The young man’s roar was transmitted through the intercom.

In the other six sports cars, six young people heard the young people's roar for the first time.

The voice is complicated, a bit weird, and a bit angry.

After all, he was driving Murcielago!

In order to buy this big guy, it cost him close to 6 million.

Counting the later modification, the total amount of money that fell on this car exceeded 8 million!

With one foot, you can break a hundred from a standstill in just 3.9 seconds!

The mid-engine, four-wheel drive, and deep stepping on the accelerator in the middle of acceleration can instantly burst out at a speed of 330.

This fast beast on horseback was overtaken by a police car?

This scene broke his perception of "the more expensive the better".

It even made him question the bull that he was controlling at this moment.

Is it the car's problem or my problem?

Or is it my eye problem?

"Xiaoxu, you are so stupid, can a broken police car overtake you?"

"Are you Turtle Speed?"

The slightly teasing voices of several other people soon sounded on the intercom.

The young man also thought he was a tortoise-speed, but he glanced down, the pointer on the retro-style mechanical code wheel clearly pointed to the number 110.

This kind of horrible corners, he can turn at 110 speeds, enough to demonstrate his good driving skills.

"110, is the speed of the turtle calculated? The speed of that car's cornering is at least 130, no, at least 150!"

"Moreover, there was no lingering after the corner, and there was the second corner immediately, which just threw me away."

"I can't figure it out. How could his broken car, broken engine, and gearbox run so much?"

As one of the people who often bomb the streets and run the mountains, young people understand too well that if you want to run fast on such mountain roads, it is definitely not just the guts to step on the gas pedal.

It really depends on the technology!

"110 has been overtaken?"

"How do I feel you are bragging?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

At this moment, a young man driving an Aston Martin suddenly yelled emotionally.

"A Fei, your name is Mao?"

"I saw that police car, he was behind me, Wori, why is he so fast? Your mother, is he Fujiwara Takumi? That's definitely not an ordinary police car!"

"Damn, he's going to overtake me, I'm holding the inside corner, he can't overtake me! Gan! He is a lunatic, he actually overtakes from the outside curve, I ride a horse at a speed of 117! Woj, he has overtaken! That's an outward bend, is he crazy?"

In the intercom, only A Fei's emotionally excited voice was left with horror.

I could hear what he had encountered at the moment.

And listening to his words completely reproduced in words, the other five young people who hadn't encountered it yet had their hearts beating slightly.

No, let them meet the legendary master?

At a speed of 117 per hour, he was still overtaken while holding the inward curve. What is this not a master?

Is it possible to meet the legendary professional team?

But why are you driving a police car?

The latest fashion modification of the recent supercar lap?


"Exciting, it's so exciting to Brother Chen!"

"The legs I see are all soft."

"It's horrible, you can maintain a speed of 150 or more when cornering!"

"Is the red one in front a big cow?"

"Da Niu is considered a hang, he was broken in minutes!"

"It seems to be Aston Martin who was just collapsed. I'm going. It's really terrifying. The bend is straight out. Who did you learn the technique from, Brother Chen?"

"Coach, I want to learn this, I must learn this, learn this, I will take off the order in minutes!"

"Do you think you are single because of bad car skills? Don't be silly, you have Brother Chen's face, even if you are a third-class disabled, some girls are upside down."

All of a sudden, the barrage in the live broadcast room was surging.

Everyone was still worried about the little girl, but unconsciously, they were attracted and conquered by Chen Xuan's car skills.

Large-amount rewards continue to appear in the live broadcast room, and more than 100,000 rewards appear on the whole site, attracting a large number of new users.

The video of Chen Xuan stunned the gangster with a punch, took the empty-handed, and rushed all the way with the little girl, also ten minutes ago, rushed to the hot search and hung in the top three position.

The popularity of these hot searches is greater than ever.

After all, it is a topic close to the people's livelihood, and among them there are eye-catching words such as gangsters, the daughter of the richest man in Guangling City, and so on.

Suddenly, in Chen Xuan's live broadcast room, the number of online people skyrocketed.

At this moment, Qi Dong, the person in charge of the kitten platform, was drinking with his partner at a clearing bar at the moment, discussing matters, and suddenly received a call from the person in charge of the technical department.

Looking at the phone, Qi Dong was slightly curious.

The boss of the technology department usually doesn't take the initiative to find him, but if he only finds it, it means that something went wrong.


