After obtaining the life plant, the blood knife team did not stay too much, and rushed to the alien animal passage without stopping.

Four days later, Fengcheng's blood knife team returned to the Beiting base smoothly.

"Huh, I'm finally back."

Seeing the service staff shuttled back and forth in the lobby of the Beiting Base and the supernatural person sitting on the sofa, Luo Heng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After leaving the world of alien beasts, the negative emotions will slowly dissipate, so he doesn't have to worry about losing his mind.

"Hey, wife, I will probably be there tonight."

Wu Tao called up with a smile on his face, "Okay, I will definitely bring you something delicious."

Wu Tao, who had escaped from the world of alien animals, smiled so naturally and sincerely at this time.

Every time a supernatural person enters the world of alien beasts, it is an adventure of life and death, and family is the source of courage in their hearts.

Luo Heng next to him smiled slightly and thought of Yao Muxi and Xu Sili who were at school. Today is Sunday, and they should all be resting today.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the phone: "Hey, I have come out of the world of alien animals. I should be able to get to school tonight."

"Tonight?" Yao Muxi's tone was very flat, but she could hear the suppressed joy in her tone, "Sister Li, Luo Heng will be at school tonight."

"Really? That's great."

On the other side of the phone, Xu Sili's voice came over, "Luo Heng, when I arrive at school, tell me, I will go to you with Xiao Mu."


Listening to the concern in Sister Li's tone, Luo Heng felt warm in his heart.

"Have you heard, come back soon."

This time it was Yao Muxi's soft voice.


Listening to Yao Muxi's slightly coquettish tone, Luo Heng couldn't help but smile.

This little Nizi, who hadn't seen her for ten days, really missed her a little bit.

"Luo Heng, let's go back to the room first."

Wu Tao shouted that the other people were ready to take the elevator.


After Luo Heng hung up the phone, he immediately followed the crowd to take the elevator to the guest room.

Same as last time, it was still in the room of Captain Wu Tao, Luo Heng and the rest of the blood knife team gathered here.

"Luo Heng, can you tell me how to arrange this harvest? And this life plant, did you keep it yourself or we sold it for you..."

Captain Wu Tao smiled slightly.

In his opinion, it was good for them to recover a life this time in the case of the alien riot.

So for this gain, although he was excited, he still felt that Luo Heng should allocate it all.

"Captain, it's wrong for you to say that. We killed these strange beasts together. The life plant was also searched for by your prompt, Captain. How can you say that this is all my credit?"

Luo Heng smiled and said, before Wu Tao could speak, he continued: "Captain, the team has the rules of a team. Everyone is born to die and has to eat. This time the harvest will follow the rules."

Captain Wu Tao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, we still divide the alien animal materials according to the original rules. You can keep the life plant Luo Heng, sell it for money, or keep it for use, it's up to you. "

"Captain, I said, this is what everyone got together, so change everything into money and divide it according to the team's rules."

Luo Heng frowned, then interrupted the captain Wu Tao and said solemnly.

If it hadn't been for the experienced Wu Tao that there might be treasures at Yonghui Supermarket A, they would not have returned, and they would not be able to get the life plant.

Therefore, Luo Heng feels that it is better for everyone to share the money together.

"Then do what Luo Heng said."

Seeing Luo Heng's determination, Wu Tao also knew that it would be difficult for him to change his mind.

"Hey, I knew Luo Heng's little brother is the best, eh~"

Zhou Yu, who was sitting across from Luo Heng, couldn't help but blow a kiss to him. It was as tempting as it was.

"Everyone's efforts should be harvested together."

Luo Heng smiled slightly.

After being teased by Zhou Yu so many times, he already had immunity, so he was not moved at all.

Listening to Luo Heng's words, Tang Tian, ​​Li Hong, Wu Tao, and Zhou Yu couldn't help but also put on smiles. For a while, the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

"Hey, Lao Gao."

Wu Tao dialed the phone and said, "Haha, of course there is something looking for you, otherwise, why do you call you? It's definitely a good thing with more than ten million yuan. Okay, we will come up in an hour."

After the phone call, Wu Tao smiled and glanced at the others, "I have already spoken to Lao Gao, the manager of the Beiting base, and we will sell our things to him directly."


Luo Heng and others also nodded.

Everything is finalized, and a smile appeared on Wu Tao's face: "The old rule is, first take a bath and change clothes for dinner, and then we will go up there to find Lao Gao."


In the lobby of the Beiting base, there are a total of ten elevators, of which six are ordinary elevators that can be used by everyone and can lead to the guest rooms on the second to sixth floors.

There are four more, seemingly very high-end elevators, which lead to the sixth to the twentieth floors of the Beiting base, which are used by the insiders of the Beiting base.

At this time, none of these high-end elevators are used by anyone.

After the meal, Luo Heng and the Blood Knife team in the lobby carried tactical backpacks and walked into one of the high-end elevators.

"Ding! "

The elevator door opened, and a group of blood knife team entered the elevator. At this time, there was a service person standing there in the elevator.

"Hello, is there an appointment?"

"Yes, we look for Gao Qiang."

Captain Wu Tao said.

"You are the blood knife team, Manager Gao has already told me, but you still need your cooperation."

The service staff smiled slightly, "please ask the team leader to show me your strange animal hunting certificate for inspection."

Wu Tao handed over his strange animal hunting certificate.

"Okay, it is indeed the Blood Knife Squad. You can go upstairs."

The service staff stood at the elevator door, pressed ‘18’ and pointed her pupils at the detector, “Di, the use of elevator No. 4 has passed.”

"Manager Gao is waiting for you on the 18th floor."

The service staff smiled slightly.

"Even the elevators have dedicated service personnel. It's really luxurious." Luo Heng secretly said.

The elevator moved up quickly, without stopping at all. After only a while, with a "ding", the elevator door opened, and the 18th floor reached Yun.

Walking out of the elevator, there was a woman with short hair capable of waiting outside.

"Blood Knife Squad, right? Manager Gao is already waiting inside."

The woman led Luo Heng's group and walked inside.

Opposite the elevator is a very large lounge. The area of ​​this lounge alone is almost three to four hundred square meters.

There is also a strip-shaped sofa beside the lounge. At this time, several people are sitting on it and waiting for the reception from Manager Gao.

But they saw...A team carrying a large tactical backpack didn't need to wait, and went straight to Manager Gao's office.

Manager Gao's office is next to the lounge. Under the leadership of the woman, Luo Heng and his group walked into Manager Gao's office. .

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