At the same time, in addition to Ming Pao, newspapers of all sizes in Hong Kong, such as Ta Kung Pao, etc., all received videotapes sent by mysterious people.

After the people in charge of the newspapers opened it and read it, their expressions changed drastically. everyone was shocked...

"what to do? This is real evidence!"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and re-type it! Before tomorrow, report all the reports."

"Yes, this news is too big. If it is released, our newspaper sales will reach a new height."

"Re-formatting, hurry up....."

"Editors across the newspaper are working overtime. If they don’t format tomorrow’s reports first tonight, no one will be able to go home tonight!"

"hurry up..."

"Everyone stays, I have ordered seafood takeout, and all the editors and reporters in the newspaper today stayed to work overtime, eat and drink well, and write this report for me!"

"Hurry up, I got the news. In addition to our newspaper office, other newspaper offices seem to be working overtime in a similar way!"

"It is estimated that other newspapers have also obtained the videotape given by this mysterious man, so we must be one step ahead and do it quickly!"........

Every newspaper office in Xiangjiang, big and small, went crazy. Today, none of the newspapers that got the video tape got off work early.

Even some employees who were on vacation were personally called by the newspaper boss and summoned back to the newspaper office to work overtime.

Everyone is ready.

At night, the buildings of major newspaper companies are still brightly lit, and they are working overtime.

Su Can, who was in Dunyi Garden, got the news about Da Fei.


After hanging up the phone, Su Can let out a long breath.

"Thirty-two copies of the video tapes were sent to all major media outlets in Hong Kong, large and small, and even reporters from some entertainment and gossip media."

Su Can returned to the sofa and said softly from the corner of his mouth. With such a high-density exposure, tomorrow everyone in Xiangjiang and even people living in the countryside will know what is going on.

Almost, it was a wild bombardment. It exploded.

After all, even the Financial News, Da Fei didn't let it go, and directly sent this videotape to all major media.

It is estimated that the excitement will be better tomorrow morning.

Su Can sat on the sofa On the table, his fingers tapped lightly on the table, and his eyes squinted slightly.

Time passed quickly, the night faded quickly, and it was daytime soon.

At this time, it was after six o'clock and almost seven o'clock. In this season, Xiangjiang is early in the morning. It's daybreak, and many people are already busy.

On the streets, people are already arriving one after another.......

"Big news, big news!"

There was a newspaper seller, holding a stack of newspapers and shouting.

Especially in some teahouses, Xiangjiang people like to drink morning tea. It was just approaching seven o'clock, and a large number of people had already entered the teahouse.

"What big news?"

Someone asked.

The newspaper seller said mysteriously:"Ming Pao revealed the murder of Qin Jianghe. The real culprit behind the scenes was not the legendary Young Master Su, but someone else."


Some people are surprised that Qin Jianghe was assassinated by a killer yesterday, and the whole of Xiangjiang was shocked. It can be said that no one knows about it.

Everyone is curious, who was Qin Jianghe assassinated?

Especially the various people in Xiangjiang. The reports of big media and newspapers are like writing suspense novels, which makes people's hearts go out.......

Now, after hearing the result of this matter, everyone is curious

"Big news, Ta Kung Pao revealed who was the culprit behind the assassination of Qin Jianghe?"

Another newspaper seller also walked in and said loudly.

These days, the competition among major newspapers is very fierce, and those newspaper sellers who walk around the streets with newspapers can only buy one kind. Newspapers.

Mingpao and Ta Kung Pao are actually in a competitive relationship.

However, at this time, no one cared about the relationship between Ming Pao and Ta Kung Pao. Instead, they spent money to buy newspapers. At this time, regardless of Ming Pao and Ta Kung Pao, they were all bought down

"give me one......."

Someone shouted something.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the teahouse immediately became excited. Others were afraid that if they were too late, they would not be able to buy the newspaper.

"Come on, give me one too!"

"Give it to me first"

"I gave you the money first, so give me a newspaper!"

"Don't grab it, I go first"

"Why did you come first? I paid for it and I took the newspaper!"

"Why! You stepped on my foot!"

"Damn, don't grab it......"

Normally, those newspaper sellers would take more than an hour or two to bring newspapers over and they could not sell out all the newspapers they brought.

But today, in less than five minutes, all those newspapers were sold out?

I have to say, this is incredible.

This kind of thing not only happened in the teahouse, but also in the streets and alleys, on the newsstands, this scene was staged.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, all the major newsstands in Hong Kong had sold almost all the newspapers, large and small.

Not a single copy was left.

Moreover, people keep coming to ask, are there still today's newspapers?

Of course not?

So, someone nearby who bought two newspapers gave away one of the newspapers at a price that was as much as three times higher than the original price.

Surprisingly, there are still people buying it?

When the newspaper owners saw it, they immediately asked the newspaper company to send more, and the newspaper company asked the factory to print a large number of publications.

They all knew that this news shocked Xiangjiang.

In addition, the newspaper sold like crazy, which will definitely bring the newspaper's original daily sales record to a new level.

This news is too big.......

"The grudges of wealthy families! Thinking that Qin Jianghe's death was because his son and grandson were seeking power and usurping the throne!"

"yes! Those two people are just beasts"

"Qin Jianghe is so miserable"

"It seems that Qin's Group's stock will plummet today, even more than yesterday. Fortunately, I sold out a few days ago."

"That's your luck"

"Mr. Hu, why don’t you drink tea? where did you go?"

"Damn it! Did you see the newspaper? Such big news has broken out and Qin Group's stock will plummet. Do you think I am still in the mood to drink tea?"

"Huh! Mr. Hu is still bragging, saying that the Qin Group will rise sharply today. Did he buy some stocks yesterday?"

"Then he brought it upon himself...." ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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