The time has come to July 2018. Lu Xingfan is now 26 years old, and it has been six years since Galaxy University was established in July 2012.

After six years, Galaxy University once again conducted a nationwide talent selection in 2015, and finally recruited 2,720 qualified gifted students.

Now in July 2018, the results of the third nationwide talent selection have come out. This time, a total of 2,910 people were selected. After signing an exclusive agreement, they became Galaxy University’s third talent selection. term students.

The graduation standard of Galaxy University is that after nine years of study, you must complete the assessment of all teaching scientists in Galaxy City before you can graduate. The 4,200 talented students in the first batch have now been studying at Galaxy University for six years.

In six years, starting from the fourth year, these 4,200 talented students have reached the level of knowledge that exceeds that of doctoral students. Starting from the fifth year, they follow their tutors in the City of Galaxy according to their respective fields of interest. Major laboratories participate in scientific research.

There are also students with special talents in the fields of art, design, finance, military command, etc., who are also interning in major groups and companies under the jurisdiction of Galaxy City.

As for students with strong talents in the fields of military command and strategic space planning, Lu Xingfan placed them in the think tank of Galaxy City.

While bringing out various materials and knowledge for them to study in depth, they also asked them to work with the think tank to deduce the future direction of the world based on the current world situation and information, and formulate strategies and plans for the development of Galaxy City.

In addition to these, Lu Xingfan also spent 30 billion points to redeem 60 kinds of military equipment from the first-level civilization and the second-level civilization from the super-dimensional civilization system in order to give these talented geniuses a place to use. game.

There are twenty kinds of military games for the first-level civilization and forty kinds of military games for the second-level civilization. These military games all use very advanced virtual reality technology, and you can enter the game by wearing a special helmet.

With the help of the artificial intelligence Xiaoling, Lu Xingfan integrated twenty military games of the first-level civilization and forty military games of the second-level civilization into two”Planet Hegemony” and”Galaxy War”. A military game with a huge worldview.

These military games are the most classic games in every civilization. The performance of various weapons and equipment in them are designed based on real weapons. All wars and command tactics are also designed based on the real history of each civilization.

It can be said that these sixty military games are the real history of war development of sixty civilizations in other worlds.

《The two military games”Planet Hegemony” and”Galaxy War” can be said to have a very important influence on the City of Galaxy now and in the future.

《”Galaxy War” is not the time to take it out yet. Lu Xingfan has been storing it in Xiaoling’s quantum computer. As for”Star Wars”, Lu Xingfan also thought about it for a long time and only took it out a month ago.

Those students who have special talents for military command and strategic space planning currently do not have the opportunity to display their abilities in Yanlong Kingdom and Ancient Blue Star, so they can show off what they have learned in military games.

In”Planet Hegemony”, there are classic wars and tactical commands from twenty civilizations. It is a highly restored environment and scene in the real world, which is enough for those little guys to study for a long time.

When these little guys took charge of themselves in”Planet Hegemony”, Lu Xingfan considered having a showdown between geniuses and generals with the military.

Doesn’t the military conduct military exercises every year? At that time, Lu Xingfan will discuss with the military and let the little guys in Galaxy City and the military generals each command a war zone to compete.

Let’s see who is strong and who is weak, but Lu Xingfan has confidence in these little guys and just hopes that the military people will not be hit too hard by then.

After finding positions for these geniuses from Galaxy University to display their knowledge, Lu Xingfan put aside his worries and focused on studying his Iron Emperor Armor.

If you want to truly develop the ideal Iron Emperor suit, you need to solve the material problem, power system, intelligent control system, flight system, reconnaissance system, shock absorption system, balance system, weapon system and life support system, a total of nine systems Big problem.

Since the idea of developing a suit began in 2007, as of August 2008, Lu Xingfan has spent 11 years on it. During these 11 years, Lu Xingfan was learning new knowledge while reinventing his design plan over and over again.

Eleven years have passed, and now it’s finally time to reap the rewards. Lu Xingfan’s Iron Emperor suit has solved nine major systems and problems, and the design has been completely finalized.

Lu Xingfan used super carbyne material to make the shell material of the Emperor’s suit. This was an invention achievement beyond the times that Lu Xingfan had studied with great concentration for so many years.

Carynes are chains of carbon atoms that come together to form chains. Like graphene, they are allotropes of carbon. It’s just that the strength and hardness of carbyne is 200 times stronger than steel, 40 times stronger than diamond, and twice as strong as graphene.

The strength and hardness of super carbyne materials are four times that of carbyne, and it also has better ductility and shock resistance than carbyne. According to Lu Xingfan’s estimation, the properties of the super carbyne material are similar to the vibranium in the movie. Even if it is not as good as vibranium, it is definitely not too different.

It is perfect to use super carbyne materials to make the Emperor’s armor. Even the production of super carbyne materials is very complicated and difficult. In Lu Xingfan’s private laboratory, all the advanced equipment of the second level civilization can only produce thirty kilograms a day. , the manufacturing cost is 10 million per kilogram.

All the problems and systems have been solved. Next, we only need to build the Emperor’s suit to truly verify Lu Xingfan’s 11 years of hard work and achievements.

“The Emperor’s suit is about to appear, and some things can start in advance. It’s time for the Emperor Man (Iron Man) movie to be released to the world. Let the movie pave the way for the Emperor’s appearance.

‘The Emperor’ was created just for me to wear. Although it cannot appear for the time being, there will be a day when it will be truly released. I hope the whole world will not be too surprised by then.”

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