Early the next morning, Chen Xuan was woken up.

He slept drowsily and heard shouts outside.

Sitting up from the bed and awake for a few seconds, Chen Xuan put on his clothes and stepped on his shoes to push the door out.

As soon as the door was opened, the noisy sound was instantly amplified several times, and it fell into my ears very clearly.

He looked out, and his voice seemed to be coming from the opposite field.

What is this?

"Brother Chen got up so early today?"

"I got up at five o'clock."

"Where's my rhubarb?"

"Brother Niu is still asleep. I'm really lazy. I don't have the diligent consciousness of being a cow at all."

Chen Xuan walked out: "It's very noisy outside, it seems that something has happened, I'll go out and have a look."

Opening the courtyard door, Chen Xuan saw a lot of villagers standing on the opposite ridge.

The villagers were either holding hoes or sticks in their hands, and they were very excited, and they screamed and screamed from time to time.

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes slightly, and when he took a closer look, he immediately saw that there were several huge black shadows in the field directly opposite the group of villagers.

That is……

"Wild boar?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused.

Damn, did the wild boar go down in the morning?

The drone also focused quickly, and everyone could see clearly what was happening there.

"Whose pig ran out?"

"Wild boar, this is a wild boar!"

"I lost it, this wild boar is so big and has fangs!"

"It's really big, these villagers don't want to die, they dare to get so close."

"Brother Chen, let them come back quickly, a group of wild boars with fierce fighting power."

"We have a saying here, called one pig, two bears and three tigers. The wild boars are going crazy. It's particularly terrifying. The big tree held by the two can be broken for you."

"It's true, but I think it's a bit exaggerated."

"Exaggeration is definitely an exaggeration, but wild boars must not be underestimated. Whether it is speed, power, or fangs, they are so crazy that three or five adults can't hold them."

"Damn!" Suddenly, Chen Xuan cursed.

He stared at it for a while, and then realized that it was his field that was ruined by the wild boars!

That field is full of vegetables that he has only transplanted for less than two days!

Angrily surged in his heart, he turned and walked quickly toward the courtyard.

At the same time, I guessed why this group of wild boars appeared here.

Not surprisingly, he must have been attracted by the vegetables grown in the spiritual soil in his field.

It's not news anymore that wild boars go downhill.

Even downtowns and universities in many places have been visited by wild boars.

But that kind of harm is not great, after all, that kind of wild boar runs down the mountain alone.

But the wild boars in the villages that go down the mountain and spoil the crops are basically in herds.

There have been cases where wild boars knocked over the old man and trampled to death.

Therefore, farmers hate wild boars.

"What's wrong with Brother Chen?"

"Should be scared."

"What's the joke, the crocodile can't scare Brother Chen, a few wild boars are scared just tens of meters away?"


Chen Xuan walked into the kitchen, grabbed the hatchet, turned and ran outside.

Rhubarb and Brother Niu were awakened by Chen Xuan. They came out of the room and looked at Chen Xuan's angrily. Rhubarb cried out, but didn't get a response.

Brother Niu also shouted moo and stood up from the ground.

Although the two of them have limited IQs, they can still feel it. Chen Xuan seems to be very angry.

They had never seen Chen Xuan like this before, so they immediately chased after him.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?"

"Wory, aren't you going to chop wild boars?"

"You can't do this with a knife. The wild boar skin is thick and thick, and everything is fine. If you cut the wild boar skin with a knife, it is still intact. Believe it or not?"

[Three glasses of wine]: Hey, Brother Chen got up really early today, what are you doing? Go to the mountains to chop bamboo?

"Brother Chen is going to chop the wild boar."

[Three glasses of wine]: (ΩДΩ)! ! ! Chopping the boar?

"Damn, Brother Chen is fierce, wild boars dare to chop, move the small bench, and wait for Brother Chen to hunt!"

At this point, there were only a few hundred thousand people in the live broadcast room.

