Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

140 Shocked! It Was Chu Xuan Who Bought Tesla And Spacex? 【3】

"The so-called experts and professors, mainly Professor Kong, and Chu Xuan, who spread rumors on these marketing accounts, are not true.

With a serious face, Zhao Yingqi said word for word to the camera and the reporters in the audience.

"First of all, I want to tell you that the public and the media may not know how much Chu Xuan has contributed to the country?"

Zhao Yingqi just finished speaking.

On the big screen behind him, a set of numbers was projected.

These figures are related to the Thousand Operation Fund.

"Everyone, please take a look."

Zhao Yingqi pointed to the big screen and said: "Chu Xuan's total fund size has reached 28 trillion this time! It has benefited many ordinary people, that's for sure. But you haven't even seen more!"

"Professor Kong is not wrong to say in the disinformation article that the financial market is a zero-sum game."

"He said that the fact that Chu Xuan's fund has doubled so many times is nothing more than making some people's money. If someone makes money, someone must lose money. This is also true."

"But you don't know whose money Chu Xuan is making!"

While Zhao Yingqi was talking, the pictures on the big screen behind him kept changing.

On the picture, there are some operation details and numbers.

The media are at a loss at the moment.

I feel that I can't understand Zhao Yingqi's words.

But right now, I haven't finished speaking, and there is no time for free questions.

Therefore, they are all listening carefully to what Zhao Yingqi said.

"Everyone, keep watching!"

As soon as Zhao Yingqi finished speaking, the big screen behind him changed again.

This time, Chu Xuan's is a pie chart.

"Among the 28 trillion yuan of the Chu Xuan fund, only about 3 trillion yuan was earned in China.

"The remaining 25 trillion yuan was earned in the bitcoin market!"

"And the Bitcoin investment market, the vast majority are Western countries."

"In other words, the money Chu Xuan earns is all earned from abroad!"

As soon as Zhao Yingqi finished speaking, the audience went into a commotion!

Countless people were stunned, and only then did they understand why the China Banking Regulatory Commission had to refute Chu Xuan's rumors.

Earn 25 trillion Chinese coins from abroad!

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to creating external income!

Moreover, the amount is quite large!

For the country, this is tantamount to money picked up for nothing!

And among so much money, there are also a lot of taxes collected by the country.

The people also got benefits.

There are very few people in the country who really lost.

Where is this blood-sucking capitalist mentioned in Professor Kong’s article?

It is said that there is nothing wrong with being a peerless philanthropist!

Even, it can be called a hero, or even a national soldier!

Of course, everything is relative.

To the Celestial Dynasty people, Chu Xuan is a heroic figure.

But for foreigners, Chu Xuan is a devil!

"My God! That's what happened!"

"It's really wrong to blame Chu Xuan!"

"Ashamed, ashamed, I reposted Professor Kong's Weibo, and I will delete it when I get back!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"The most abominable thing is this Professor Kong! It is shameful, hateful and hateful to spread rumors!"

"The income created by Chu Xuan is almost equal to the Three Kingdoms calendar!"

"Strong, awesome, I will become Chu Xuan's little licking dog from now on."

The reporters present were all shocked, the news was too shocking.

Unexpectedly, the inside story turned out to be like this.

Chu Xuan is not only not a blood-sucking capitalist, but a king!

Then, slandering and criticizing Chu Xuan is absolutely not allowed!

Zhao Yingqi on the stage nodded in relief when he saw everyone's expressions.

The moment Chu Xuan was slandered, Zhao Yingqi was filled with righteous indignation! The anger is unbearable!

Although Chu Xuan is much younger than him.

But it doesn't affect Zhao Yingqi's admiration for Chu Xuan at all!

In his opinion, Chu Xuan must let the people of the country know what Chu Xuan has done!

The present dynasty is no longer the previous dynasty!

In the previous celestial dynasties, such heroes were destined to remain unknown.

Because, it will be targeted by foreign forces!

However, the present day is different!

As China's national power flourished, its international influence increased dramatically.

No more hiding and tucking away!

Foreign forces, at most, only verbalize a few words of BB, and absolutely dare not do anything in real life!

Moreover, Chu Xuan's operation is not a secret at all in the industry.

Every country knows about it and can find out about it.

Since only ordinary people don't know, why can't it be made public?

After Zhao Yingqi cleaned up Chu Xuan's grievances, he soon entered the reporter's own interview session.

A reporter raised his hand, which caught Zhao Yingqi's attention.

"Hi Minister Zhao, I'm a reporter from Modu TV. I want to ask, will Chu Xuan still operate Bitcoin in the future?"

0- Ask for flowers...

Zhao Yingqi shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know.

Of course, Zhao Yingqi couldn't say the real situation.

Soon, the second reporter stood up and asked.

"Hi Minister Zhao, I'm a CCTV reporter, what is Chu Xuan's general plan for the future?"

This question is similar to the first one.

Originally, Zhao Yingqi didn't want to answer.

However, his heart moved, and he said: "Chu Xuan's general plan for the future, in addition to funds in the capital market, should also focus on new energy vehicles and private rockets."

"Ah?" The reporter was a little dumbfounded, why is this span so large?

Funds have nothing to do with new energy vehicles themselves.

What's more, what kind of rocket is involved?

"What is this?" The reporter continued to ask.


The reporters present were all at a loss, and they didn't keep up with the brain circuit at all.

However, some smart reporters, with a flash of inspiration, have already connected to something!

Chu Xuan harvested a wave of Western countries by manipulating Bitcoin.

And who is the target of the harvest?

A group of Western tycoons headed by Musk!

And Musk just sold Tesla and the SpaceX rocket company two days ago!

Rumor has it that it was bought by a person from the Celestial Dynasty!

That person is about to come out!


Zhao Yingqi said: "Because, Tesla and SpaceX rocket companies are now owned by Chu Xuan, and Chu Xuan is an absolute controlling shareholder in these two companies.

"Even strictly speaking, these two companies are already controlled by the Chinese, including all patents and intellectual property rights of the company."

"In the future, in new energy vehicles, unmanned driving, rocket launch and recovery technology, China will lead the world and open up new boundaries of human routes!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience immediately exploded!

It turned out that two giant companies were acquired two days ago.

It turned out to be Chu Xuan?

Moreover, it is still an absolute holding!

What is absolute holding?

More than 67% of the shares, in the company that is a word!

No one can refute it!

Unknowingly, these two companies have become the celestial dynasty?

News! Big news! Super big news!

All the reporters present were excited, and they couldn't wait to go back and write their articles!

Headline Book Knife!.

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