Metropolis: From Manager To World Tycoon

092 My Dog ​​Is Too Strong 【1】


Chu Xuan frowned, with a sense of justice.

This kind of thing must be taken care of!

As a good citizen, do what is right.

Must carry forward!

Chu Xuan directly owed the dog and jumped out.


Chu Xuan's face was full of sternness, and he shouted loudly.

This time, several ugly guys in the alley were shocked.


The three ugly guys stared blankly at Chu Xuan without speaking.

Chu Xuan was wondering, it felt different from what he saw on TV.

Shouldn't they directly threaten themselves and tell them not to seek death?

I was wondering, when I heard the girl inside cursing.

"Who, my old lady is here to have fun, you pretend to be Nima Superman?"

Then, the girl inside looked at Chu Xuan angrily.

Seeing this, the girls were instantly elated!

The face is cloudy and sunny!

so handsome!

Immediately, the girl gave Chu Xuan a wink: "Handsome, let's go~~"

Chu Xuan shuddered, his eyes frightened!

Not to mention that Chu Xuan has no interest in shabu-shabu.

It's just this woman's shoehorn face, nose and mouth turned up to the sky, and her super good looks.

Chu Xuan can't accept it!

I don't know how these three 02 ugly guys can do it!

"Excuse me, excuse me."

Chu Xuan hurriedly led Dahei away.

"I hate it!" The girl with a shoehorn face was a little dissatisfied: "Let's continue.


"Don't come here!!!"

"The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old!"

Chu Xuan shook his head and sighed.

I really don't understand the mood of people nowadays.

In the small alley, the sky is bright and bright in broad daylight, and they actually do this kind of thing openly.

The brain hole is so big that it exceeds Lin's imagination.

"Help! Come and save me!"

Chu Xuan had just walked for less than ten minutes when another voice came from an alley passing by.


Chu Xuan sneered, this time, he will never be fooled again!

"Help! Someone wants to be rude!"

Something is wrong! Chu Xuan always finds this voice very familiar.

Then, the voices of several men laughing lewdly came.

"You shout, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you today!"

"Hahahahaha, little beauty, you are so handsome!"

"Come on, let the uncle change it for a better time!"

Chu Xuan felt something was wrong this time.

On the one hand, the simulated scene is much more realistic than the one just now.

The panic and helplessness in the girl's tone is hard to fake.

And the excitement in those hooligans' voices was real.

More critically.

The woman's voice.

Chu Xuan must have heard of it somewhere!

He knows this man!

Just for a while, can't remember.


Chu Xuan is just and awe-inspiring.jpg

"Damn it! Who is it?"

"Boy, are you courting death?"

"Go away!"

Chu Xuan came to the alley and saw a similar Chang Xi.

Still three ugly guys.

The difference is that these three ugly guys are holding knives in their hands.

He has an arrogant demeanor and fierce eyes.

Be real hooligans!

And a different place.

It was that girl.

She has an exquisite figure and a beautiful face, which makes me feel sorry for her.

It turned out to be Li Wenshu!

"Chu Xuan?"

Although the surname Li Wen doesn't like Chu Xuan, a scumbag.

But seeing Chu Xuan right now still filled Li Wenshu with boundless hope.

At the same time, a feeling of a hero descending from the sky lingers in my heart.

It was as if a prince on a white horse came to rescue her.

The great hero who stepped on the colorful clouds descended from the sky.

With a sore nose, Tuwenmei burst into tears.

"Boy, get out of here, or you'll be killed!" An ugly gangster with a knife, his face full of flesh, threatened.

Chu Xuan looked upright, pointing at the three ugliness.

"Ugly, put down the hot girl."

The ugliness were instantly furious!

Who is ugly?!

We are ugly though.

But is the ugly guy always despised by the handsome guy?

When will the ugly bastards stand up!

Shaking and cold!

Afterwards, the three clowns were furious, and rushed towards Chu Xuan with their knives.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"Remove one of its arms!"

"I hate handsome guys the most in my life!"

The three rushed over directly.

The three sharp blades flashed bursts of cold light.

That was a murderous aura!


Chu Xuan didn't panic at all!

Just put the leash down.

"Dahei! Come on!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xuan just...slipped away!

t: "???"


Although Dahei despised his master's behavior in his heart.

But the loyal Gouzi rushed towards a farmer without hesitation.

Dahei's aura is astonishing, and his black body merges with the night.

The wild bestiality directly terrified the three ugly men.

Yes, I have a knife in my hand.

Ugly people don't panic!

"Swish Swish Swish!"

The three of them waved their daggers again and again, trying to get rid of Dahei.

But Dahei's strength is much stronger than that of a police dog.

Incredibly fast!

Very explosive!

Dao Guang couldn't catch up with Dahei's figure at all.


Dahei bit one of the ugly wrists.

Chou forced to suffer pain, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Afterwards, Dahei was relentless in fighting.

After biting, it immediately retreated.

Using his own speed advantage, he bit the other two ugly wrists.




After two screams.

The daggers in the remaining two ugly hands also fell.

Dahei bit an ugly thigh directly, refusing to let go.

Chu Xuan also came up at this time.

Press and hold another ugly guy directly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the last ugly guy retreated and ran away.

Before running, leave a harsh word.

"Wait, boy, don't run if you have the guts, I'll bite!"

Chu Xuan's face was full of contempt.

Ugly people always like to speak harshly.

Afterwards, Chu Xuan took out his phone and dialed 110.

"Hey, Comrade Police..."

Briefly explain the ins and outs of the matter.

After telling the police the location, Chu Xuan hung up the phone.

"Ugly people, what awaits you in 547 will be the punishment of the law!"

Chu Xuan's face is upright, mighty and awe-inspiring.jpg!

Li Wenshu didn't know what was going on at this time.

Seeing Chu Xuan majesticly bring down the three ugly guys, I was immediately moved (Dahei OS: Then what the hell is it that Lao Tzu brought down, okay? Crying o(TT)o)

If Chu Xuan hadn't appeared.

The consequences could be disastrous!

"woo woo woo woo!"

Li Wenshu threw herself into Chu Xuan's arms.

"It's okay, it's okay." Chu Xuan patted Li Wenshu's back and comforted him.

Li Wenshu was wearing a backless dress, her skin was smooth and delicate.

Chu Xuan secretly praised, it feels good!

At this moment.

A voice came.

"Brother, it's this handsome guy! Just ruined our good deed!"

Chu Xuan and the two turned their heads to look.

The uglies who had just escaped brought a group of uglies over.

"So fast?"

Chu Xuan was a little surprised.

This kid just ran for less than two minutes, and brought so many people back.

Faster than the police!

See, their people are nearby.

These people look like vicious people.

There must be a case in hand.

PS: Thank you for the 1000 VIP points rewarded by "I really want to beat people 2".

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