Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

122 Five Predictions In A Row, Too Accurate 【1】


Zhao Yingqi hesitated to speak, and couldn't help but said: "I admit that your analysis is very reasonable, but the financial market is changing rapidly, and the results are difficult to predict. How sure are you?"

One time success.

It doesn't mean success every time.

In fact, there is no one who succeeds every time in this world.

As long as the probability of success is high, that's fine.

As long as Chu Xuan has a significantly higher probability of success than other experts.

Then Chu Xuan can do it!

Give it to Chu Xuan, just right!

Chu Xuan smiled when he heard the words: "I can't say it's 100%, it's almost 99.99%.

Be humble! In fact, Chu Xuan has a 100% success rate and can't miss it!

Zhao Qiying:


Ghost letter!

Zhao Yingqi stopped talking.

This young man is good everywhere.

Good looking, good image, strong ability.

There are specific methods and methods, as well as insight enough to analyze the intricate international situation.

Anywhere is good!

It's just that he can blow 02 awesome.

Sure enough, it is a common problem among young people nowadays.

Knowing that Zhao Qiying didn't believe it, Chu Xuan said with a smile, "Minister Zhao, why don't we make a bet."

"Oh?" Zhao Qiying became interested: "What bet? Tell me."

Chu Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Well, there are still ten minutes before the release of the first quarter financial report.

"And there are still 20 minutes until the US non-agricultural data is released."

"Especially during the non-agricultural period, the exchange rates of various countries will have drastic changes."

"Minister Zhao, you can choose the exchange rate of a certain country to a certain country at will, and I can analyze it for you, and the error will not be as high as 0.03 or so."

"If I lose, I will invite you for today's meal, if you lose, you will invite me for today's meal.

"Minister Zhao, what do you think?"

heard the words.

Zhao Yingqi was immediately shocked.

Want to predict the exchange rate of other countries?

Moreover, it is claimed that the error will not exceed 0.03?

Isn't this bullshit blowing a little too big?

Even the head of the US Federal Reserve probably wouldn't dare to say that.

This is too demanding for the ability to control the monetary policies of countries around the world.

can't do it!

Not nearly impossible, but not at all.

So, Zhao Yingqi didn't believe it at all!

But Zhao Yingqi looked at Chu Xuan and thought that young people have not been beaten by society.

Chu Xuan had to learn a lesson this time.

"Okay!" Zhao Yingqi agreed straight away: "Then I'll ask five."

"The first one is the exchange rate of the island currency to the Chinese currency, which is now 1:0.059."

"Second, the exchange rate of Bangzi currency to Tianchao currency is now 1:0.0058."

"The third one is the exchange rate of the euro to the Chinese currency, which is now 1:7.764.

"The fourth... The exchange rate of rice yuan to euro is now 1:1/187."

"The fifth one is the exchange of rice yuan for the Celestial Coin just now, this time, please give me an estimate.

A total of five problems were placed in front of Chu Xuan.

The first three are the exchange rates of other countries for exchanging Chinese coins.

The fourth is the change in the exchange rate of rice yuan to euro.

The test is Chu Xuan's international vision.

This is very important.

Chu Xuan smiled lightly.

If it is someone else, facing these problems, they will definitely have a headache.

But Chu Xuan didn't panic at all.

He looked at the big screen.

Take every exchange rate --- look.

Afterwards, Chu Xuan fell into deep thought.

After a while, Chu Xuan raised his head with confidence.

"First, the exchange rate between the island country and the Chinese currency will become 1:0.059 in thirty minutes. In other words, there will be no change in the exchange rate."

"Secondly, the exchange rate of stick coins to celestial coins will become 1:0.0057 in thirty minutes, that is to say, there will be a change of 0.0001.

"The third one, the exchange rate of euros to celestial currency will become 1:1.761 in thirty minutes, which will produce a change of 0.003.w

"Fourth, the exchange rate of euros to rice dollars will become 1:1.182 in 30 minutes, and there will be a change of 0.005."

"The last one, the change of the rice yuan to the Chinese currency, I just said."

With a confident face, Chu Xuan blurted out all the exchange rates.

"Oh?" Zhao Yingqi was noncommittal, and then stopped talking.

The two just sat on the sofa.

Waiting for time to pass by.

On the TV, a piece of news suddenly appeared.

[my country's first quarter economic report is released, the data shows that my country's economic growth rate has reached the expected requirements, with stable and rapid development, in the financial field]

On the TV, the upcoming tenth quarter economic report continued to be reported.

as previously predicted.

There were no changes in the economic reports and the indicators were fully completed.

A split second from economic reports.

Zhao Yingqi stared at the change in the exchange rate between rice yuan and Chinese currency.

However, the economic report was released five minutes later.

There is still no change in the exchange rate!


Not the slightest fluctuation.

This proves that Chu Xuan's prediction is correct!

"There really is no change!" Zhao Yingqi was shocked.

"There are still five minutes until the U.S. non-agricultural data." Chu Xuan raised his arms and looked at his watch.

Zhao Yingqi suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to wait patiently.


Five minutes passed.

U.S. non-agricultural data released!

The foreign exchange of various countries began to fluctuate violently and in a small range!

First of all, the exchange rate of rice yuan to celestial currency has changed.

Chu Xuan said: "The exchange rate of rice yuan to Chinese currency will become 1:6.551."

803 His voice just fell.

The exchange rate has changed!

The exchange rate of rice yuan to Chinese currency has really become 1:6.551!

It is exactly as predicted by Chu Xuan!

Zhao Yingqi suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly looked at other changes in foreign exchange rates.

There were words in his mouth, muttering to himself.

"The exchange rate between the island country and the Chinese currency... has not changed!"

"The exchange rate of stick coins to Chinese coins...has changed!"

"The exchange rate of Euros to Chinese coins... has also changed!"

"The exchange rate of rice yuan to euro has changed!"


Zhao Yingqi looked at them one by one.

Those exchange rate changes that tested Chu Xuan earlier.

It was exactly as Chu Xuan expected.

Not an iota of mistakes!

Change as much as you say!

Moreover, the exchange rate between the island country currency and the Celestial Dynasty currency has indeed not changed.

Completely correct!

"This...this..." Zhao Yingqi looked confused.


PS: Thanks to "Lang Geyan" for the 100 VIP rewards.

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