“Fake, the four-color problem has been proved by the people of Yanlong Kingdom again? What a joke! Fake, it must be fake”

“It’s Lu Xingfan again. Last time it was Gehe’s conjecture, this time it’s the four-color conjecture. Why can’t the mathematicians in our federation prove it? How could a mathematical desert like Yanlong Country continue to prove problems of the century?”

“How can this be? Why does God care for that mathematical desert? Has God abandoned us?”

“Lu Xingfan is such a mysterious person. The last time people from Yingzhou Kingdom went to Yanlong Kingdom, they retreated in embarrassment without even seeing Lu Xingfan’s face. I wonder what secret he has?”

“Such people should not belong to the Yanlong Kingdom, they should belong to the world, to our Eagle Federation. Send an invitation letter to Lu Xingfan, award him the Bernard Mathematics Award, give him reputation, money, status, and give him the nationality of the Federation. I I don’t believe he won’t be tempted”


After all, Yanlong Kingdom’s series of big moves cannot be hidden from the prying eyes of all countries around the world, and Lu Xingfan’s name has also been discovered by countries around the world one after another, becoming the focus of attention from all countries around the world.

“Now you have proved two of the top ten mathematical problems in the world, which has caused a great sensation in the world of mathematics. Foreign media have already used diplomacy to conduct an interview with you.

In addition, the national TV station also wants to interview you for a program. The leader of the Foreign Education Department specially called and hoped that you would agree to this international media interview.

What’s your opinion?”Xu Li asked Lu Xingfan while holding the document in her hand.

Lu Xingfan thought about it after hearing this and said,”Let them come over at two o’clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. Give them only one and a half hours, and we will not wait if they are late.”

“OK, I’ll reply to them right away. But don’t you always hate being interviewed? Why did you agree this time?”Xu Li asked curiously.

As the leader and founder of a giant company like Galaxy Group, Lu Xingfan has many reporters and TV stations wanting to interview him all the time.

But Lu Xingfan refused them all, because in He thinks that being interviewed is a waste of time. It would be nice to have some time to get intimate with his secretaries. The reason why Lu Xingfan accepted the interview this time was because he was stuck in the research on the Emperor’s Armor. Lu Xingfan couldn’t think of any good solutions for the shock-absorbing system. He accepted the interview to relax himself.

Secondly, it could be regarded as some of Lu Xingfan’s own personal wishes. It’s not his style to do good deeds without leaving his name. Lu Xingfan didn’t think that those interviewed by international media He came here to praise himself, and he must have ulterior motives, so Lu Xingfan wanted to set a correct goal for the younger generation of Yanlong Kingdom, and at the same time, he also promoted the gifted school he planned to establish.

Yanlong Country has never There is no shortage of geniuses, but in the context of exam-oriented education, countless geniuses have been buried, and the ancient concepts have also caused parents in Yanlong Kingdom to ignore the advantages of their children.

Lu Xingfan wants to build a university for geniuses. Only true geniuses are recruited, allowing these geniuses to receive the best education, the most advanced knowledge, and the best resources.

Lu Xingfan’s authority in the super-dimensional civilization system has reached Level 2, and can be exchanged for any of the Level 2 civilizations in countless universes. Information.

Lu Xingfan spent four trillion federal dollars, which is 26 trillion Yanlong coins, and 260 billion system points, and exchanged twenty second-level peak civilization genius screening methods from the system.

The method for screening geniuses is a civilization The most important secret is related to the future development of civilization.

From the development process of countless cosmic civilizations, it can be concluded that the progress and development of any civilization will always be led by a small group of people who stand at the pinnacle of wisdom.

And that A small number of people who stand at the pinnacle of wisdom stand out from countless geniuses.

In the general development trend of civilization, no matter how smart and amazing a person is, his personal power is ultimately exhausted. The progress of civilization It is an all-round progress in all aspects.

Even if Lu Xingfan has cheats, he will be alone, so he needs a group of loyal and talented troops to share the pressure.

Because Lu Xingfan is not willing to just become a ‘mediocre’ who relies on the system to make progress, and also He didn’t want the Yanlong Civilization to become a civilization without any characteristics and could only rely on Lu Xingfan himself to drive everything.

He wanted the Yanlong Civilization to go its own way, which required a large number of talented troops under Lu Xingfan’s command to use their wisdom and talents. , by absorbing the essence of countless civilizations brought out by Lu Xingfan, to feed back the Yanlong Civilization and find its own path.

No one has said this plan of Lu Xingfan, it has always been hidden in his heart, and now it is time to start it. The first step is to establish a university for geniuses, and then select the real geniuses from the 4.6 billion people in Yanlong Kingdom.

Two days passed quickly, and reporters from national television and international media SSN arrived at Galaxy Group on time.

The national television station attached great importance to this interview with Lu Xingfan, and sent the most professional and beautiful reporter Yang Danming, as well as the best shooting team.

The international media SSN also sent the most beautiful reporter Alice to interview Lu Xingfan for some purpose.

In today’s era, the overall strength of the Yanlong Kingdom is far behind the Eagle Federation, and its economic aggregate is even lower than that of the Yingzhou Kingdom. Therefore, foreigners will have a natural sense of superiority towards the people of the Yanlong Kingdom.

SSN reporter Alice is such a person. She is also a racist and believes in white supremacy.

So even when faced with a genius scholar like Lu Xingfan who had proved two centuries of mathematical problems, Alice still felt a sense of superiority.

As soon as the interview began, Alice took the lead and asked Lu Xingfan unceremoniously in eagle language:”Mistro, there are rumors in the world of mathematics that you proved the two Gohe conjectures and the four-color conjecture. A century-old mathematical problem.

Is this true?”

Yang Danming was overtaken by Alice, and was immediately annoyed. Then he concentrated on seizing the opportunity to ask the second question. At the same time, he was not satisfied with Alice’s domineering attitude. Feeling dissatisfied with the gesture.

Lu Xingfan has never been used to foreigners. He is not the kind of idiot who can’t walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

He replied nonchalantly in Yanlong language:”If I hadn’t proved it, could it have been someone from your country who proved it? Then why did you come to Yanlong Country?”

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