knocked on the table, then turned to look at the head of the technical department: "Myers, can we crack the hardware technology of the TenLo game console?"



A trace of embarrassment appeared on Miles's face, and he immediately said: "I'm sorry, some ordinary hardware of the TenLo game console is fine, but its chip technology is beyond my understanding...it cannot be cracked."

"Moreover, its performance exceeds Intel and AMD.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed a hint of helplessness.

CPU chip technology......

You must know that "Microsoft" is a company that prefers software technology, and its hardware capabilities can only be said to be average, let alone cracking a new chip that surpasses the two most powerful CPU manufacturers currently.

Bill Gates glanced at the paper cup on the table thoughtfully and said in a deep voice: "But, we must build a game console, otherwise we will miss the opportunity to enter the console industry.

"Since TenLo's chip technology cannot be cracked..."

"Then, we will cooperate with Intel and AMD to create a top-notch game console, and then exchange data with the PC platform to create our own games

Ecosystem, competing with TenLo’s game ecosystem. "

"Its name is: XBOX!"


When "Microsoft" was discussing the "host plan", Lu Yu was conducting a tour inside the TenLo factory.

At this time, he was also worried about a problem: the output of TenLo game consoles!

Now, pre-orders for TenLo game consoles have been piled up until next year, so he must find a way to increase the production of some TenLo consoles in the short term.

However, the construction progress of the park factory is the biggest factor limiting output.

Because some factories on the ground have basically been built, but the factory areas hidden underground still need a period of construction, resulting in the production line of TenLo consoles

Unable to lay.

Looking at the factory area that was still "under construction" in front of him, Lu Yu frowned: "No. 3, how long will it take to build the underground area? I need to complete the production line as soon as possible.

of laying. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the alien engineer named "No. 3" immediately came to his side and answered the question just raised:

"Due to some difficulties encountered in the excavation work, the complete underground area of ​​the factory takes five days to build. However, the basic equipment of the factory is abandoned and only TenL is laid.

For the production line, we can advance 2 days...

Hearing this, Lu Yu frowned: "Does it take at least 3 days?'

Although the current daily output of TenLo hosts is 200,000 units...

However, the order gap is still huge, and he has no idea of ​​"hungry marketing". The early shipments of TenLo consoles will affect the entire ecosystem plan.

3 days of construction time…………

It’s still a bit long!

Thinking of this problem, Lu Yu groaned, and then entered the [Alien Game Company] mall interface, trying to find some ways to increase the construction speed.

As time goes by......

Soon, he found a "prop" that could speed up construction: an intelligent engineering machinery vehicle.

[Intelligent engineering machinery vehicle]

Price: 30 million RMB

Detailed information: It has low-level intelligent thinking, suitable for 'excavation', 'engineering construction' and 'ocean exploration'. It also has a certain amount of self-defense firepower. It is an engineer.

The most powerful assistant can speed up the construction of the project.

According to the content description of this opinion item......

There is no doubt that it is an interstellar engineering vehicle with a lot of "black technology", even more powerful than the "Alien Engineering Team" in construction capabilities.

Price of 30 million RMB...

Well, it's not very expensive.

Lu Yu subconsciously touched the beard on his chin, then decisively entered the number 5, and then clicked the "Buy" option.

A click...

Suddenly, a prompt message popped up on the screen: "Ding, the purchase is completed, all goods will be delivered to the destination in 30 minutes.

..Dividing line..

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