Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

119 Musk Was Fooled And Limped [2]

Musk isn't giving up.

Instead, they dialed the number directly.

【The number you dialed is empty, please check and dial again...】

Musk frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

This thing is too weird.

The information sent by this number to yourself.

He keeps saying that he is the future Musk.

This Musk is absolutely unbelievable!

But the other party accurately predicted the trend of Bitcoin!

Even in terms of time, it is accurate to the second!

This is very weird!

If the other party is not from the future.

How to explain all this?

Then, there is the weirdness of this number.


Only the other party can send messages to themselves.

But I can't send messages to the other party.

Called in the past, also upgrade this number is an empty number.

You know, Musk's mobile phone is not an ordinary mobile phone.

When this kind of top rich man.

All are highly customized by the US National Security Agency.

Thinking about it now, Musk should have noticed something was wrong the first time he found this text message.

It is impossible to send ordinary fraudulent text messages!

"Honey, what's wrong with you?" The young girl hugged Masi 963 grams and said softly.

"Go away." Musk looked at her coldly: "Get out of the room and go to my housekeeper to get the money.

Embarrassment appeared on the young girl's face, but she became normal the next moment.

She smiled sweetly: "Okay."

Then, he kissed Musk on the face and left directly.

The two are just a transactional relationship.

After the young girl left.

Musk immediately started dialing the phone.

"Hey, look up a phone number for me. It's best to be able to locate the exact location of the other party. Don't miss any information, and I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Musk held the phone.

After putting on his clothes, he hurriedly left the villa.

The bodyguard drove him to the company.

A white expert with glasses led Musk to a room full of mechanical equipment.

"Check this number! Don't read the information." Musk blocked the information.

He also kept a small eye.

What if the other party is really the future self?

If someone else finds out, the consequences will be disastrous!

The white experts didn't think much about it, nor did they see the content of the message.

After connecting the phone with the computer.

Constantly typing code on the screen.

One minute...

five minutes...

Ten minutes passed.

Just when Musk was waiting impatiently.

The white expert turned to look at Musk with doubts in his eyes: "This number does not exist at all, and it cannot be located."

Musk was surprised, and asked quickly: "Could it be that our equipment is not advanced enough, so we can't find it?"

"Impossible!" The white expert seemed a little dissatisfied: "Our equipment was updated three days ago, and it is the most advanced equipment in the world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Musk asked quickly.

"Unless..." The white expert looked solemn: "Unless the person who sent the message did not come from this planet, could it be an alien civilization? Or..."

White experts couldn't help but guess a lot about Barabara.

But Musk didn't listen to a word.

Because, at the moment, he is totally in a daze!

Could it be... what the text message said was true?

come yourself?

There is a saying that is very good.

[If all wrong factors are eliminated, then the only remaining possibility, no matter how outrageous, is correct. 】

Musk was lost in thought.

He wasn't quite convinced yet.

And I can't get in touch with the other party.

Well, just wait!

Inside Magic Sky Company.

At this moment, God has already understood!

Employees began to flatter.

"Boss Chu is amazing!"

"Mr. Chu, we've made two trillion dollars in blood this time around!"

"Mr. Chu, you will always be a god!"

"Thanks to (acfh) Mr. Chu's wisdom and martial arts, leading us forward, you are like the North Star in the dark night, guiding our direction

Chu Xuan frowned: "Speak up, didn't you eat?"

When the staff heard this, they immediately became more energetic.

In this wave, Bitcoin fell by a total of 33.01%.

Chu Xuan used ten times leverage!

In other words, this wave of direct profit is 330.1%!

More than tripled!

Chu Xuan invested 1 trillion yuan.

After closing the position, the 1 trillion became 3.3 trillion!

Earn 2 trillion in blood!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a profitable transaction as a fund manager. Bonus: Musk's biography. 】

[Musk's life history]: From Musk's childhood to the present, every major event and inner thought of Musk has been recorded, including some of Musk's private privacy that others do not know. In this world, no one knows Musk better than you.


When Chu Xuan saw it, he was immediately happy.

With this life experience.

Isn't this forcing myself to go further and further on the road of fooling Musk?

Now Musk must be skeptical about this matter.

"Add another fire!"

Chu Xuan made a decision.

Then, take out your phone and edit the text message again.

[Musk, I haven’t changed anything here, I guess you shouldn’t believe it, it’s okay, let me tell you another piece of information, at 11:56:19 U.S. time today, Bitcoin will rise by 5.35%, at 12:31 42 seconds, it will drop to 1.24%. Remember this point in time, I am the future you. By the way, let me remind you that in the future, I will suffer from severe hemorrhoids and have to undergo a total of 4 operations for this, so please don't forget to wash your butt when you take a shower in the future. 】

Editing done!

Later, Chu Xuan still simulated the sender's number as: 000000

Click to send!

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it once.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it twice.

If I tell you ten times or eight times, you should believe it, right?

across the ocean.

Musk, lying on the bed, stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After all, the impact of that incident in the morning was too great for him.



The phone's message notification beeps.

Musk shuddered.

He quickly sat up and took out his phone.

After seeing the six zeros on the sender's number.

Musk's pupils shrank slightly.

Breathing has become a lot more dignified.

Then, look at the text message content.

Seeing this, Musk became even more nervous.

Especially the last sentence!

In this world, only Musk himself knows the secret!

This time, Musk was taken aback.

Go to the bathroom to wash PG immediately!

"I believe it! I believe it! This is definitely my future self!"

Musk said excitedly while washing. .

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