Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

163 Could It Be That Chu Xuan Knows Magic? 【3】

Hyperspace communication technology?


Chu Xuan's eyes lit up!

He guessed that the mobile phones of Musk and others are now.

It must have been turned off or handed in.

At this time, no one will receive the message he sends.

Can no longer cause interference.

But with this hyperspace communication technology, it is completely different!

Chu Xuan thought for a while and directed.

"Now, withdraw all the money from the Malaysian Ringgit, and then let's go to the rice stock market!"

Chu Xuan suddenly thought that all 160 financial oligarchs in the world are staring at him now.

At this time, Chu Xuan suddenly ran to the rice stock, wouldn't it be a direct profit?

You know, a lot of money is now drawn by Soros.

The U.S. stock market is definitely an empty city right now!

Now if you go in there, it will definitely be money!

After explaining to his subordinates, he pondered for a while.

He took out his mobile phone and sent the message again.

[Hey, dear Soros, I have just made a fortune in Malaysia, and now I am going to short Vietnam currency, please be ready. 】

Afterwards, Chu Xuan clicked send.

There was a wicked smile on his face.

Inside the Wall Street Financial Building.

Everyone in Soros frowned tightly and looked at the big screen.

"It's not right!"

"Didn't it mean that Chu Xuan was shorting the currency in Vietnam? Why is the market so calm at 430?"

"What's the situation? Have we been tricked again?"

"Not good! Malaysia's plane disappeared, major bad news, Malaysian currency directly fell by more than 7%!"

"Watfak? A plane is missing, so it's impossible to fall so much?"

"There is only one explanation. It must be that Chu Xuan cooperated with the bad news in the market and smashed a lot of money!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

They're here for an hour before and after.

As a result, the enemy is not in this area at all?

At this moment, everyone felt like monkeys being played around by Chu Xuan.

First, disturb their mentality with SMS error messages.

Then after they found out, they immediately shifted their composure and made a lot of money.

On the contrary, it was his own side, which not only failed to achieve the effect of sniping.

On the contrary, one back and forth, one out and one in, lost a lot of money.

Soros looked gloomy.

The audience was silent.

In Norda's trading room, there was no sound at all.



A text message alert sounded.

Everyone was taken aback!

Don't you throw away the calling card in your mobile phone?

How did this text message come?

Everyone turned their puzzled eyes to the (acad) place where the voice came from.


Feeling the eyes of everyone, Musk hurriedly explained.

"I really threw away the SIM card, if you don't believe me, look at it!"

As he said that, Musk quickly took out his mobile phone and took out the card slot of the mobile phone.

There is really no phone card in the phone card slot.

Immediately, the audience became suspicious.

How did this text message come without a mobile phone card?

"Look at the text message first, is it from Chu Xuan?"

Although Soros was frightened, he still forced himself to calm down.

Musk nodded, then looked at the phone.

"The number is 000000, that's right, it's from Chu Xuan!"

Everyone was stunned, completely stunned.

Nima, how the hell did you do it without a phone card?

Could it be that Chu Xuan knows magic?

Everyone began to doubt life.


Although Soros was shocked, when he was about to ask about the content of the text message, he suddenly said in a hurry: "Don't read it! Don't read it! Don't read it!"

These three sounds stunned everyone.

Soros calmly analyzed: "Chu Xuan's message is nothing more than trying to disturb our mentality.

"Now the enemy is in the dark, we can't tell whether the information Chu Xuan sent is true or false.

"Regardless of whether his information is true or false, we will question our own judgment."

"This situation inevitably affects our mentality."

"So, the best way is not to look at it!"

"Don't look at it! Just follow our established plan!"

Soros deserves to be Soros.

He made a decisive decision and found a glimmer of light from the dead end.

Let everyone greatly admire.

Soros was absolutely right.

Can not look!

Chu Xuan is an old cunt, with a pure and innocent mentality, very bad!

Musk suppressed his curiosity and didn't click into the information.

At this time, Soros said again: "Musk, smash your mobile phone and see if there is a hidden calling card inside."

Everyone's eyes turned to Musk.

There was suspicion and vigilance in his eyes.

How can you still receive text messages without a mobile phone card?

Could Musk be an undercover agent?

Musk quickly proved his innocence: "Absolutely not! Absolutely not! I am innocent! Let me show you!"

With that said, a staff member brought the tools.

Musk took the tools, and under the supervision of everyone, he dismantled the phone bit by bit.

But after the phone was disassembled, everyone observed it carefully.

No! No calling card!

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

There is no phone card here, how did the text message come?

Could it be that he really knows magic?

Everyone once again doubted life.

When all possibilities are ruled out, the remaining answer, even if it is impossible, no matter how unbelievable it sounds, can only be the truth of the matter.

When they thought that Chu Xuan might be able to spell, everyone trembled.

It is said that there is witchcraft in the mysterious East!

After making a villain, paste the name of the person who wants to cast the spell, and you can control the life and death of this person!

Everyone shuddered in unison!

Frightened, panicked!

Seeing that everyone's mentality is a little jumpy.

Soros quickly stood up.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, Chu Xuan definitely sent someone to tamper with the phone in advance, making the calling card into a chip, we can't tell it apart.

This explanation is reasonable, well-founded and convincing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now what?"

"That's right, Chu Xuan always runs at both ends, how do we snipe Chu Xuan?"

"This kid is too cloudy, why don't we divide into two groups? Go long on both the Vietnamese currency and the Malaysian currency at the same time?"

"This... is the risk too high?"

Everyone began to express their opinions.

Soros listened and finally made a decision.

"Since Chu Xuan is so dark, let's block him!"

"Didn't he shuttle between the country of Yue and the country of Ma?"

"Then let's divide the funds into two and go long on the Malaysian currency and the Vietnamese currency at the same time."

"I see where Chu Xuan is going?"

Everyone nodded, basically agreeing with this decision.

Although the funds are apportioned, the risk is a bit greater.

But there is no better way at present.

It's not that our army is weak, but that the enemy army is too cunning.

However, these people probably never expected that Chu Xuan would just slip away!

Go to the rice stocks to harvest!

If it is known by Soros and others.

Probably vomit blood to death!

Chu Xuan: Hey, I don’t go to Vietnam if I have funds, I just play, you still can’t catch me, hey, I went to the US stock market (狗头.jpg).

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