The giant horned rhinoceros after the chaos in formation still poses a huge threat to Luo Heng, but he can solve it a lot easier.


Holding the Yandao in his hand, Luo Heng's figure became blurred, and he rushed forward!


The giant horned rhinoceros obviously did not expect this human being to rush forward, and the red eyes were full of violent and murderous intent!

As soon as Luo Heng approached, five or six huge rhino horns pushed towards him!


Seeing the attacking rhino horn, Luo Heng snorted coldly, his body was like a cunning loach, he turned and avoided three, and the other two were blocked by the flame blade.

While avoiding and intercepting the attack, within six meters of him, the sun appeared fiercely on the head of the giant horned rhinoceros!

It's a pity that the uncondensed real fire of the sun is still a bit worse to deal with this second-tier middle-ranked monster that is famous for its thick skin.


The giant horned rhinoceros is only a little bit painful, and its head is not directly turned into coke like Luo Heng dealt with low-level exotic animals.

"No, you still have to use the flame sword to kill."

With a sigh, Luo Heng retracted the real fire of the sun burning on the head of the giant horned rhinoceros.

After three consecutive waves of strange beasts attacked him, the real fire of the sun has consumed too much, so let's save a little and make a sound.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the tail of a giant horned rhinoceros was like a steel whip, and with a sound of breaking through the air, it threw it towards Luo Heng!

"Oh, this kind of attack can't break through my real fire barrier!"

The fact is also true. After the tail touched Luo Heng's real fire barrier, it was blocked outside, and there was no way to go further.


The tail on the real fire barrier quickly burned, and the painful giant horned rhinoceros quickly retracted its tail, never daring to attack again.

Luo Heng, who confirmed the protective power of the real fire barrier, carried the flame sword and started the next step.

The three attack points of the giant horned rhinoceros, the impact, the giant horn and the tail, the first two are okay and can be guarded against, but if the tail of so many giant horned rhinoceros strikes suddenly, it is really possible to plant it off guard.

As long as the real fire barrier can prevent the tail of the giant horned rhinoceros, then he can safely fight.


For ordinary second-tier mid-range monsters, Jueying can kill two or three heads in one blow, but for the giant horned rhinoceros, Jueying can only cut one head in one blow.

No way, the physique of the giant horned rhinoceros is really too big.


The flame knife slashed on the neck of a giant horned rhino, but instead of cutting it off, it got stuck on it.

But this is enough. The flame knife wrapped around the real fire of the sun has a very high temperature. Although it is only half cut, the high temperature has already burned the flesh and blood around the neck of this giant horned rhinoceros into coke.


The blood with high pressure broke through the skin that had been burnt to coke, and sprayed out along the wound!

This giant horned rhinoceros that had lost its blood did not immediately fall, but fell into madness!

The huge horns were arrogant everywhere, and the tail was also attacking in Luo Heng's direction.

"The crazy giant horned rhinoceros is more conducive to me killing other strange beasts."

Regardless of this crazy giant horned rhinoceros, Luo Heng relied on his own speed to leave this area directly, looking for the next target.

The giant horned rhinoceros didn't find the target, so it started an unconscious rampage, and even the strange beasts around it were attacked by it.

After a while, the giant horned rhinoceros fell into madness.

Using this method, Luo Heng defeated each one. After half an hour, he had solved all the more than ten giant horned rhinoceros that had survived under the sun.


Standing in the middle of the ruins of the city, Luo Heng was pounding his knife and gasping for breath.

After nearly an hour and a half of the killing, Luo Heng was very tired.

Especially these ten giant-horned rhinoceros were all hacked to death one by one with a flame knife, and the real fire and physical strength of the sun were consumed too much.

He has reached the limit!

Around him, corpses were everywhere, complete and incomplete corpses scattered randomly around him.

From a distance, you can see that Luo Heng is shrouded in a layer of red mist.

This red mist is blood that turns into water vapor!

"Tsk, if only it can be cleaned up."

Although Luo Heng has become accustomed to such a scene, he still feels a little uncomfortable looking at the corpses after the fight.

As if hearing his request, the giant horned rhinoceros corpses around Luo Heng turned into light particles, disappearing one by one, and the scene changed to what he saw when he first entered.

"Only in this case, this place looks like a virtual space."

Looking at the disappearance of the giant horned rhinoceros body and the restoration of the original environment, Luo Heng couldn't help but sigh.

The simulation of the giant horned rhinoceros just now was so realistic that even he almost forgot that he was in the virtual space of the alien beast.

"Now, I should be able to get an S grade."

Luo Heng thought confidently.

With such difficulty, in his opinion, there are very few people who can overcome it.

In this case, it is only natural to get an s-level score.


At this moment, a violent roar sounded in the distance.

"Isn't it? Still more?"

At this time, Luo Heng finally realized that he seemed to have been cheated by Teacher Jiang Nian.

According to his strength, the second-tier lower-rank trial should be able to get the s score easily. Unexpectedly, the strength of this trial is so high!

Realizing that there was a strange animal, Luo Heng had to cheer up again, and the real fire of the sun lingered around him again, forming a real fire barrier.


The strange beast approached, and unlike the previous waves of strange beasts, only one strange beast appeared this time.

"What kind of strange beast is this?"

Looking at the strange beast that appeared in his sight, Luo Heng realized that he did not know the strange beast at all.

"But it looks like the skeleton in the teacher's living room."

Looking at this strange beast that resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex, Luo Heng said silently in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, let's try its strength first."

From the moment this strange beast appeared on the stage, Luo Heng sensed the strength of this strange beast from his breath, a second-tier high!

Although his current physical strength is almost exhausted, and the real fire of the sun is almost out of use.

But a second-order high-position strange beast, he can still deal with it.


When he was about to get close to this strange beast, Luo Heng slashed it with a single stroke.

At this moment, suddenly, a circle of white light appeared around this strange beast!


The Yandao slashed on the white light and made a huge roar!

"not good!"

Feeling the shock from the start, Luo Heng cried out badly.

The strength of this intensity, and this white light, is definitely not something that ordinary second-order high-position monsters can emit!

With just one blow, Luo Heng judged that this was by no means an ordinary high-ranking monster of the second order, but a special high-ranking monster with abilities! .

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