But the sudden appearance of the wild boar made the peaceful morning a bit unusual.

The online of the live broadcast room is also suddenly elevated.

Wu Tong frowned and said, "He's not really going to cut wild boars, right?"

"It's difficult." Xu Chengzhou said: "The wild boar skin is very thick and thick, and it is also very smooth. If you can't break the wild boar skin with a single cut, it may even cause pain in the tiger's mouth."

"In general, when you encounter wild boars in a village, the best way is to drive them away from a distance. Don't get close. Once you get close, you can easily irritate the wild boar. Once irritated, you will be attacked by the wild boar."

"But these wild boars are ruining the crops." Jiang Ting said: "These crops are the basis for the survival of the villagers."

Xu Chengzhou shook his head and said: "This situation can only take care of one end. Human safety is more important than anything else. And now that the crops are ruined, you can go to the town to apply for compensation."

"Wait..." Wu Tong stared at the screen suddenly, with a faint sound, and then his face was a little weird and said: "These wild boars are ruined, like Chen Xuan's field."

Several people:"???""Puff~ It seems that it is really Brother Chen's Tian (covering his face)"

"I just said Brother Chen is so excited."

"I remember so many dishes. Brother Chen bought them for two thousand yuan yesterday, right?"

"Cooking is a trivial matter. The key is that this field was plowed by Brother Chen himself."

At this time, the magic city, rented the house.

The young man just woke up, the first thing was to open Chen Xuan's live studio.

He has developed this habit ever since his Chen Xuan-related videos uploaded on the external network received a lot of attention.

Just opened, I saw dense barrage.

He did not close, but slowly scanned the barrage and the latest message below.

Through the barrage and messages, you can know what is happening in the live broadcast room, which can save him a lot of time.

A few seconds later.


"Brother Chen is crazy, right?"

The young man jumped up from the bed and stared at Chen Xuan who was carrying a hatchet.

Through the barrage and messages, he knew what was happening at this time.

Chen Xuan's field was ruined by wild boars!

And now, Chen Xuan is planning to pick up the wild boar.

His way is simple and rude, one person, one knife!

Young people stopped brushing their teeth and washing their faces. They turned on their computers for the first time and opened multiple websites at the same time, both domestically and abroad.

Then open the video editing software and wait anytime.


"Xiao Chen, your field has been ruined by wild boars!"

An aunt was going to inform Chen Xuan, and she just ran into Chen Xuan who was running oncoming.

"I saw it." Chen Xuan said: "Auntie, you guys go back quickly, I will settle this matter."

After speaking, he ran up to the ridge.

But where did the auntie listen?

Although this wild boar is now in Chen Xuan's field, it will run to other fields after a while.

So this is not Chen Xuan alone. The wild boar must be driven away, otherwise their fields will suffer.

After dozens of seconds, Chen Xuan was already standing on the ridge.

At such a close distance, Chen Xuan couldn't help taking a breath when looking at the wild boars who were eating vegetables frantically.

There are five wild boars in total, all of which are adult wild boars. They are so big that he is amazed.

On average, each wild boar has a body length of nearly two and a half meters, and it grazes there like a hill.

The villagers stood on the ridge about 30 meters away from the wild boar. Although they were holding agricultural tools in their hands, they did not dare to approach them.

If it were just one or two wild boars, they would have been driven away by this group of villagers a long time ago.

There are five wild boars, and all of them are gathered in one acre of land.

Once they get close to their hands, they will inevitably cause the wild boars to counterattack.

"Everyone, don't move!" Chen Xuan muffled his voice: "Stay away, don't get close, you back, I will solve it."

He didn't know whether these wild boars came down the mountain to eat crops for the first time, or whether they were habitual offenders.

However, since they are surrounded by a group of villagers at this time and can calmly eat crops, it must not be the first time they have descended from the mountain.

And this wild boar, which often goes down the mountain, is very, very refined and hardly afraid of people.

"How do you solve it?"

