Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

200 Chu Xuan Is Full Of Bad Water [2]

"That brings us to the second point."

Chu Xuan glanced at everyone, and said calmly.

"Second point, the reason why crude oil can still rise is because the situation of China-understanding war will expand this time!"

"In the past, China's wars were actually on a small scale. Although the impact was large, it was definitely not so big that it doubled the price of crude oil."

"But this time the China-to-understand war is different!" Chu Xuan looked determined: "This time, the United States may not want to make the China-to-understand war so big, but the direction of the truth is not determined by human will.

"Even if it's the United States, it won't work!"

One person frowned and said hesitantly, "Will the situation of China understand the war expand? Because neither the United States nor China understands that the war will expand."

The rest nodded in confusion.

Chu Xuan was not surprised, and said with a smile: "Accordingly, it is indeed so." "Twenty-seven" "But this time is different."

"Because the influence of nationalism and religion in China understands the region, it has reached a turning point in history, and it is the most influential time in history."

"Do you still remember when the last Sino-Japanese war started?"

Zhao Yingqi was taken aback, and blurted out: "It was the 1990s, and more than 20 years have passed."

"Not bad!" Chu Xuan said with a smile: "I knew children in the chaos of war back then, but now I have grown up.

"Their hatred for the West in the United States has reached the highest point in history, which is why nationalism has prevailed in recent years."

"This group of children grew up under the hatred of the country and the family."

"Nowadays in the Zhongdao region, whether it is the leadership team, or the mainstay of various institutions and the military are these people.

"Once the war starts, all these new and old hatreds will come to my heart, and the situation will be out of control."

"Therefore, the situation of China's war this time is bound to expand! It may even expand to an unprecedented level!"

"Under the influence of such a large-scale war on the price of international crude oil, the price will definitely rise again!"

Everyone was shocked!

Chu Xuan's analysis is so correct!

Moreover, it is analyzed from the perspective of human harmony.

Is this possible?

Almost 100% possible!

If this kind of thing happened in the Celestial Dynasty, it is unlikely.

Because the control of the Chinese government is too strong.

No other country in the world has such a strong government.

Therefore, the Celestial Dynasty can control it.

But the governments of other countries can't control it!

Even if the people in power understand that the authorities do not want to expand the scale of the war.

But under the will of the people, there is no egg at all!

The will of the people is the trend of the times.

This is almost guaranteed to happen!

The children who were in the flames of war are now the mainstay of China.

Young people are thus the number one characteristic.

The main combat faction must be mighty and mighty, occupying absolute power.

Before, the internal meeting of the Celestial Dynasty also analyzed whether the war situation would expand.

But no matter from which angle we analyze it, the war situation will not expand.

But after a lot of thinking, any factor has been taken into consideration.

But one of the most important people was overlooked!

Chu Xuan's reasoning is actually very simple, not even difficult.

But it's so important! No one else thought of it!

Once the scale of the war expands, the price of crude oil will inevitably skyrocket!

"Chu Xuan, this is the second point, what about the third point? Tell me quickly!"

Everyone was very excited when they heard it, and hurriedly urged the king of Chu.

Chu Xuan smiled, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and continued.

"The third point is actually the most critical point."

Chu Xuan paused: "I say so, you may not believe it, but it is very likely to happen."

"That is, the armed forces in China will destroy the oil fields that have already been exploited.

As soon as Chu Xuan finished speaking, everyone exclaimed.


"Zhongzhi destroys the oil fields it has exploited by itself? It's impossible!"

"Isn't that equivalent to blocking the well in my own house?"

"Injure the enemy eight hundred, hurt yourself a thousand, they can't be that stupid, right?"

It's not that everyone doesn't believe Chu Xuan's reasoning.

As it turns out, Chu Xuan is often right.

But this thing sounds really unbelievable.

After all, who would be stupid enough to block their own well?

Exploitation of oil fields consumes a lot of human and financial resources.

Once the oil field is blocked, it will cost an astronomical amount of money to re-exploit it!

The cost of mining will rise significantly.

Chu Xuan had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

He had expected it.

Don't say they don't believe it, if it wasn't for Chu Xuan's system...

Chu Xuan himself couldn't believe it!

"That's right." Chu Xuan said: "This kind of situation will definitely happen!"

"Why am I so sure? There are two reasons."

"Reason one, why did the United States fight against China?"

"For Crude Oil!"

"Can you beat the United States?"

"Can't beat!"

"So in the middle of the war, Chinese people will find that they are not the opponent of the United States."

"But you can't get angry when you understand people? What should I do?"

"Rather Stick to your guns!"

"Anyway, the oil field won't run away on its own, so it's simply sealed off. After the war is over, just spend a little more money to start mining again, and sell it every day!"

After Chu Xuan finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems... Chu Xuan's analysis makes sense!

It seems childish, but in the land of China, these things are very likely to happen.

How can there be so much rationality in the late stage of the war?

The oil fields were blocked, and no new crude oil was extracted for supply.

Then the crude oil hoarded by the Celestial Empire is bound to skyrocket!

"What about the second reason?" Zhao Yingqi asked again.

Chu Xuan said: "The second reason is the human factor."

"Human factor?" Everyone wondered.

"That's right, the human factor. Chu Xuan said with a smile: "This time China understands war, and we sell crude oil to other countries, but China understands that we are selling supplies and food!"

"Our Tianchao is the only country in the world with a full 3.8 industrial chain."

"We are bound to become the largest material importer in the China-Knowledge region.

"Supply and demand are moving in a direction that is strong for us."

"Then, our Celestial Dynasty has the right to speak."

"Let's directly advise the people in Zhongdao, let them close the oil field?"

In one breath, Chu Xuan revealed all his analysis.

Everyone present was shocked and stunned.


Can you still play like this?

Do you want to be so flirty?

But think about it.

The maneuverable space is huge!

What Chu Xuan said is something that can be operated.

After such a combination of punches.

If the crude oil is not doubled four or five times, I'm sorry for Chu Xuan's bad stomach!

"Bull! That's awesome!"

Everyone was full of admiration. .

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