"Everyone hurry up and collect the most valuable parts of these strange animals. In ten minutes, we will leave this place."

Wu Tao, who saw that Luo Heng was really all right, said immediately.

They had been fighting with the alien beasts for nearly half an hour, the battle clothes on their bodies had long been damaged, and even the swords were somewhat unrolled.

Originally, they should leave the bloody place immediately, but looking at the dead beasts in this place, Wu Tao decided to collect materials before running.

After all, lying on the ground is not only the corpse of a strange beast, but also bundles of money! Don't do it for nothing.


Luo Heng and everyone in the blood knife team answered quickly.

"Luo Heng, you don't have to go, you can rest for a while."

Looking at Luo Heng who stood up, Wu Tao said quickly~.

To the great benefactor who saved his team's life, he didn't dare to neglect at all.

Luo Heng hesitated a little, then nodded: "Okay."

Although his negative emotions have been suppressed, if you meditate more, you will be safer.

Luo Heng, sitting cross-legged on the spot, began to meditate again.

A minute later, Luo Heng, who felt that his negative emotions had been suppressed, opened his eyes again.

This time, there was clarity in his eyes, and there was no sign of losing his mind at all.

Seeing the members of the Blood Knife Team in the distance who were busy collecting alien animal materials, Luo Heng did not immediately go to help, but began to check his own system.


With a move of heart, a luminous interface appeared in Luo Heng's mind:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Second-order lower-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: the first layer of anode fireworks (Dacheng+), the third layer of Jidao Yandao (beginner+), Yangyu (beginner+), Xinkan (low level +), ordinary boxing (advanced +), ordinary swordsmanship (advanced) +)

Seeing the plus signs on the system, Luo Heng was extremely excited.

A second-tier lower-level monster with 300 power points, and a second-tier middle-level monster with power points.

On the way to Yonghui Supermarket, he killed some second-order strange beasts, plus the hundred-something second-order lower-rank strange beasts and second-order middle-rank strange beasts he killed just now, he could reach more than 40,000 power points. It is also reasonable.


Without any hesitation, Luo Heng directly chose to upgrade first.

At the moment he chose to upgrade, a familiar force surged from his heart and began to wander around his body.

Originally, Luo Heng's body was very exhausted after half an hour of high-intensity fighting. However, under the action of this energy, he could feel that his strength was slowly filling up!

Arms, lower limbs, and various parts of the body began to strengthen under the action of this energy. The most important thing was that the real fire of the sun that had been exhausted by him was also reappearing at this time!

One minute later, Luo Heng, who had finished the upgrade, felt that his whole body was full of power, and he would have no problem fighting the alien beasts for another half an hour!

However, he also knew that this was just his illusion. After the upgrade, the power swelled, and such a situation would appear.

Although his body has improved under the influence of the supernatural power, as long as he dares to fight the foreign beast again, it will definitely be himself who will collapse!

"But now, it's better than before."

With a flash of gaze, Luo Heng looked at the system in his mind again:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: second-tier mid-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: the first layer of anode fireworks (Dacheng+), the third layer of Jidao Yandao (beginner+), Yangyu (beginner+), Xinkan (low level+), ordinary boxing (advanced+), ordinary swordsmanship (advanced) +)

"It's okay this time, it only consumes 10,000 power points, so what do you need to upgrade next?"

Looking at the wealthy power points, Luo Heng suddenly felt a little bloated.

I dare to consider what to upgrade!

"The truly top powers, whether they are powers or swordsmanship, must be the strongest. Only when they complement each other can they be the best in the audience!"

At this time, teacher Jiang Nian's words appeared in his heart again.

"According to the rules of the system, if you advance to the level again, you should not be able to advance to the second-order high-level ability."

"And the second-order high-level ability, except that the sun is stronger, the rest of the sword technique, ability proficiency, etc., have not improved much for me."

"In general, it is not cost-effective to directly increase the level, so it is better to increase the anode fireworks."

With a flash of gaze, Luo Heng made a decision.

In addition to increasing the power of the ability, the ability training method can also strengthen the power of the ability, and shorten the time to upgrade.

The secret book of "Anode Fireworks" is very difficult. During the ten days at school, with the guidance of a teacher, he only entered the first level of Dacheng realm, and he has no idea how to enter the second level. Layer, he didn't have the slightest clue.

From this point of view, it is better to spend power points directly to improve the power training method.


After silently clicking the plus sign behind the anode fireworks on the system in his heart, Luo Heng could instantly feel a mysterious and mysterious feeling appearing in his heart.

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

In an instant, his proficiency in the real fire of the sun rose a lot.


With a low drink, Luo Heng used the Yandao again.

The golden real fire of the sun entangled up along the alloy saber.

One, two, three, four!

In the end, the real fire of the sun entangled four layers before it stopped!

"Sure enough, the power training method has been improved, and the power of the Yandao has also increased."

Feeling the golden red color on the Yandao deeper than before, Luo Heng muttered to himself.

The number of layers of true solar fire wound on the flame blade is related to the proficiency in manipulating true solar fire.

The higher the proficiency, the more layers can be wound.

Although he was promoted to the first level just now, the increase in ability proficiency brought about by the upgrade is very rare.

. .... 0

Therefore, being able to wrap around a layer of real solar fire is still the reason for the improvement of anode fireworks.


Luo Heng checked the system again:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: second-tier mid-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: the second layer of anode fireworks (introductory +), the third layer of Jidao Yandao (introductory +), Yangyu (introductory +), sense of mind (low level +), ordinary boxing (advanced +), ordinary swordsmanship (advanced) +)

"There are still more than 20,000 power points left, so just keep it in case you need it from time to time."

Looking at the remaining power points, Luo Heng nodded in satisfaction.

Although, he can continue to choose to upgrade the level or upgrade the anode fireworks, but now he is not in a hurry.

Judging by the severity of the side effects this time, it will take at least one month to fully digest these negative emotions after returning this time.

And during the one month in school, there was no way to get power points. If all power points were used up, he would be dumbfounded if he needed power points to improve his skills.

Therefore, it is better to leave some power points for backup.

"Captain, I'll help you."

In a good mood, Luo Heng stood up and ran between the people in the blood knife team and began to help collect the alien animal materials.

"Haha, Luo Heng, go and collect the materials from the second-tier mid-range alien beast. The other side needs your war knife to fetch the tendons."


"Little brother Luo Heng, you also need to come here and here, I'm so weak, I can't even peel it off."

"Okay, come right away."

The blood knife squad in a good mood happily collected the alien animal materials from the alien beast corpse. ten.

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