“Mr. Lu really has a dream. He is more confident than our Eagle Federation scientists, but it is a bit unrealistic.”Alice said sarcastically.

“Our ancestors said that if you don’t have dreams, you are no different from a salted fish. Lu Xingfan spread his hands and said

“But if a salted fish has a dream, isn’t it still a salted fish?”Alice asked aggressively

“This is true. Doesn’t it mean that if a person has a dream, he is no longer a human being?”Lu Xingfan’s rhetorical question choked Alice again.

“Mr. Lu believes that with our current level of technological development, how long will it take for your dream to be realized?”Yang Danming asked

“Who knows, didn’t our ancestors say that we always have dreams, just in case they come true! Lu Xingfan replied nonchalantly.

Did his ancestors say this? Why didn’t I know! Yang Danming looked at Lu Xingfan with questions in his mind.

“Since Mr. Lu has such a lofty dream, why doesn’t Mr. Lu come to our Eagle Federation to realize his dream? Our Eagle Federation is the most powerful country in the world. Only in our Eagle Federation can we help you realize your dream.

You know, science has no borders.”Alice seized the opportunity and once again brought up the matter of letting Lu Xingfan join the Eagle Federation.

“You are right. Since science has no borders, why do I have to go to the Federation? Wouldn’t it be possible to realize my dream in Yanlong Kingdom? Lu Xingfan asked back

“This is different. Our Eagle Federation has the best technology, the most advanced scientific research equipment, the best and most scientists, and the fairest and best scientific research environment. Only by coming to the Eagle Federation can you use your talents.

But these are not available in your Yanlong Kingdom.”Alice said

“So, why don’t you just sell us the most advanced technologies and equipment? Why don’t you let those scientists come to our country? Why don’t you just teach us your scientific research management system? Lu Xingfan said

“Why should we sell you advanced things and knowledge?”Alice asked in disbelief.

“You said science has no borders. Since science has no borders, why can’t it be sold to us? We don’t get it for free, we give money.”Lu Xingfan said matter-of-factly.

I, God Fake, Mad, ahhh! Alice has completely lost her temper. At this moment, she finally understands that Lu Xingfan and she are the same kind of people, both are extreme nationalists. At this time ,

Alice also gave up her plan to bring Lu Xingfan into the Eagle Federation, because she knew it would be a waste of effort.

“Mr. Lu, you need to know that for a genius like you, only the Eagle Federation is the best place for you. Our Eagle Federation is the most powerful country in the world, and no one can refuse the Eagle Federation.”

Alice, who had a complicated background and identity, was no longer pleasant and said something meaningful to Lu Xingfan.

“Oh, it didn’t happen before, but it does now. I’m not the first, and I won’t be the last. Say hello to the mathematicians in your country for me, ask them to work harder and don’t always expect me to solve their problems.”

Lu Xingfan said nonchalantly, threatening him? It’s a joke, he’s not scared.

“I will, and I hope Mr. Lu will take care of himself.”Alice said with a sneer.

“I will, I will always be good, so good that you can’t believe it.”Alice finally looked deeply at Lu Xingfan, and then left. The two parties parted on bad terms.

Yang Danming glanced at Lu Xingfan with some worry. Although she was just a reporter, she was a smart person after all, even though she didn’t understand very well. There was a deep meaning in what Alice just said, but she could also feel that it was definitely not a good thing.

At the same time, she was shocked by the words she heard today. She couldn’t believe that a reporter from the most powerful country in the world would say such things..

Seeing Yang Danming’s somewhat worried and disbelieving expression, Lu Xingfan smiled and said,”Why, are you shocked? Can’t believe this is what a reporter from a superpower should say?

Yang Danming considered it and said:”I just feel that it is inappropriate to speak like this. This is not the professional quality that a media person should have.”

Lu Xingfan shook his head and said,”You must broadcast every word of what I said today and tell your leaders that this is what I meant.” Although you are recording the show, there are also cameras in this room recording everything.

If you can’t do it, then I will instruct my Internet company to promote the entire video to attract traffic. Don’t blame countless netizens for scolding you when the time comes.”

Lu Xingfan paused here, and then continued:”As a media person, your professional understanding is correct, but you are still too naive when it comes to this kind of international issue.

It can only be said that the country has protected you people so well. The long-term peace has made you media reporters lose your sense of crisis. Regarding the collapse and disintegration of the former Hongsu Empire, you only know that this is big news and a big event.

But I don’t know how many conspiracies and tricks the Eagle Federation has adopted in this process. Thousands of people of the Hongsu Empire died during the disintegration of the empire. The people of the entire Hongsu Empire were completely bankrupt, and all their savings and wealth were wiped out. Zero, and also burdened with huge debts.

The evil hidden behind it is beyond your imagination. What do you think the competition between the two countries is like? Are the rules followed like in sports? friendship first, competition later?

Naivety means that in order to win, you can do whatever it takes, including sneak attacks, assassinations, and instigating spies to rebel. Talents, scientists, and fishing boats are all pawns in the game between countries. If they cannot be used, they will be completely destroyed.

Do you know why our Yanlong nation’s status in the world is so low? Do you know why our Yanlong Kingdom has such a bad image in Western capital countries?”

Yang Danming shook her head when she heard this. She really didn’t know.

“Because today’s world is a duel between two different civilizational ideologies, the Western civilization led by the Eagle Federation, and the Yanlong Kingdom led by our Eastern civilization.

We were extremely glorious in the past, but now Western civilization is strong. The world’s resources and space are limited unless we cooperate together and enter the interstellar age.

Otherwise, if we want to return to our previous peak, we must overwhelm Western civilization, and if Western civilization wants to remain strong, we must completely overwhelm our Eastern civilization.

Either the west wind prevails over the east wind, or the east wind overpowers the west. This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

People like me staying in Yanlong Kingdom are a threat to the Eagle Federation. Since I will not join the Eagle Federation, the Eagle Federation has no choice but to get rid of me.

Just like in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we wanted to develop nuclear weapons and nuclear submarines to protect national sovereignty. Many patriotic scientists studying abroad wanted to return to the country but were secretly executed by the Eagle Federation. This is the same reason.

So, do you understand what that reporter Alice said?”

Lu Xingfan’s words revealed a cruel and bloody truth to Yang Danming, making her face turn pale.

——Please give me some flowers and comments, thank you for your support.

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