Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

179 Do You Think Everyone In The World Is Your Mother? 【1】

Everyone looked at Yang Wei who walked out of the meeting room in bewilderment.

Suddenly, an employee slapped his thigh suddenly: "I got it! I got it!"

This time, everyone was shocked again.

When everyone came back to their senses, they also made a look of sudden realization~.

Shaking his head, he said excitedly one after another.

"I understand!"

"It turned out to be like this! I understand!"

"Mr. Chu is indeed Mr. Chu, tall! He is tall!"

"It turns out that Chu always played a game of shocking chess!"

"Chu Zonggao! Enlightenment! I have learned!"

More and more employees shook their heads, their faces full of sudden understanding.

This made the rest of the employees react quickly, and they all came to their senses!

An employee who had just joined the company for a short time, with a confused expression on his face, asked a senior beside him in a low voice: "This...what does Mr. Chu mean? I don't understand!"

The senior looked at him contemptuously: "With your savvy, you are still working in our Huantian company? How can you be worthy of Mr. Chu's wise leadership? Why don't you go home and raise pigs!"

The new employee was startled and shivered.

Afterwards, the new employee immediately changed his face: "I understand! I understand! That's how it is!"

The senior showed a satisfied expression: "Don't poke, don't poke, children can be taught."

Chu Xuan enjoyed the flattery of the crowd for a while, waved his hands and said: "It's alright, it's almost done, let's end the meeting."

After the meeting was over.

Liu Chuyan came in front of Chu Xuan, and asked with a worried face: "Are you really sure?"

Although Chu Xuan is full of confidence, everyone also believes in the king of Lingxiang.

Chu Xuan has never missed a time.

But this time is different.

This time, the U.S. stock market is going to crash.

Its difficulty is no less than that of a meteorite hitting the earth!

Liu Chuyin couldn't figure out how to crash the U.S. stock market anyway.

Just now, although she also shook her head and kept saying "I got it, I got it".

But that was just a stopgap measure!

Otherwise, everyone is enlightened, but you are not.

Doesn't it seem very out of place?

Chu Xuan showed a mysterious smile: "Don't worry, you will understand in the afternoon.

"Afternoon?" Liu Chuyin nodded suspiciously.

Afterwards, everyone started today's work.

In the morning, Chu Xuan still directed his employees to operate rice stocks and continue to make money.

But it's not shorting the United States.

Just normal day-to-day operations.

This time, Chu Xuan decided to short rice stocks.

It's because something big is going to happen this afternoon!

An event that shocked the world!

And this matter will definitely bring about a serious economic crisis.

And what Chu Xuan had to do was push him gently from behind.

Be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

If not for Chu Xuan doing this.

The rice stock market will also plummet.

It might even be blown.

But it will never be blown three times!

It will definitely not detonate the crazy plunge of rice stocks, and the stock market is close to the current situation of collapse.

Time just passed by.

Chu Xuan has made it very clear to the staff today.

Today, may work overtime all night.

Regarding overtime, Chu Xuan never insisted.

Those who have something to do can leave early without working overtime.

But those who stay and work overtime will also have generous overtime pay.

Therefore, most employees are still willing to stay and work overtime.

Time passed by every minute and every second.


It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Chu Xuan finally issued the first order.

"Help me make a statement to the outside world."

"I, Chu Xuan, am the third largest shareholder of Apple Technologies and the third largest shareholder of Amazon, as well as shareholders of other American companies"

"In the identity and name of the company's major shareholder, short the two companies and sell the stocks in your hands!"

As soon as this order is issued.

Suddenly the employees were dumbfounded.

As the major shareholder of two trillion-dollar companies.

He even personally issued a statement saying that he sold the company's stock and wanted to short these companies?

The rest of the companies are okay, but Apple and Amazon are definitely giants!

If this statement is released, it will shake the whole world.

Quickly boarded the headlines of the financial pages of countries all over the world!

Has anyone seen this operation?

Don't say I saw you, I never heard of it!

Shareholders short the company!

And it's not a minority shareholder, it's a major shareholder shorting the company!

Or directly announce your plan to the world.

It will definitely cause a financial earthquake in the world!

The shock of the employees can be imagined!


Although the shock was shocking, the speed of action of the employees was not slow at all.

They quickly made a statement.

And, posted this statement on all their public social media channels.

0-ask for flowers...‥

He also actively contacted the major media and personally admitted the authenticity of this matter.

At this moment, the entire financial circle of the world was completely shocked!

"What? Apple's third-largest shareholder dumped all of its shares and declared shorting Apple?"

"I'm going! Even Amazon! What's going on?"

"The major shareholders of these two companies are actually the same person!"

"It's Chu Xuan from the Celestial Dynasty! I don't know what he's going to do this time!"

"Fantasy! Can you short Apple and Amazon?"

"This Celestial Man, I'm afraid he is crazy?!"

"Watfark? What the hell is this operation?"

It's not just netizens who pay attention to the financial circle around the world who have heated discussions.

Even the executives at Apple and Amazon were shaken.

The shareholders and directors of the two companies were caught off guard by Chu Xuan's sudden move.

The major shareholders of the company sell their stocks, and the consequences are unpredictable.

The two sides have been discussing the situation.

Call Chu Xuan again and again.

However, the phone has been unavailable for a long time!

They changed tactics again and called Chu Xuan's company directly.

Apple CEO Tim Cook made the phone call himself.

The company's customer service didn't know what was going on, so they transferred the call directly to Chu Xuan's office.

After Chu Xuan answered the phone, Cook's angry voice came over.

"Chu Xuan! What are you doing? You are a shareholder of Apple! Take care of Apple's interests! You are not shorting Apple!"

Holding the phone, Chu Xuan said coldly, "Are you asking me to do something?"

Cook was taken aback for a moment, but his tone immediately became tough again: "Now, immediately, withdraw your statement! How about giving you an extra 10% of your dividend this year?"

"Heh!" After hearing that this year's dividends will increase by 10%, Chu Xuan smiled: "Well, how about buying you with full capital after my short sale is over?"

"You!!!" Cook was angry.

Chu Xuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he hung up the phone directly.

When Cook called again.

Immediately hung up!

Just kidding, at the beginning when Chu Xuan became a shareholder.

These two companies are high above the others and ignore their answers.

Now that something happened, do you know you found Chu Xuan?

Moreover, it was still that condescending face.

Chu Xuan is not used to it!

Do you think everyone in the world is your mother? Everyone has to spoil you?

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