Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

186 Crashed, Cctv Reported! 【2】

After Chu Xuan hung up the phone.

Liu Chuyin was messed up in the wind with her mobile phone.

This is your industry!

Don't care so much?

Liu Chuyin was completely speechless.

But after thinking about Chu Xuan's ability.

Liu Chuyin was still full of confidence.

Chu Xuan's prediction is like this, and it will definitely develop according to Chu Xuan's prediction.

"No wonder Chu Xuan said that it will be an hour before the third blowout."

Liu Chuyan then faced all the staff and said.

"Mr. Chu said that now the big players in rice stocks have suffered heavy losses, so they started to spend huge sums of money to raise the stock price to make the losses smaller, so you don't have to worry.

After Liu Chuyin finished speaking, the employees were visibly relieved.

In fact, everyone present is the elite of the financial world.

It is not difficult to guess the real answer.

But on the one hand, it is because Chu Xuan is a beacon for everyone.

An ordinary character.

So if Chu Xuan is not around, everyone will inevitably be a little flustered.

On the other hand, it is because this time is not an ordinary stock trading operation.

This involves the collapse of rice stocks!

Therefore, the mentality of the employees has naturally changed to a certain extent.

Inevitably it became tense. 02

Now hearing Chu Xuan's calm words, everyone's hearts could not help but relax.

So, everyone stared at the big screen, watching the changes in Migu.

Sure enough, Chu Xuan's prediction came true again.

At first, the Dow was still rising slowly.

The highest rose to -9.17%.

However, when it reached -9.17%, the rise was weak.

Next, it began to maintain a sideways oscillation for ten minutes.

After shaking for ten minutes.

A large amount of funds began to be withdrawn from rice stocks.

The total outflow of funds is as high as tens of trillions.

A trader shouted: "The outflow of rice stocks is serious, and many high-priced locked-in orders have also been sold at low prices. It seems that the bulls have begun to cut their meat and leave the market."

As capital outflows continue to intensify.

The Dow Jones Index began to fall wildly.







The Dow Jones Index fell off a cliff in just ten minutes.

A period of sideways volatility followed.

Yang Wei calmly analyzed: "Now it should be the second group of bulls who see no hope of a rebound and start cutting their flesh and leaving the market."

Yang Wei's analysis is very accurate.

After continuing to oscillate sideways for ten minutes.

Dow continues to fall!

And, this time the drop was straight down!

From -17.25% directly fell below -20%!

The third fuse!

Rice stocks will be closed for trading today, one day!

Exactly the same hour as Chu Xuan predicted!

Although everyone had expected it.

But after the third circuit breaker, everyone was still dumbfounded.

In Nuoda's operating room, more than two hundred people were silent, staring at the big screen in a daze.

It's so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

After a full ten seconds of silence.

There was a burst of exclamation from the employees.

"Damn it! It really broke for the third time!"

"Crash! Crash! The rice stocks are crashing!"

"It's still too early for a real crash. Today's circuit breaker is just the beginning, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will definitely continue to circuit breaker. The panic in the market has not yet been maximized.

"Awesome! Awesome! Mr. Chu is so awesome!"

"President Chu, YYDS!"

"It's done! How much profit do we have this time?"

"I don't know how much profit we will make. This time, we are the world's largest short seller, and almost all the money has been invested in it. I guess it will not be a problem to turn it dozens of times, right?"

"The profit this time is terrible. It is equivalent to harvesting all the bulls and retail institutions in the world. This time, all the wealth of the world's emperors has poured into our hands."

"Mr. Chu this time... is really rich!"

"Don't say that the country is rich, it is estimated that President Chu's funds alone are higher than the GDP of most countries in the world!"


The employees looked at the big screen in shock.

I can't come back to God for a long time.

They are witnesses to history.

Also a participant in history.

In the hearts of everyone, all kinds of pride and many inexplicable complex emotions suddenly emerged.

Some employees even had tears in their eyes and choked up.

If you are not in this scene or in this industry, it is difficult to experience such complex emotions.

They stayed up all night.

But now is the time of excitement, and I can't sleep at all.

After they got home, they tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Constantly scrolling through the news and subsequent impact events on the mobile phone.

This time, the impact was too great.

It can be said that it is a time to change the world pattern.

The economic crisis is a global event.

The rice stock circuit breaker for three consecutive times, and the Dow Jones index fell by -20% in a single day.

This kind of news that shocked the whole world immediately made headlines in various countries.

At this moment, celebrity entertainment, gossip and gossip all stand aside.

Nothing can match the heat of this matter.

However, it is still less than eight o'clock in the morning of the Celestial Dynasty.

Many people aren't even out of bed yet.

But after waking up, people are not confused.

Weibo, Douyin, WeChat and QQ pop-up news, etc. have all been maxed out!

Even middle-aged and elderly people who don’t play Douyin Weibo 707.

They also knew about it.


CCTV's morning news program reported the incident.

The host faced the camera and spoke perfectly.

"Today's news, yesterday at 16:06 China time, Chu Xuan, chairman and CEO of Magic Sky Private Equity, just announced that he will short the company's stock as a major shareholder of world giants such as Apple and Amazon."

"As soon as the news came out, Chu Xuan began to analyze the world economic situation, and believed that the structural problems caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States would trigger a new round of economic crisis."

"Shortly after Chu Xuan's analysis article appeared, it caused a sensation around the world. At the same time, many American financial institution giants, insurance companies and real estate companies have declared bankruptcy one after another, which indicates that Chu Xuan's prediction of the economic situation is completely correct."

"Subsequently, at 5 a.m. China time today, a large amount of funds fled from the rice stocks, causing the Dow Jones index and the Nasdaq index to fall rapidly."

"In particular, the fall of the Dow Jones Index directly led to the big crash of the US stock market. When the Dow Jones Index reached -7%, -13%, and -20% declines, respectively, it led to the circuit breaker of the rice stock market."

"Finally, at 7:42 a.m. China time today, the rice stocks were blown out for the third time, and trading will be completely closed today.

"It is expected that in the next three to seven days, rice stocks will still fall sharply, and a new round of economic crisis will sweep the world..."

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