Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

033 Basic Exercises, Don’T Be Six, Sit And Watch Quietly【2】

Chu Xuan looked at his watch and took out his phone to take a picture.

Take a picture of the gift box.

Then he gently opened the gift box and took a picture of the watch style inside.

Sophisticated, luxurious and elegant!

Opening WeChat on the mobile phone, Chu Xuan directly sent the photo to Susu.

Chu Xuan: "[Image.jpg][Image.jpg] Susu, the Patek Philippe watch I gave you is already in place."

Susu: "Wow~~!! [Surprise.jpg] is so beautiful!"

Susu: "Brother, why are you spending money so recklessly? When my fund makes money, I'll give you a surprise~!"

Chu Xuan: "How can this be a waste of money? It's only 1.66 million, not expensive, just a drop in the bucket."

Susu: "Yes, yes, brother, you are the richest! [Funny.jpg]"

The two chatted for a few more words, and Susu was going to class.

He ended the chat and turned off the phone.

Repack the opened Patek Philippe gift box.

At this moment.

The door of the office was opened.

A graceful and graceful figure walked in.

It was Liu Chuyan.

"Mr. Chu, how is the increase in the fund today?"

Liu Chuyin walked into Chu Xuan while asking.


She walked in and saw Chu Xuan holding a delicately wrapped gift box in his hand.

On the gift box, there is the Patek Philippe Logo.

Liu Chuyin's eyes lit up, and she covered her mouth with her hands, looking excited.

"Chu Xuan... Did you give it to me...?"

Chu Xuan: "???"


In this case, of course it is impossible for Chu Xuan to say that this is not for you.

But on the surface, Chu Xuan didn't panic at all.

Showing a domineering president with a charming smile.jpg

"Honey." Chu Xuan directly took the gift box of the watch and went up to the wall.

The whole handsome face appeared in front of Liu Chuyin.

His eyes looked at her tenderly and intently.

It made Liu Chuyin's heart beating non-stop!

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but you found out ahead of time." Chu Xuan shook his head remorsefully: "However, none of this is important, do you like it?"

After speaking, Chu Xuan opened the gift box.

He took out an exquisite female watch.

Gently grab Liu Chuyin's left hand and give it to Liu Chuyin.

"Does it look good?" Chu Xuan whispered in Liu Chuyin's ear.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh dear!"

Liu Chuyan was so moved!

In tears!

Those were tears of happiness and excitement!


Liu Chuyin threw her arms around Chu Xuan's neck.

kissed it!

After a long time, my lips parted.

Liu Chuyin blushed like a red apple, reaching the depths of her neck.

"Oh! This is my first kiss!"

Covering her face, Liu Chuyin shyly ran out of the office.

Chu Xuan shook his head and said to himself, "Buy another piece for Susu."

This is also quite a coincidence.

Just buy another piece.

Anyway, Liu Chuyin and Susu didn't know each other either.

Not a big problem!

After a while, Liu Chuyan left and returned.

Her face was still slightly red, and there were tears of happiness in the corners of her eyes.

But the whole person has returned to normal.

"I just forgot the business, let's count the increase of the fund today." Liu Chuyin said.

Chu Xuan nodded, then opened the transaction page and started to calculate.

First of all, it is 100 million stock market funds.

Bought 【Kuming Pharmaceutical】.

Up 10% today.

However, when Chu Xuan bought it, there was already a 1.34% increase.

So today's increase is 8.66%.

The total profit reached 8.66 million.

Then, there is the increase in the futures market.

200 million funds, first operated the brass.

The profit reached 7.68%.

Under the blessing of ten times leverage.

The total profit reached 76.8%.

That is 154 million.

Immediately afterwards, some other futures were operated.

All in all, the profit is 21.68% under the blessing of ten times leverage.

However, this 21.68% is not based on 200 million yuan.

Because the brass is operated first.

Therefore, the profit part of the brass has also become the principal.

The total principal is 354 million, and the profit is 21.68%.

The amount of profit reached 77 million!

Plus the principal of 3.54, a total of 430 million!

Plus the 186 million in the stock market.

A total of 617 million!


Liu Chuyin was shocked and said, "On the first day, it doubled?"

The original small goal was to achieve 100% yield in seven days.

Now on the first day, this goal has been achieved?

Is this Nima too fast?

"Mr. Chu, we have to hold a meeting quickly to announce the good news, let the company act quickly, and take the opportunity to spread the word!"

Liu Chuyin was keenly aware that this was a good opportunity for publicity.

Start by boosting morale within the company.

After all, before the fund was issued, everyone in the company dared not say anything.

But I still think that Chu Xuan's fund is too radical and weird.

Therefore, although the employees of the company work very hard, they are very conscientious.

But morale has been a little low.

Now the fund doubled on the first day.

Just enough to boost the morale of the company!

Chu Xuan nodded, and asked Liu Chuyan to organize everyone from the company to the conference room to get ready.

Chu Xuan lit a cigarette and began to puff.

As the top leader of the company, he must arrive last.

Chu Xuan didn't understand before.

Now I understand, it's actually similar to the emperor's mental technique.

If the company's leaders can't maintain their mystery and majesty at all times.

People in the company will also be impetuous and lose awe of the company.

Of course, doing so does not mean that the relationship with employees should be far and stiff.

Just some tricks.

After smoking a cigarette, Chu Xuan walked into the meeting room.


All the employees of the company are here.

Everyone's eyes were a little confused.

I don't know why the meeting is so good?

Chu Xuan stood on the stage, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Then he gave Liu Chuyin a look.

Liu Chuyin nodded and opened the PPT.

Projected onto the big whiteboard behind Chu Xuan.

"Everyone, please take a look." Chu Xuan pointed to the big whiteboard, which showed the details of today's operations.

"Today, the fund size of 300 million has doubled to 617 million through the stock market and futures market!"


Everyone looked at the details of the operation on the PPT.



Gasp again and again!


"President Chu is awesome! President Chu is mighty!"

"Too strong, too strong!"

"Double in one day? Doesn't that mean we can take six days off?"

"You're such a clever little dork!"

"It can only be said that it is awesome, Mr. Chu is really a stock god!"

"What is Buffett? Who is Soros? I only know Mr. Chu!"

The employees were in an uproar, the crowd was excited, and the morale was high!

Chu Xuan smiled lightly and pressed his hands together, signaling for everyone to calm down.

"Basic exercises, don't be six, sit down and watch quietly."


PS: Thank you "羙仯、死泩." for the 588 VIP rewards.

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I got up at noon and saw the rewards from the third brother. I thought no one would read this book~~

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