Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

090 Hold A Meeting About Chu Xuan【4】

The total size of the fund exceeded 668.5 billion!

This is a very scary number.

It means that the scale of funds controlled by Chu Xuan has officially become the largest scale that China deserves!

Even the top three fund managers all their money~add up.

Not as many as Chu Xuan's!

Not even half of Chu Xuan's!

With such a large amount of funds.

Chu Xuan is even more confident in bringing down the price of liquor stocks!

The total market value of Moutai is only 2.5 trillion.

Among them, the tradable shares do not exceed 1 trillion.

Chu Xuan's money can directly control Moutai's stock price.

It is impossible for anyone to pose a threat to Chu Xuan.

at the same time.

Tieba, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms.

All because Chu Xuan's fund exploded!

Because, at present, Chu Xuan's fund has doubled by B9 times!

Some people are ecstatic, some people push their chests and stamp their feet because of the children they bought.

"Fuck! Regret!!!! I bought a 1 yuan fund in Zhifubao at the beginning, just to join in the fun. I didn't expect that in just a few days, Nima has become 39 yuan?"

"Hahahahaha, fortunately, I was wise enough to invest 10,000 yuan, and now it has become 390,000 yuan!"

"I also invested 10,000 yuan, and now it has become 390,000 yuan. I decided to take out 300,000 yuan to buy a Cadillac, and the remaining 90,000 yuan is probably enough to wash my feet for a year."

"It's so awesome, [Huantian Value Hybrid Fund] subverts cognition! Nima, a fund, directly doubled, or doubled 39 times, this is outrageous!"

"I regret it to death, I was going to watch a joke at the time, so I didn't invest a penny..."

"What is this? This is an opportunity to increase wealth? Did you miss picking up money in stocks in the 90s? Did you miss picking up money on the Internet in the 2000s? Did you miss picking up money in the 2010s? This time, [Fantasy] Sky Value Hybrid Fund] Picking up money, don’t miss it!”


Regarding the fund of Huantian Company, there was once again heated discussion.

too fierce.

However, it is different from the hot discussion caused by the public.


The China Securities Regulatory Commission, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and some senior financial leaders are holding an internal secret meeting.

There is only one theme for this meeting.

Chu Xuan!

Chu Xuan has attracted the attention of relevant high-level officials.

It's hard not to pay attention.

Chu Xuan's influence is too great.

Moreover, as it just ended today, they have already figured out that Chu Xuan cut off Pu Guochang, the capital tycoon of Bangziguo.

Also because of this incident.

The high-level leaders of all parties couldn't sit still, and specially held a temporary secret meeting.

meeting room.

Not many people.

There are only a dozen people.

But these more than ten people are all leaders in related fields in the country.

Anyone who stands up casually can shake the financial world of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Chu Xuan's behavior, I think it is very dangerous." A middle-aged man with a majestic expression said: "This is a process of domestic wealth distribution. This process is likely to cause financial turmoil in our country."

"That's right." Another tall, thin man with gold-rimmed glasses took the words: "I suggest that the investment scale, investment amount and leverage ratio of Chu Xuan be restricted now, and this cannot continue."

"I reconsider."

"I agree."

"It has to be limited."

Soon, the proposal to restrict Chu Xuan was affirmed by several people.

They just wanted to restrict Chu Xuan.

After all, everything Chu Xuan did was reasonable and legal, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

The root of everything is because Chu Xuan's performance is too monstrous.

His analysis and control of the financial market has reached its peak.

Still, some agree.

Someone will object.

A middle-aged man with a kind face smiled: "Don't be so nervous. Chu Xuan is a talent, which is a great thing for our country. The United States and the European Union, with the power of financial capital, have been The whole world is stirring up trouble and sucking blood in the third world countries, how many bloody storms have been caused?

"And my dynasty has always lacked such a powerful financial talent."

"In my opinion, the emergence of Chu Xuan can carry the banner of domestic finance and compete with international capitalists, and it can also stabilize and guide the healthy development of our country's financial industry.

"So, I firmly support Chu Xuan!"

This man is obviously very important.

After he spoke, many people at the scene echoed [expressed agreement with his words.

0...asking for flowers...

"I also think that this kind of talent should not be buried!"

"Our policy is bolder, and the appearance of Chu Xuan is conducive to breaking through the financial blockade imposed by Western countries on our country.

“I agree, Chu Xuan must be reused!”

There were 15 people in total.

At this moment, exactly 7 people proposed to restrict Chu Xuan.

There are 7 people who propose to reuse Chu Xuan.

The two sides argued endlessly, and in the end there was no result.


At the center of the round table, an old man coughed lightly.

The voice was very soft, but it calmed down the noisy conference room.

It's so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

Everyone looked at the old man.


15 people at the scene.

As long as the majority of 8 people agree, the final result can be determined.

However, this old man was different.

Even if the remaining 14 people agree.

But the old man's opinion is different, they also dare not refute.

The old man can finally make a decision.

"You guys still don't know Chu Xuan well enough." The old man smiled and took out a recording device from his pocket.

He moved slowly and pressed the play button.

Then, Chu Xuan's voice came from inside.

"First of all, if you pay attention to the news carefully, you will find that in the Middle East, this oil field exploration team has been stationed there for a long time, more than 15 days, and is still sending people and professional equipment to the exploration site."

"The average stay of exploration teams in other areas is only 7 days. The time difference is doubled.

"Why? It can be speculated that an oil field must have been discovered at this location."

"In history, there have been no more than five times that the exploration team has been stationed for such a long time, with such a large number of people and equipment.

"Then that is to say, there is a high probability that a huge amount of oil fields will be found here."

"It is more likely that the scale of the oil field can be ranked among the top five in the world."

"The world's top five huge oil fields, what will lead to it?"

In the recording equipment, the recordings of Chu Xuan's analysis of stocks, financial trends and international situations are played.

Time passed little by little.

The more people listened, the more frightened they became.

The more you listen, the more shocking you will be!

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