"Xiao Chen, don't get too close, I have already called the police, and the police will come in a while."

"When the police arrive, they will be shot one by one!"

The villagers scolded angrily.

Chen Xuan shook his head: "When the police arrive, these wild boars don't know how much crops they will waste."

The county seat is 20 to 30 minutes away by car.

Moreover, the car can only be parked on the highway, and it takes half an hour for people to come over.

In other words, it will take at least an hour before the police can rush over.

By that time, the vegetables in his acre of land could be eaten without even the roots left.

He didn't feel sorry for him, but once his acre of field was eaten up, the wild boars would continue to eat the crops of other farmers.

Besides, it was just a few wild boars, he really didn't care about it.

"Little Chen..."

The villagers just wanted to talk, Chen Xuan had already carried the hatchet and ran out along the ridge towards the other end.

He needs to distance himself from these villagers.

If there are only one or two wild boars, he doesn't need to do this at all.

But here, there are five!

And he knew that no matter how he persuaded, these villagers would not leave.

Therefore, if he wants to solve this group of wild boars, he must be careful and careful, and must not let this group of wild boars hurt people.

Chen Xuan quickly walked around to another field ridge, holding the hatchet tightly, staring at the wild boar and said: "Many people have a misunderstanding about the wild boar. They think that the wild boar is huge in size and very slow to move. In fact, this is not the case at all. The speed of a wild boar can reach a maximum of 60 kilometers per hour. It is definitely a veritable athlete!"

"Especially the speed under short-distance bursts, even compared to the cheetah, which is known for its speed, is not weak at all."

"So, if you encounter wild boars in the forest, it is best not to provoke them. Because wild boars are social animals, once you encounter them, they are all herds. Unless you are lucky enough to explode, you just happen to meet a single wild boar, and you still have it in your hand. If you have a weapon, then you can try to hunt it down, maybe you have a certain chance to succeed."

"If you have no weapons and no experience, the best way is to leave the boar territory quickly."

Chen Xuan has jumped out of the field at this moment, slowly approaching the wild boar herd.

"This group is Eurasian wild boar. It's very big, beyond my imagination."

As Chen Xuan approached, he calmly analyzed: "Their body length is 2.5 meters and the weight may have exceeded 200 kilograms. This is a very scary figure. The average wild boar is only 100 to 150 kilograms."

"Unless you encounter tigers, lions, or large beasts like brown bears, otherwise they have almost no natural predators in the forest, and even wolves are vulnerable to them."

"Even the most experienced hunter who bumps into a herd of wild boars in the forest will never choose to confront them head-on. This is very unwise."

"But..." Chen Xuan's eyes condensed, and the front of the conversation turned, and he said utterly, "I can!"

When the voice fell, Chen Xuan suddenly quickened his pace and rushed towards the wild boar group 30 meters away!

"The wild boars are dead, and this group of wild boars must be overthrown today!"

"What's wrong with the sudden feeling of blood rushing to my head?"

"Isn't this riding a horse burning better?"

In just ten minutes, the number of online in the live broadcast room rose from more than 600,000 to more than 3 million.

A group of netizens, under Chen Xuan's self-confident and crazy behavior, only felt a surge of blood in their hearts.

All of a sudden, the barrage was like a tide, and the rewards were like a torrential rain, frantically scrolling the screen in this small live broadcast room.

The entire kitten platform, daily gift list, click list, online list...

Chen Xuan took the first place in all major rankings!

Those other challengers who have just gotten up are also accustomed to surnames. First, take a look at Chen Xuan's live room and want to see his live room online data.

However, at this look, they were all startled.

At this point, (cidi) more than three million online?

The rewards of dozens of yuan, hundreds of yuan, floated around in the live broadcast room, and they were dazzled to watch.

Even a reward of thousands of dollars, or even tens of thousands of dollars, can occasionally be seen.

They felt that money is no longer money.

And when they watched after shielding the barrage, they even took a breath.

This guy, what is he doing?