"Qi Dong, something has happened!"

"What's the matter, you say."

"The server is about to crash!""What?" Qi Dong was surprised: "What's the matter? Hasn't it been maintained?"

"The traffic is too big. Ten minutes ago, our platform flooded with more than 10 million traffic. It is still increasing. The traffic on the platform is close to saturation at this moment. If this continues, at most half an hour, the traffic It will reach the upper limit of the server. When the server is overloaded, the website is estimated to crash."

Qi Dong didn't have time to think about why the platform suddenly flooded with such terrifying traffic. He asked, "What about the backup server? Why not turn it on?"

"Your authorization is required, so I called."

"Okay, you go to the company and wait for me, I will pass now, at most ten minutes"! "

The place where he and his partner drank was not far from the company.

After hanging up the phone, he said briefly, the partner was also surprised and delighted.

You know, the server limit of their platform is 35 million.

What is this concept?

Basically, it is impossible to exceed the upper limit concept!

This kind of situation only happens occasionally when cooperating with some e-sports to open live broadcasts, or in some e-sports competitions.

However, this situation does not happen several times a year.

They came to the company quickly, and the head of the technical department had already come here before him.

No extra nonsense, Qi Dong authorized to open a backup server.

As soon as the server was turned on, the person in charge could clearly see that the server that was overloaded like a fat man instantly changed from a bloated state to a normal state.

Qi Dong just had time to ask: "What's the matter?"

The person in charge gave a wry smile, tapped the keyboard, clicked the mouse a few times, the screen jumped, and Chen Xuan's live broadcast room appeared.

When Qi Dong and his partner looked at them in doubt, they didn't see any problems at first, but when they were about to ask, they suddenly caught a glimpse of the data on the number of people online.

Tens of millions...

"25 million!"

Qi Dong's pupils shrank for a while!

"Half an hour ago, Chen Xuan caught an A-level wanted criminal, and by the way prevented a vicious kidnapping that was taking place, and saved the daughter of Su Baisheng, the richest man in Guangling City."

"There was a car accident at high speed. He ran four kilometers back and forth on foot to rescue a little girl who had a sudden cramp from the highway. He is now on the way to the hospital."

"From the highway to the nearest hospital, 71 kilometers, he drove a police car over 250 yards at the fastest speed. Now he is driving a police car on a winding road, and has crashed two supercars..."

"Well, it's crashing the third supercar now."

Listening to the words of the person in charge, and watching the scene that is happening in front of them, Qi Dong and the others fell into contemplation.

One night, no, to be precise, it was less than an hour.

In such a short time, Chen Xuan made such a big noise.

The point is, it's almost early in the morning!

In the early hours of the morning, there is such a terrifying heat, which is really terrifying.

Don't look at Chen Xuan's live broadcast room with only 25 million online, but this is only his live broadcast room.

Many people directly watch the official live broadcast room of the program group.

The combined traffic of the two has approached the figure of 35 million!

Moreover, the online is still skyrocketing at the moment.

In less than five minutes after the backup server was turned on, it rushed to 37 million!

Ten minutes later, the threshold of 40 million has been crossed!


"Xiao...Xiao Chen, let's slow down a little bit." Qin Yu gripped the handle tightly, a bit of crying in his voice.


It was still a faint word, even if he was turning at a speed of one hundred and fifty-six, he couldn't make his voice fluctuate even at the slightest.

"and also?"

After a bend, Chen Xuan saw a yellow Porsche appearing in his sight. Chen Xuan hissed and asked, "A lot of people racing on this road?"

"Yeah." Qin Yu didn't want to think too much, he now hopes Chen Xuan will go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Let him face the murderous gangster without blinking his eyes.

But let him face such a situation, he is really scared.

"He's coming, I saw that police car!"

The young man in the Porsche heard the sound first, and then looked in the rearview mirror. A police car with red and blue lights appeared ghostly.

He yelled and squeezed the steering wheel firmly: "I will never let him pass!"

The voice will fall.


Seeing in the rearview mirror, the police car was accelerating at an extremely terrifying speed, like a rampage.

It was a little hard for him to imagine, how dare he dare to drive at such a fast speed on a straight road with an average of less than 700 meters on such a scary winding mountain road with so many bends?

"Here again." Qin Yu looked at the dark curve in front of him and closed his eyes decisively.

On the right side of the curve is a fence, and under the fence is a cliff.

