Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

148 Village Head: Do You Search The Internet For What Chu Xuan Does? 【3】

Chu Kequn was dumbfounded, Er Gouzi was shocked.

The two of them never expected that the price of a bottle of wine would reach more than 300,000 yuan?

With more than 300,000 yuan, you can buy a house in the town!

Especially Chu Kequn, who was stunned at the moment.

He just drank one sip after another.

Drank the wine down to only half a bottle left.

Doesn't this mean that Chu Kequn just drank into half of the house?

"No, no!" With trembling hands, Chu Kequn changed the cap of the wine bottle and put it back in the box.

This wine is so good, he dare not drink it.

It must be sealed and stored well!

Just seven days in the future... No! Let's take a sip for three days in the future.

Probably enough for him to drink for a while.

Thinking of just drinking half a bottle in one go.

Chu Kequn felt regretful in his heart.

What a waste of such a good wine!

"How developed is Chu Xuan? A bottle of wine costs more than 300,000 yuan?"

Chu Kequn and Er Gouzi looked at each other in shock.

This has completely exceeded the imagination of the two.

If you want to say that it is normal to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a house or a car.

But now?

A bottle of wine costs more than 300,000 yuan!

In the eyes of the two, this is completely unimaginable.

This incident left a huge shock to the two of them.

After Chu Xuan bid farewell to Chu Kequn.

Continue to drive the car towards the village.

The number of people in the village began to increase.

Chu Xuan lowered the car window and smiled—to say hello.

"Oh?!" The neighbor's aunt exclaimed in surprise, "Isn't this Chu Xuan? Are you driving a car?"

"Hahahaha." Chu Xuan smiled and greeted.

In an instant, several neighbors surrounded him.

"Chu Xuan is back? I bought it after a long time and lost a lot of weight."

"Chu Xuan is handsome again? Are you married yet?"

"Xiaoxuan, is this car yours? How much is it?"

"When Chu Xuan was a child, I said that this child would definitely become a success in the future, I was right w"?"

The neighbors said left and right, surrounded Ye Li, and looked at the car from time to time, circling around the car.

"Are you busy now?" Chu Xuan chatted with them about homework after getting off the car.

While taking out cigarettes from the car and sharing them among the crowd.

There are not many recreational activities in the countryside.

So almost every man smokes to relieve boredom.

Including most women, also smoke.

"Come, come, here are the cigarettes for everyone, one for each person."

"Yeah? Ninth Five Lord?"

"This cigarette costs more than a thousand yuan!"

"Xiaoxuan can do it, he's promising!"

Everyone was chattering, and they couldn't wait to light their cigarettes.

The customs in the countryside are different from those in the city.

The whole village knows each other.

Moreover, life in the countryside is very bitter, and it is this kind of village with the same surname.

equal to a clan.

Always help each other out.

Your house is short of rice, let's get together.

When someone gets married, the big guys gather together.

jointly maintain such a symbiont.

This is not the same logic as in the city.

I have lived in a residential area in the city for several years, and I may not know the cold room.

This is why Chu Xuan brought gifts to everyone after returning to his hometown.

Afterwards, Chu Xuan walked into his yard.

"Grandpa, grandma, second uncle, I'm back!"

As soon as Chu Xuan entered the yard, he shouted at the top of his voice.


An old couple came out of the house.

Beside him was a middle-aged man who looked a bit like Chu Guoqiang.

This old couple is Chu Xuan's grandparents.

And this middle-aged man is Chu Xuan's second uncle, Chu Guofu.

"Xiaoxuan is back? Hahahahaha!" Grandpa is over 70 this year, but his body is very tough and full of energy.

"Xiaoxuan?! Why don't you tell me in advance when you come back?" Grandma also had a smile on her face, obviously very happy.

The second uncle raised his face and said: "You boy, why don't you say hello in advance when you come back?"

Although the second uncle reprimanded him, he couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Xuan's second uncle, Chu Guofu, has always been very strict with Chu Xuan.

But Chu Xuan respected him very much.

Back then, two brothers, Chu Guoqiang and Chu Guofu, both studied very well.

But the family conditions did not allow the two to go to college at the same time.

In the end, Chu Guoqiang's grades were better, so Chu Guofu decided to give up going to school and stay in the village.

Later, Chu Guoqiang gained a firm foothold in the city.

The grandparents and Chu Guofu should be taken to the city.

The old man was not suitable for life in the city, and felt that the village was more comfortable, so he did not go back.

And Chu Guofu did not enter the city.

However, Chu Guoqiang sends money every year.

Therefore, the life of grandparents is also very good, with no worries about food and clothing.

The houses in the village are also newly built.

"Hurry up and enter the house." Grandpa quickly greeted Chu Xuan.

"Wait a minute, I'll buy you some gifts." Chu Xuan opened the trunk of the car and started to get things.

"Gift?" Grandpa was stunned: "Why do you fix those? You still have to keep it for a wife! No, where did you get the car?"

Just now, Chu Xuan said that he bought a gift, and he was a little unhappy.

After all, Chu Xuan has just graduated, and the next step is definitely to buy a house and marry a wife.

At this time, you must save money.

But this car is different.

Chu Xuan, you actually have a car?

"That's right, Xiaoxuan." Chu Guofu asked suspiciously, "Did you drive back? Who owns this car?"

"My car, don't worry." He smiled.

Then, the presents were brought out, and the family entered the house.

After entering the house.

Several people kept asking about Chu Xuan's car.

Chu Xuan said exactly what he said.

Including becoming a fund manager and earning a lot of money.

The few people were stunned by what they said, and they couldn't believe it no matter what.

In the end, it was Chu Guofu who took out his mobile phone and checked Chu Xuan's information online.

Only then did I believe everything.

"Promise! Promise!" Grandpa burst into tears with excitement.

Grandma was also choking.

Think back then, what a poor life.

Totally better now.

The Chu family has a big shot!

The three of them looked proud and proud.

………………… (Good Zhao Zhao…………

Outside the house, the news of Chu Xuan's return to the village had already caused a complete sensation.

Soon it spread throughout the village.

Er Gouzi notified the village chief immediately.

The village head didn't take it seriously at first.

But when Ergouzi said that Chu Xuan drove a car worth more than 3 million yuan, and a bottle of wine cost more than 10 million yuan.

Totally shocked!

"I have to go and see Chu Xuan." The village head stood up immediately, and stopped after taking two steps: "Er Gouzi, what is Chu Xuan doing now?"

"Where can I find out about this?" Er Gouzi looked puzzled and frightened.

"Stupid!" The village immediately scorned: "Is the Internet constantly developing now? Search the Internet!"

"Search on the Internet?" Er Gouzi was speechless: "That must be a very well-known rich man to be able to find it on the Internet!"

"If you are asked to search, you can search. Where is there so much nonsense?" the village chief said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'll search." Er Gouzi didn't dare to talk back to the village chief, took out his phone and started searching for Chu Xuan. .

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