In the milk tea shop, Luo Heng, who was drinking a cup of coconut milk tea, was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the milk tea in this world would be so much better than the previous life.

"Xiao Heng, have you met with your mentor?"

Opposite Luo Heng, asked Xu Sili, who was holding a glass of lemonade.

"Well, I have seen it. My tutor treated me very well and gave me a power training method and a knife method."

Luo Heng, who was chewing on the coconut, responded.

"Well, then you have to train well."

"In Jiangnan Supernatural University, the stronger the strength, the more resources can be obtained."

Putting down the lemonade, Xu Sili warned.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Luo Heng asked.

Yao Muxi next to him also looked at Xu Sili with a dull expression, obviously waiting for her to answer.

"Hehe, today, your sister, I will tell you some information about the school that I have learned during this period."

Xu Sili smiled triumphantly, and then said: "After enrolling in Jiangnan University, every freshman will get a student ID."

"This student card not only records everyone's personal information, but also has a combat value."

"Combat value?"

Luo Heng was puzzled, and obviously didn't know what it was.

"Combat value is the most intuitive way to express the combat effectiveness of every student in Jiangnan Ability University, and it is also a mode used by many Ability Universities."

"The combat power value corresponds to the combat power list. The higher the combat power value, the higher the ranking."

"The acquisition of combat power can be improved through the school's monster virtual space, power tower, and spiritual bridge, or you can directly challenge the strong on the combat power list, and you can replace it after success."

Xu Sili spoke slowly.

"Wait, what are these places?"

Luo Heng seems to have seen these places before, but he can't remember them.

Next to him, Yao Muxi also looked blank and very cute.

"The Alien Beast Virtual Space uses the latest virtual reality technology, which can simulate the environment of the Alien Beast World.

After entering, your abilities will also be simulated. There, the more alien beasts you kill, the higher your score will be.

The Tower of Ability is a tower located in the north of Jiangnan Ability University. I don't know the specifics of it, but it is said that the higher the number of layers passed, the higher the score obtained.

The spiritual bridge is where willpower is tested. Similarly, the longer you persist, the higher your score will be. "

Xu Sili slowly explained.

She learned all this knowledge from the senior sister on the tutor's side.

"Then what is the advantage of having a high ranking in the battle power list?"

It was Yao Muxi who spoke.

"You will get a lot of good things, such as genetic potions, high-end equipment, alien beast crystal cores and so on to improve your strength."

Luo Heng next to him said with a solemn expression.

He remembered why he felt a little familiar with these places, he saw it on the contract of his genius plan!

It is marked on the contract that you can get the corresponding rewards by passing through how many layers within a certain period of time.

Since the genius plan is all these rewards, the battle list, the final reward should also be these.


Xu Sili nodded in agreement.

Yao Muxi, who heard Luo Heng's explanation, nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"So, when the school starts and you get your student ID, you have to get as much combat power as possible and improve your ranking on the combat power list."

"In this way, the more resources you get, the stronger your strength, the stronger your strength, and the higher your ranking on the battle power list, forming a positive cycle."

Xu Sili concluded.


Luo Heng and Yao Muxi nodded at the same time.

"Can our new students compete with the old ones? They have a few years more time to improve than us."

After thinking about it, Luo Heng asked.

The strength of the old students is generally stronger than that of the new students. Does that mean that the new students will never get ahead?

"It is true that the top players on the battle power rankings are all senior students, but our new students may not have no chance."

"As long as you enter the top 200, you can get some resources."

Xu Sili said after taking a sip of lemonade.

‘Are you in the top 200? I should be able to make it. ’

Luo Heng, who clenched his fist, said silently in his heart.

As the third-ranked Jiangnan University in the country, all the students enrolled are the sweethearts of heaven.

Even Luo Heng, who has s-level powers and systems, dare not underestimate those seniors.

After all, they have a few more years to improve their strengths than Luo Heng.

Although it is not said that he can rush to the higher position in one go, Luo Heng is more confident in the top 200.

"Xiao Heng, you have an s-level ability. Even if you can't make it into the top 200 at the beginning of school, don't worry, you will definitely be able to make it in the future."

Xu Sili thought that Luo Heng was worried about the ranking after the beginning of school, so she comforted.


A warm current rushed through Luo Heng's heart. This feeling of being cared by relatives was really good.

"Well, the business is almost done, let's play with other things."

"Boss, bring us a deck of cards~"

In the next time, Luo Heng played poker with Xu Sili and Yao Muxi.

During this rare entertainment time, Luo Heng also completely relaxed and had a great time having fun, and Xu Sili and Yao Muxi also frequently laughed like silver bells.


An hour later, two women and one man walked out of the milk tea shop. Both girls have outstanding figures and looks, and the boys are also handsome and handsome.

This combination attracted the attention of many passing students, but most of them left after a surprise in their hearts.

After all, they are all supernatural beings of the school and have their own affairs.

"Sister Li, why are there so many students in school during the holidays?"

Looking at the students coming and going around, Luo Heng asked curiously.

He had noticed this situation a long time ago, doesn't it mean that the University of Supernatural is not on holiday?

"Although the supernatural university is still a university, do you think that we supernatural students still have holidays?"

Xu Sili asked rhetorically.

Luo Heng was startled, and then fell into thinking.

Also, a pursuing ability person will not slacken off during the golden age of strength improvement.

For example, he himself, even if he is given a vacation now, he will use the vacation time to improve his strength.

After all, strength is the eternal pursuit of the superpower! .

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