As long as it is installed, the fence can hardly serve any purpose.

On the left is a steep mountain, and the tire will slip a little and the car will lose control, no matter what the situation is, it is full of danger.

The lens was shot from the first angle of view of Chen Xuan. You can clearly see the actions of Chen Xuan shifting gears, pulling the handbrake and turning the steering wheel.

They watched Chen Xuan's operation like clouds and water, and then saw that the front right front of the police car had almost protruded out of the cliff, but in the next second it was obediently pressed down to the left corner.

And the yellow Porsche in sight was like a younger brother. It was suppressed to the inside corner. He didn't want to overtake. He was very aggrieved and slowed down. He watched this ordinary police car. Passed in front of his own eyes, and then left a string of tail lights and the flashing red and blue warning lights, Yiqi Juechen.


"Is she really so handsome!"

"It's the third one, it's the third one!"

"What supercars, what speeds, are all scumbags in the face of technology!"

"Unless it collapses in a straight line, otherwise there will be one mountain road, and Brother Chen can crush it!"

The extranet live broadcast room, today's online, also created new highs.

A full 20 million people are watching Chen Xuan's live broadcast.

However, these 20 million come from all countries except Daxia, not a single country.

So after calculating, the traffic is actually not very high.

"The policeman's car skills are amazing!"

"He is not a policeman, he is Chen, a challenger!"

"What is the challenger?"

When someone was in doubt, someone immediately answered the question and introduced the show Chen Xuan participated in and the identity of Chen Xuan.

After listening, these people were even more surprised.

"Gosh, is Daxia's police standards so high?"

"The police in Daxia are much better than those in the beautiful country. I don't even dare to drive at night for fear of being shot and crashed by a white policeman."

For the next section of the winding road, Chen Xuan ran all the way in less than seven minutes.

In these seven minutes, he overtook the remaining supercars one by one.

No matter how stubborn these people are, they cannot prevent this from happening.

After getting off the road, Chen Xuan stepped on the accelerator and maintained a speed of around 250 for the entire journey.

And six minutes later, he arrived at the hospital.

When the car stopped, the medical staff had already received news and were waiting here.


Chen Xuan opened the door. Seeing that Qin Yu hadn't come out for a long time, he immediately went over and pulled the car door: "What's the matter?"

"I... my legs are weak." Qin Yu said with shame.

Chen Xuan: "???"

Chen Xuan didn't have time to say more. He took the little girl and ran inside.

The waiting medical staff started the examination as soon as possible.

Chen Xuan walked out. He knew that there would be nothing wrong with the little girl.

After all, I gave her a genetic drink and came to the hospital mainly because of the live broadcast and also to give her parents peace of mind.

He returned to the car, Qin Yu had gotten out of the car, and Da Huang was watching him.

"Brother Qin, ask the police officer to contact the child's parents and tell them that the child has been sent to the hospital."


Qin Yu dialed the phone number of the police officer and notified him.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yu looked at the two cars behind him that exuded a burnt smell, and then looked at the time, it felt like a dream.

71 kilometers, less than 18 minutes...

This is equivalent to maintaining an average speed of 236 yards per hour throughout the journey!

You know, there is a winding mountain road of more than ten kilometers.

Moreover, ordinary cars are brave, but it is not easy to drive to 250 yards.

The speed limit of the car is 260, and this car has not been specially modified.

"The car may have to be scrapped."

Qin Yu murmured.

Chen Xuan glanced at it and said, "It won't be possible to change the tire, and it can still be used after maintenance."

The four tires of this car are dead, and you can smell this unpleasant smell from far away.

Qin Yu took out a cigarette and handed one to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan shook his head: "I don't smoke."

"Then I have to smoke." Qin Yu lit the fire and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm really afraid of this way. I'm still swinging my legs."

"I want to have soft legs for me."

"The average speed throughout the journey is really abnormal."

"¨"Is it the legendary car god..."

"This 71-kilometer road can run for 18 minutes. It is really a car god. Even if you pull the F1 car over and drive, you can't drive at this speed."

Wu Tong also let out a sigh of relief at this moment, pretending to be relaxed: "I was really nervous just now, and my heart was hanging up across the screen."

"Me too."

"Xiao Chen's car skills are okay." Officer Yu admired.

Not only the car skills, but also the physical fitness is better than he imagined.

On the two-kilometer section of the highway, he could run at that speed with the little girl in his arms. It was simply not a human being.