"He was too impulsive!" Wu Tong said nervously and worried: "Although he has great strength, these are five wild boars after all!"

Through the screen, they can clearly see that the five wild boars have two curved and sharp fangs on both sides of their mouths.

If you are stabbed by these fangs, you will definitely suffer serious injuries.

The villagers on the ridge opposite, seeing this scene, all clenched their fists nervously.

In the village below the field, Wang Bin and several children, carrying schoolbags, are about to go to school.

They stood outside the house, waiting for the adults to drive the tractor over.

But at this moment, they saw an unforgettable scene.

That Uncle Chen from the big city, carrying a hatchet, rushed to the five huge wild boars in the field!

Humans and wild boars are very different in terms of number and size.

But that's it, they saw an indomitable momentum from Chen Xuan's body.

Even the five wild boars in front seemed to be unable to stop him.


Rhubarb barked in the distance and ran towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan looked at it, raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the hillside. He spoke quickly and without chaos and said, "Go over there and block the way up the mountain for me!"



One dog and one cow, got the order, and ran towards the hillside for the first time.

However, it was the huge movement of Brother Niu running that still couldn't make these wild boars feel the slightest panic, they still nibbled the crops tastefully.


Chen Xuan stepped on the field and quickly approached.

The dense footsteps finally made the group of wild boars look over.

"Ang Chi!"

The wild boar snorted, and his right front paw scratched the ground.

Wild beasts have a very keen sense of danger. At this time, these wild boars felt a danger from the two-legged beast that burst up.

This danger makes them a little restless.

"Howl!" The wild boar raised his head and howled angrily at Chen Xuan.

This is to warn Chen Xuan not to keep approaching.

Wild boars have a strong sense of territory, especially when eating, once other animals approach, they will be attacked by wild boars.

But no matter how they howled and warned, Chen Xuan's speed never slowed down, which made the wild boar more uneasy.

Their heads were slightly lowered, their front legs were bent, and their sharp fangs pointed towards Chen Xuan, which was a very obvious attack posture.

"Brother Chen successfully attracted the attention of these wild boars."

"It's over, this posture is a precursor to the wild boar's attack."

And as the distance between Chen Xuan and the wild boar gets closer and closer, the contrast between the two bodies is also strongly arousing everyone's attention.

"so big……"

"I'll go, why is this wild boar so big?"

"Brother Chen, are you sure you want to chop it with that rusty hatchet?"

Fortunately, there is no comparison. With the comparison, people have discovered how big these wild boars are.

Five meters away, Chen Xuan's speed skyrocketed again.

"Howl!" The wild boar roared, and took the initiative to attack. The sharp fangs slammed into Chen Xuan.

With the terrifying explosive power of the wild boar and the two sharp fangs around its mouth, people have no doubt that if it collides head-on, the wild boar can directly penetrate the body of an adult man with an unusually relaxed posture.

And all of this happened between the electric light and flint.

A rare battle between humans and wild boars started without any mental preparation.

Everyone's eyes didn't dared to blink, and they didn't even dare to take a mouthful of the atmosphere.

It seems that if you breathe a little harder, it will affect Chen Xuan.

In their view, facing the siege of five wild boars, there is almost no possibility of avoiding them.However, in the next second, they changed their minds.

When there were two meters left on both sides, Chen Xuan grabbed the hatchet's right hand and raised it fiercely.


The blade shone cold in the sun.

He clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, accelerated in a straight line without avoiding it, showing a posture even more arrogant than a wild boar.

Seeing that he was about to collide with the wild boar, Chen Xuan suddenly kicked with his right foot and violently kicked the wild boar's jaw from the bottom up.

With a "bang", the power of this kick actually kicked the explosive wild boar into the air.

The wild boar's head and feet, under the force of the explosive force of the surname, crossed the top of Chen Xuan's head in a parabolic posture.

At the moment when he passed directly above Chen Xuan's head, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly condensed.

