Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

117 The Test Of China Banking Regulatory Commission, The Shocking Market Of Bitcoin【4】

Everyone at the scene was a little surprised by the old man's proposal.

Some people agree and some people disagree.

Both sides can give a reasonable and well-founded reason.

Next to the old man, a middle-aged man spoke.

"I think we need to observe again. There are many financial experts in our country, and they are not the kind of experts on the Internet who try to gain fame. This time, it is very suitable to sanction Vietnam. Besides, although Chu Xuan is in the stock market and futures The market has performed well, and even in the past two days, the Bitcoin market has killed all parties. It is far from simple to hit a country's economy. This involves the country's monetary policy, economic policy, and domestic people's livelihood and other complex areas. There are also some international giants and countries intervening behind the scenes. Interests are complicated, and whether Chu Xuan can adapt to this complicated environment is still a problem."

The words of the middle-aged man were recognized by everyone present.

Everyone spoke again one after another, narrating their own views.

As the middle-aged man said.

The stock market, futures market, etc. are relatively simple in the financial market.

The product under a large framework.

You can want to hit a country's economy and impose economic sanctions.

The difficulty is completely 02, which is not of the same order as that of the stock market.

To fully consider a country's foreign exchange reserves.

A series of economic indicators such as the country's monetary policy and GDP.

You also need to have a very thorough understanding of the country.

The most important thing is to consider the response of international giant institutions and imperialist countries.

Will they be playing tricks behind their backs?

If so, what kind of small actions are likely to be taken?

Only in this way can we see the tricks and dismantle them, and prevent problems before they happen.

To put it simply, one must stand on the fifth floor and consider all factors and situations clearly.

It is very complicated, whether it has this ability now.

There is still a question mark in everyone's mind.

Everyone was still whispering.

The old man on the main seat was expressionless, his eyes scanning everyone.

Everyone felt the old man's eyes and gradually became quiet.

After everyone quieted down, Zhu slowly opened his mouth and said.

"We need to give young people the opportunity to give full play!"

"Although Chu Xuan is young and vigorous, his strength may lie here."

"The most important thing is that Chu Xuan is attacking privately. He can use the name of Magic Sky Private Equity to make a big splash."

"If we send someone officially, some high-ranking Western countries will seize the opportunity and say that we maliciously attack the economy of other countries."

"At this stage, after 40 years of rapid development, our country has endured for 40 years, and we cannot prosper!"

"At least another twenty years."

"If Chu Xuan can complete this task, it is undoubtedly the best to take over."

The old man said with a smile: "Everyone is just not sure whether Chu Xuan is competent."

"It's easy."

"Let Chu Xuan and top domestic experts have an internal discussion.

"If Chu Xuan's performance meets expectations, then Chu Xuan will be appointed!"

The old man settled the matter.

Everyone no longer has objections.

After all, if Chu Xuan is really capable.

Undoubtedly the best result.

"Zhao Qiying, you go to contact Chu Xuan and briefly talk about this matter."

The old man continued: "Besides, we won't let him do this for nothing. After all, even if you do things for the country, you can't do it for nothing. You can't chill the hearts of talents!"

"Yes!" A middle-aged man immediately got up and agreed.

He is Zhao Qiying.

Is the senior leadership of the Banking Regulatory Commission.

All this, Chu Xuan is currently not clear.

At the moment, it is 17:48 in the afternoon.

It's time to get off work, but no one left the company.

Work overtime today until the early hours of the morning!

After all, the price of Bitcoin is mainly concentrated at night.

The fluctuations during the day are still not big enough.

It's been two days since I've been working on Bitcoin.

On the first day, Chu Xuan directed and made a profit of more than 700 billion.

The next day Chu Xuan took his mother out to play.

It is operated by the employees themselves.

Although there is Chu Xuan's remote command.

But after all, the efficiency is still low.

Therefore, the profit on the second day was only more than 300 billion.

It's been two days since the end of the fund this time.

Any opportunity must be seized!

Overtime work on Bitcoin!

"If you have something to do, you can leave, if you have nothing to do, you can stay and work overtime, and the overtime pay will be tripled."

Chu Xuan does not force employees to work overtime.

There is always someone willing to stay.

And the overtime pay is so high.

Most people would still like to stay.

9:21 p.m.

Bitcoin, which has been silent for a day, has finally moved!

"Mr. Chu, a lot of money has entered the Bitcoin market."

"The current trading activity is six times higher than during the day, and the volatility of Bitcoin has become more intense."

"There is news! There is news! Musk said on Twitter at work that he has bought about 80 billion yuan of Bitcoin, and stated that he will insist on holding it for a long time, and is optimistic about the future of Bitcoin. The increase was as high as 18%.

Employees are reporting Bitcoin news non-stop.

At the same time, everyone was a little excited.

This is their first exposure to Bitcoin at night.

It is now past nine o'clock in the evening.

But in the United States, it is past nine o'clock in the daytime.

Therefore, it is the time period when Bitcoin trading volume starts to be active.

Chu Xuan nodded, then looked at Bitcoin.


【Current price: 37514 yuan】

【Current increase: 18.31%】

Just now Musk 840 made another wave of hype, which caused the price of Bitcoin to skyrocket.

Chu Xuan missed this wave of market because he was in a meeting just now.

But it's not a big problem.

Because, next, there is another big market!

[At 21:45:21 in the evening, the President of Vietnam announced that in order to combat the drug-trafficking armed forces in the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, the transaction of Bitcoin will be completely prohibited (Bitcoin is now mostly used for gangster money laundering, which can avoid tracing and taxation. An important reason for its strength now.) At the same time, spare no effort to crack down on Bitcoin, this time Bitcoin will be completely banned in Vietnam. Affected by this, Bitcoin ushered in a sharp drop, with a drop of -11.49%. 】


Seeing this news, Chu Xuan gasped.

Currently, Bitcoin is up 18.31%.

And the biggest drop tonight will reach -11.49%!

Among them, there is a super high profit of nearly 30%!

Under ten times leverage, this is a 300% profit!

The most important thing is that it is daytime in the United States.

Bitcoin transaction volume is huge!

The scale of funds that Chu Xuan can invest in has also increased!

During the daytime these two days, the funds that Chu Xuan can enter the market are only 200 to 300 billion.

But in this wave, Chu Xuan can enter the market with a scale of trillions!

And once shorted, this trillion-scale funds can drop Bitcoin down by at least -3%!

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