Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

207 Gold Plummets, Soybeans Soar【1】

After Mr. Guo took the [Space Colonial Spaceship Technology], he was overjoyed and ecstatic.

I didn't care about talking to Chu Xuan, and ran away directly.

Can't wait to do some research right away.

After Mr. Guo left, Chu Xuan returned to the operating room.

"Mr. Chu, now we have a lot of spare funds, should we keep it or continue to operate?" A trader immediately asked.

Chu Xuan replied without hesitation: "Of course we will continue to operate."

With so much money, isn't it useless to keep it in your hands?

For Chu Xuan, whether it is entering the stock market or the futures market.

It's no different than picking up money.

Putting money away and not picking it up? This is not Chu Xuan's character.

"Open the national futures market."

After Chu Xuan gave the order, the trading status of the futures market was immediately displayed on the big screen.

Today's international futures market is much bigger than before the war.

Because almost everyone knows that the market is so good now!

Crude oil has doubled several times in a row.

Such a hot market has directly driven up the international futures market.

Of course, most of the people who rushed in were retail investors.

Dreaming of getting rich once, you can realize the freedom of wealth and no worries about food and clothing.

What these people think is pretty good.

In the eyes of leeks all over the world, now is just picking up money.

But they never thought about it, is money so easy to pick up?

Many people have a misunderstanding.

That is, if you enter the trading market by yourself, you will definitely be able to make money.

It's nothing more than buying big and small.

It seems easy.

But in fact, the water here is too deep.

Young people have no experience and can't grasp it at all.

The essence of the trading market is a zero-sum game.

Trading the market itself does not create wealth.

The money you make must be the money that others lose.

the same way.

The money you lose is the money others make.

Who are the people in the trading market?

Generally speaking, there are two types of people.

The first is retail investors.

The second is the major trading institutions.

All major trading institutions and companies are professionals.

Why can these retail investors think that they can earn the money of a group of professionals?

This time is the root cause of retail investors' losses!

Your positioning is not accurate!

Have a honey juice confidence!

Even professionals will inevitably lose money in the trading market.

Not to mention retail investors!

Everyone rushes into the trading market with the purpose of making money.

And this trading market is a zero-sum game.

So in essence, everyone is racking their brains to put the money in other people's pockets into their own pockets.

Retail investors cannot beat capitalists.

Although retail investors have a lot of money, they are scattered, and there is no unified large fund.

As for trading institutions, although there are not as many retail investors as a whole, they do not have as much money as retail investors.

But their single fund is really too strong.

How good the market is now, when the time comes, how miserable the vegetables will be!

In other words, it is not yet time to harvest leeks.

Buffett once said a famous saying.

【I am greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy. 】

Now the market is good, but the crisis is also not small.

In a maximum of two weeks, the market will usher in a complete reversal.

Chu Xuan cast his eyes on the big screen, constantly instructing the staff to change the transaction categories and observe carefully.

Trading in crude oil is very hot right now.

But because of the popularity of crude oil, it also drove up the prices of other futures.

After watching for a long time, Chu Xuan locked a futures commodity.


【Current increase: 0.13%】

【Today's highest increase: -6.97%】

[Internal reference analysis: At 18:21:25 today, the continuous rise of gold for more than a week is over. The market generally believes that the rise of gold is too high, and international capital bears have also joined forces to bring the price of gold to its lowest point. The drop is -6.97 %. 】

Because of the war.

The recent period of gold rally is also very fierce.

Although it does not double seven times in a row like crude oil.

But the rise in gold is also close to doubling.

"Short gold `々!" Chu Xuan issued an order: "Short directly, the short amount is 200 billion! The profit range is about 6.5%. After reaching the profit range, directly sell and clear positions in batches."

"Got it!" the trader yelled back.

Then, he turned his attention to another futures.


【Current increase: -3.65%】

[Today's biggest increase: 3.31%]

[Internal reference analysis: At 19:27:12 this afternoon, US soybeans continued to be exported to understand the war. As military rations, the supply and demand of soybeans in the US were restricted. Affected by this, soybean prices rose, with a maximum increase of 3.31%. 】

Recently, because of the war.

As a result, the prices of many grains and foodstuffs in the world have begun to rise in different ways.

You know, China understands that there is a shortage of food right now.

It is not only the Celestial Dynasty who sells food to China.

The Celestial Dynasty just occupies the largest share.

Even, some domestic grain production companies in the United States secretly sell grain to militants who are all sympathetic.

Make huge profits from it.

Doesn't the U.S. government know about it?

Of course I know, but I turn a blind eye to it.

In a capitalist country, capital is the father.

Even, among them, there are many important government officials who play some kind and muddy roles.

The United States has always been the country with the largest soybean production in the world.

It is also the country with the largest export volume.

Not to mention, more than 90% of China's soybeans are imported.

It used to be fine.

Now during the war, many Yindou are used as military pay.

There is also a large part that was secretly given to Chinese militants.

This has led to insufficient soybeans in other countries.

The essence of price is supply and demand.

Once the supply and demand relationship changes.

Then the price is bound to change. (got Zhao)

"Buy more soybeans! The amount is 200 billion! Sell them in batches and take profits at an increase of about 3%, and the profit will be about 6%." Chu Xuan issued another order.


Later, Chu Xuan continued to look for opportunities in the futures market.

Not long after.

Around 6:30 p.m. China time.

The trader immediately shouted loudly: "Mr. Chu, the price of gold has fallen now, and the drop has exceeded 3%!"

Chu Xuan said indifferently: "Pay attention to controlling the position. When the drop reaches about 6%, it will start to liquidate, and the maximum should not exceed 6.5%."

After a while, gold reached the position of the profit stop point.

In this wave of Chu Xuan, 200 billion short gold.

The comprehensive income is around 6%.

Earn 12 billion!


[Congratulations to the host for completing a profitable transaction as a fund manager. 】

[Reward: A Bentley Continental GT].

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