After a while, a nurse ran out: "Brother Chen, there is nothing wrong with the child."

Chen Xuan sighed: "Okay, thank you, the parents of the children will come over in a while."

Everyone was relieved to hear that the child was okay.

Although it is not their child, but seeing a four or five-year-old girl suddenly becomes ill, whoever changes will feel worried.

Especially people who are parents, even more look down on this situation.

Chen Xuan checked the time, and it was wee hours in a few minutes.

They waited until 12:40 before the children's parents rushed over.

On the way, they were notified that the child was all right.After arriving at the hospital, the two immediately went to see the child, who had already woke up.

Seeing the safe and sound daughter, the couple let go of their hearts.

They came outside, found Chen Xuan and Qin Yu, and thanked them.

"Officer Chen, thank you, thank you."

They also learned about the disease of febrile convulsions, which is very serious and prone to sequelae.

If Chen Xuan hadn't sent it so desperately, it would be hard to say what is the situation of the child now.

So even if Chen Xuan saved the child's life, it is not an exaggeration.

"I'm the policeman, this is my duty." Chen Xuan smiled and said: "It's not too early. You and your children should rest earlier, and we have to go back."

"Yeah, Officer Chen, slow down your journey."

Chen Xuan and Qin Yu got in the car, drove the car back to the police station, and then went home.

When Chen Xuan arrived home, it was already two ten in the morning.

After a brief wash, I rested and fell asleep.

However, some people can't sleep anymore.

The young people who were crashed by Chen Xuan in a police car have now descended from the mountain and gathered in a house.

They have found the man driving the police car.

"It turned out to be Brother Chen!"

"Damn, he is sending the child to the hospital."

"Fortunately, I didn't stop him, otherwise I would delay the child. I really regret it for the rest of my life."

"Hemp, who did Brother Chen learn this car skills from? It's so fierce."

"This is really amazing. An ordinary police car has this effect."

"I want to sell my big cow."

"Why did you sell it? It's an honor to be killed by a master like Brother Chen!"

"It seems to be..."

"In the future, there will be cowboys, (Wang Li's) Hehehe, I am the man who was destroyed by Brother Chen!"

Several young people were bragging, and the phone rang suddenly.

"Aze, were you guys who were destroyed by Brother Chen?"

As soon as the phone was connected, the young man on the other side asked excitedly.

The young man named Aze proudly said: "Yes, it's me, how about it, isn't it envious?"

"Damn it, Brother Chen is so terrific, he dare to cross that kind of mountain road?"

"71 kilometers, less than 18 minutes, I must challenge tomorrow!"

"Challenge your sister, do you think you are Brother Chen?"

"How do you know if you don't try it? Our club has already made an appointment. We will go together tomorrow and see who will get closer!"

This morning, several young people's cell phones were blown.

They are the rich second generation and are not short of money.

But there is no one in this circle who is short of money.

Similar to today, it was the first time that so many people called for inquiries.

They have a sense of psychological superiority.

The video of Chen Xuan running 71 kilometers in 18 minutes was not only uploaded on the Internet, but also circulated in super running clubs in various cities.

This 18-minute drive, in the eyes of this group of young people, is like a god-like existence.

"I'm going to find Brother Chen!"

"I also need to go!"

"This car does not have Brother Chen's signature, so I won't drive it in the future!"

These young people said suddenly after answering the last call.

The fact that they are so much concerned is completely detrimental to Chen Xuan's blessing.

If Chen Xuan can sign a name on his sports car, it will definitely make Jill, who is envied by the group of people in the circle, purple!

A blink of an eye, daybreak.

After a brief wash, Chen Xuan took the rhubarb to go out, ready to have some breakfast.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he was surprised to see a group of people sitting in the aisle.

"Damn, who are these people?"

"Beggar should be."

"It's so pitiful, I don't even have a place to live."

"Brother Chen, buy some steamed buns for them."

Netizens at this time are all on night shifts, or night owls.

They couldn't help but empathize with the group of people who slept directly against the wall of the corridor.

Chen Xuan could tell something was wrong at a glance.

These young people don't wear ordinary clothes one by one.

Any piece of clothing is branded.

"Huh?" A young man awakened passively, opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a familiar and unfamiliar figure appear in front of him.

The focus is fixed, and you can see clearly, it's Chen Xuan!

"Brother Chen!"

The young man shouted in excitement. .

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