
An hour later, Luo Heng, who had finished reading "Anode Fireworks", closed the book and let out a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect the ability to exercise like this."

Luo Heng muttered to himself.

The same as his previous thoughts, the method of training powers in "Anode Fireworks" also starts from the control of power range, compression, and flexibility.

But there are specific exercise methods, from the first layer to the third layer, the difficulty gradually increases.

The way he used to exercise his abilities before, now it seems that it is really simple and can't be simpler.

"No wonder the growth of the power of those who have the power training method and those without power training method can be said that one is in the sky and the other is underground!"

Luo Heng couldn't help sighing.

In addition to relying on one's own talents, the growth of the power of the powers is also the training of the powers.

The better the ability exercises, the faster the rank will rise.

For example, Tang Tian of the Blood Knife Team, because of the golden opportunity to improve his strength, he did not obtain the ability training method, which caused him to exercise his own abilities extensively.

In the end, the second-order ability will end.

"Then let me try the first level of difficulty of "Anode Fireworks"."

Luo Heng's eyes flashed and he sat up cross-legged.

Meditating and concentrating, according to the method in the book, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a state of concentration.

"The sun is really hot!"

Suddenly, Luo Heng opened his eyes abruptly, and the golden red sun fire appeared around him.

It's just that this time it's not just one group, but two groups!

"Form changes!"

Under Luo Heng's control, the two real fires of the sun slowly began to change their forms.

A group of flames spread out, and one flame after another spread out in a straight line, and finally six flames spread out in a straight line.

Another group of flames spread out twelve straight lines of flame!

The flame appeared in a straight line, and then slowly wanted to connect together.

It can be seen that one group wants to connect to a triangular pyramid shape, and the other group wants to connect to a cube shape.

The six lines were quickly connected and turned into a triangular cone burning with golden red flames.

On the other side, it is obviously more difficult to connect the twelve flames in a straight line.

One, two, three... the flames are slowly connected in straight lines.

After a minute, most of the flame lines were already connected.

As long as the last three are connected together, this flame cube can be formed!


At this moment, Luo Heng was improperly controlled, and his success fell short. All the lines merged together, turning into a golden-red flame exuding high temperature.

Even the flame triangle that had successfully connected on the other side turned into a ball of flame.

"It's really difficult."

Seeing the real fire of the sun each fusing into one group, Luo Heng sighed.

His previous method of using the real fire of the sun to transform the abilities of different creatures to exercise was really too crude.

Now it has suddenly increased the difficulty, and still some can't handle it.

"On the first level, you can control three triangular pyramids and three cubes at the same time to get started."

"Controlling eight triangular pyramids and eight cubes at the same time is considered a great success."

"I am afraid that I have not even gotten started."

Luo Heng said silently in his heart, and then he checked his system interface in his mind.

Name: Luo Heng

Level: First-order high-level ability

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power points: 4600

Skills: Sense of Mind (low level), ordinary boxing (intermediate), ordinary knife (intermediate)

"The "Anode Fireworks" does not appear in the skills, indicating that I really haven't gotten started yet."

Looking at the data behind the skill column, Luo Heng shook his head.

If "Anode Fireworks" appears in the skill bar, he can directly use power points to improve.

"Come again!"

Luo Heng is not a person who is easy to give up. If you don't succeed once, you should come a few more times.


The golden red sun fire appeared again in the empty training room.

One after another, golden red flames spread out, constantly trying to combine them into triangular pyramids and cubes.


One hour later, Luo Heng was still alone in the training space.

But around him, there was already a triangular pyramid and cube burning with the real fire of the golden red sun.

"another one."

Luo Heng tried to maintain the triangular pyramid and cube, and then used another flame to try to construct a new triangular pyramid.


He still failed, and the second triangular pyramid was not constructed.

"Luo Heng, have dinner, let's train in the afternoon."

Suddenly, teacher Jiang Nian's voice came from the door of the training room.


Luo Heng answered and walked outside.

"Luo Heng, this is your senior brother Mao Minquan. He happened to be here today, so you can meet him."

In the living room, besides Jiang Nian, there is also a strong man.

It looks like he's in his twenties.

Just looking at him, Luo Heng felt a sense of oppression.

"Hello Brother Mao."

Luo Heng said quickly.


Mao Minquan nodded, apparently an unsmiling person.

"I came here in a hurry and didn't bring you anything. This alien beast crystal core with a trace of flame essence will be given to you."

With that, Mao Minquan handed over a red crystal. The crystal was about the size of a baby's fist and exuded a hot breath.


Luo Heng looked at his teacher Jiang Nian, wondering if he should accept it.

The alien beast crystal nucleus is something that can only appear in the alien beasts above the second-order high-level.

Different beasts at this level are different from ordinary different beasts, and they also have a variety of different abilities, just like those with supernatural powers.

And their ability comes from the crystal nucleus in the body, after being killed, there is a certain probability that they can be found in their body.

Just such a fire core, I'm afraid it will not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"You accept it, this is also your brother's mind."

Jiang Nian said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Luo Heng did not hesitate anymore and took it.

The alien beast crystal core feels smooth, warm and comfortable.

"Luo Heng, this alien beast crystal core can only be used after you are Tier 2."

Senior brother Mao Minquan exhorted.

Although he is unsmiling, it can be seen that he is an enthusiastic person.


Luo Heng nodded and put the crystal core away.

The alien beast crystal core can be used to improve one's own abilities.

But this second-order high-level Fire Element alien beast crystal core is obviously not something that he can use now.

It is time for this crystal nucleus to come into play when it is promoted to the second rank.


ps: Yesterday was a bit busy, so there was only one shift, and today it is still two shifts. After this period of time is over, the amount of updates will gradually increase. Friends who are not in a hurry can add to the collection first, and friends who like it can also vote for flowers. Thank you. .

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