Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

059 God, What A God! 【9】

After seeing this news, Chu Xuan gave the order without hesitation.

"Gold, 7 billion funds plus 10 times leverage, throw it all in for me! Buy more! Fuck it!"

The three traders have been in this industry for more than ten years.

It is also the first time I have seen such a fierce trading technique.

Can't help but squeeze a cold sweat.

They don't know, what is the basis for their operation?

Unable to help, the three traders hesitated for a moment before placing an order.

With this hesitation, the shot slowed down by 0.5 seconds.

It directly led to a 0.01% increase in the price of gold.

Although 0.01% is not much, but in the case of 7 billion funds and ten times leverage.

Directly led to a profit reduction of 7 million!

"Huh?" Chu Xuan frowned: "My order must be carried out unconditionally."

"The three of you hesitated for a second, causing the company to lose millions. How do you calculate?"

This time, the three employees were in a cold sweat.

"President Chu, I'm sorry, I won't do it in the future."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's really such a large amount of trading, we have never experienced it before."

The three quickly apologized.

Chu Xuan also understands that with such a huge amount of funds, trading is a huge psychological test.

Not to mention them, even if it is exchanged for the strongest trader in China.

I'm afraid there will be hand tremors and mistakes.

Comprehensible belongs to understanding, mistakes are indeed made.

You cannot forgive your mistakes because of understanding.

In company management, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined.

If the rewards and punishments are clear, they will not be able to do it.

Who still takes the company seriously?

Therefore, Chu Xuan said unceremoniously: "The three of you will deduct one month's salary, as well as 20% of the year-end bonus, and cancel 15 days of annual leave."

"This is the first time and I hope it will be the last."

Chu Xuan's punishment cannot be ignored.

But the three traders dare not have any complaints.

One is that they did cause unnecessary losses to the company due to their own mistakes.

Another point is that Chu Xuan punishes the company's employees very heavily, but the rewards are also very high!

Deducting one month's salary, 20% year-end bonus and 15 days of annual leave is heavy.

But they believe that as long as they follow Chu Xuan, the money will be earned back sooner or later.

Unlike other companies, the punishment is heavy and the reward is light.

Who can follow the boss wholeheartedly?

Those companies usually advertise as a family.

When employees make mistakes, they turn their faces away.

Wages will be deducted for being late, and overtime is unconditional.

Who did this?

Compared to those coquettish bitch companies out there.

Magic Sky Private Equity is heaven!

Chu Xuan is a very generous owner!

Therefore, the three employees did not have any complaints in their hearts.

Instead, I secretly reminded myself that this kind of low-level mistake should not be repeated in the future!

The company's first trading team around Chu Xuan.

It makes the employees of the company very curious.

So everyone is watching here.

Yang Wei adjusted his glasses and asked, "Mr. Chu Xuan, why are you doing this?"

Yang Wei is convinced by Chu Xuan.

But Chu Xuan couldn't understand some of Chu Xuan's operations.

Hearing this, other employees also looked at King Chu curiously.

Chu Xuan performed so many tricks, but they didn't know exactly how he did it.

I only know that Chu Xuan is awesome PLUS.

Liu Chuyin also looked at Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan heard the words, and switched to the financial giant in seconds.jpg

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell them about the system.

However, Chu Xuan, who has a wealth of financial knowledge and information, can answer their questions easily.

"First of all, if you pay attention to the news carefully, you will find that in the Middle East, this oil field exploration team has been stationed there for a long time, more than 15 days, and is still sending people and professional equipment to the exploration site."

"The average stay of exploration teams in other areas is only 7 days. The time difference is doubled."

"Why? It can be speculated that an oil field must have been discovered at this location."

"And throughout history, there have been no more than five times that an exploration team has been stationed for such a long time, with such a large number of people and equipment."

"Then that is to say, there is a high probability that a huge amount of oil fields will be found here."

"It is more likely that the scale of the oil field can be ranked among the top five in the world."

"The world's top five huge oil fields, what will lead to it?"

Everyone was stunned by Chu Xuan's analysis. (acba) Yang Wei shocked: "Will it lead to... a drop in oil prices?"

"That's right." Chu Xuan nodded: "The exploration practice of the world's top five oil fields is about half a month in total."

"Thus, based on the comprehensive analysis of time, scale, and number of people, it can be concluded that the news of this huge oil field will be announced in the next few days. It is time to build a warehouse and maximize the benefits."


After hearing Chu Xuan's analysis, everyone was dumbfounded!

From the stationing time of the exploration team, personnel size and equipment.

Then compare the stationing time, personnel equipment and scale of exploration teams in other regions.

It is deduced that an oil field should be discovered here.

And through all the information of the period of huge oil fields discovered in history, the scale of this oil field is reversely deduced.

Everything is intertwined and well-founded.

This requires strong thinking ability and associative ability, as well as very precise information control ability.

So scary!

Everyone is dumbfounded.jpg

Yang Wei looked at Chu Xuan, his pupils shrank slightly: "You really deserve to be Mr. Chu Xuan."

"There is news!" An industry researcher suddenly shouted excitedly: "The news announced in the Middle East has discovered a huge oil field, with an annual output of up to 40 billion barrels, exceeding 1.9 tons! It is the fifth largest oil field in the world!"


Everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Exactly the same as Chu Xuan's prediction!

It is said that it is the fifth largest oil field in the world, it is the fifth largest oil field in the world!

The previous analysis by Chu Xuan, everyone just felt that it made sense.

But now after the news is confirmed, I feel my scalp tingling!

A sense of shock goes straight from the heel to the sky.


What a god!

"President Chu, you are simply a god!"

"Nice! It's too good!"

"Buffett and Soros are all rubbish in front of me, Mr. Chu."

"Look, the price of crude oil is starting to plummet!"

Everyone was ecstatic, staring at the screen.

Watch crude oil start to plummet!





Crude oil prices are falling rapidly!

In just a few seconds, the drop exceeded 6%!

Almost plummeted!

However, when the price of crude oil fell -6.97%, it began to stop.

Sideways shock!

Yang Wei asked: "Mr. Chu Xuan, don't you go out now?"

Chu Xuan shook his head: "It's not yet time, the international long-short giants are playing games, but the bulls can't jump a few times, and the number of long orders is slowly decreasing. I expect it will drop to the lowest point in 20 minutes."

"Can you still predict the exact time?" Liu Chuyin, who was always calm, was a little shocked.

Chu Xuan shook his head and did not speak.

At this moment, a trader said: "Mr. Chu, the price of gold has also started to rise!"


Everyone gasped again.

Predicted again!

God, really Nima God!.

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