With a "huh", the hatchet in his hand was held high, and then he slashed hard.


A cold light flashed in the live broadcast room.

In the next second, the wild boar has been cracked.


The wild boar landed heavily, blood and internal organs flowing all over the place.

After killing him with a knife, Chen Xuan didn't stay any longer, and immediately turned to the other wild boars that rushed up.

Another wild boar spawned from the left, and three meters away, it rushed against the curved and sharp fangs, trying to pierce the human throat.

Wild beasts have instinctive hunting abilities, and they clearly know that the neck is the most vulnerable place of an animal.

This is not cleverness, but pure instinct.


Chen Xuan hummed heavily, still not avoiding it.

He arched his back and leaned forward slightly. The whole person was like a cheetah about to hunt. He stepped heavily on the ground and rushed forward without retreating.

Two meters away, Chen Xuan's right arm holding the hatchet was raised high, his arm muscles were knotted, which contained explosive power.

Facing the oncoming wild boar, the hatchet was turned upside down in his hand and his hands were held backwards.

Seeing that the wild boar was in front of him, Chen Xuan held a knife and thrust his arms fiercely downward!


The rusty hatchet pierced through the wild boar's heavenly spirit cap with a vigorous attitude.

This huge force also made this wild boar's jaw stick to the ground instantly.

The power of the hatchet is undiminished, and the entire handle of the knife is forked into the wild boar's head.

More than a third of the blade pierced through the wild boar's jaw and sank into the mud.

The hatchet nailed the wild boar to the ground like a long nail.


Seeing this, the remaining three wild boars suddenly scattered like birds and beasts and ran towards the mountains.

"Brother Niu, Rhubarb!"

Chen Xuan yelled, grabbed the hatchet and pulled it out with a "poof", then drew his leg to catch up.

The wild boar is fast, and his speed is not slow either.

With the combination of grandmaster-level stances and the improved physical fitness of the genetic drink, even if Chen Xuan does not understand any light work, his speed is lightning fast.

At a distance of tens of meters, he had caught up in less than half a minute.

However, his energy is limited after all, and his doppelganger lacks skill.

The three wild boars were inconsistent, and he could only catch up to one of them.

Five meters away, Chen Xuan raised his right arm and raised his hatchet.

He was grasping the right arm and body of the hatchet. At this time, it was like a bow drawn like a full moon. The head and feet were the tips of the bow. The body was like a tight bowstring.

With the exertion of his waist, abdomen and right arm, the whole body showed a brutal force to the extreme.

Under the superimposed force of the blasting speed, this hatchet was thrown out by him.

"call out!"


However, at a distance of more than five meters, the sound of a sharp hatchet breaking through the air shows how fast Chen Xuan's knife is and how powerful it is!

After a while...


A loud noise like an explosion erupted from the body of the wild boar in front of him.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, this wild boar, weighing more than 300 kilograms, was hit in the back of the neck by Chen Xuan with a single knife.

Under the violence, its neck was pierced by a hatchet, and this huge force even dragged its body for half a meter in the field before it stopped.

Chen Xuan kept walking, chasing another wild boar again.

Half a meter away, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and his body rose into the air. When he jumped directly above the wild boar, his body slammed down.


He stepped directly on the wild boar with his feet, and the wild boar felt his body was shocked by a mountain.

This force was arrogant and unreasonable, and the strong limbs of the wild boar were crushed by this sudden force almost instantly.

Boar, fell to the ground!

And the last wild boar that tried to escape to the mountain was also stopped by Da Huang and Niu brother.

Brother Niu stomped on a front hoof, kicked the wild boar directly to the ground, and rolled several times.

Rhubarb cooperated in tacit understanding and rushed up to bite the wild boar's neck as thick as a bucket.


Under the strong bite force, the four canine teeth easily pierced the wild boar's fur, and the blood quickly dyed the rhubarb's hair.

In the huge field, the needle drop can be heard quietly at this moment.

The live broadcast room was also deadly silent. .

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