
The phone in her hand fell from her hand with a shaking sound.

Zhao Qingqing was dumbfounded. The news she learned from the teacher Zhang instantly stunned her and completely stunned her.



Zhao Qingqing took a few big breaths of fresh air, her eyes were slightly red, and there was mist in her eyes, and she was about to shed tears.

She stood there in a daze.

"Imperial Palace Restaurant!"

Zhao Qingqing murmured.

The two teachers from Xiangjiang were beaten violently in the palace restaurant. This matter has completely spread.

Stop beating?

Who did it?

After hearing these words, Zhao Qingqing has already Knowing who had beaten those two teachers, Xiangjiang, she was slightly startled, feeling extremely moved in her heart.

"Third brother!"

In Zhao Qingqing's mind, Su Can's majestic figure emerged, and that figure has been quietly imprinted in her heart.

It is in the deepest position and will never disappear no matter what.........

"It was the third brother. He beat up those two people because of me!"

Zhao Qingqing was extremely moved.

At this moment, she finally knew why the third brother took so long to go to the bathroom.

And later, why did the people in the palace restaurant come to the Wang Palace? Next to Er Er, Wang Er was asked to go out.

Because the third brother beat up the two Xiangjiang teachers, someone came and told Wang Er, and Wang Er went out to deal with the matter.

This also led to Wang Er coming to the back, and they ate After finishing the meal, he returned to the private room.

And Zhao Qingqing finally knew why there was a little noise outside when she and her brother Zhao Guoqing were eating in the private room.

Something seemed to have happened.

And at that time , I’m afraid Third Brother is beating those two people! Otherwise, how could there be such a big commotion in the entire palace restaurant.

Thinking of Su Can returning to the private room at that time, he asked Third Brother what was going on outside, Third Brother It's okay to answer lightly.

This is because the third brother beat the two people violently for her, but he never wanted to take credit and show off in front of him........

"Third brother!"

Zhao Qingqing was so moved that she was about to cry. Water mist condensed, and large tears fell from Zhao Qingqing's eyes.

She kept crying, and it became tiring.

She She thought that the third brother was a dull-headed person who didn't understand romance, but now for her, he became a beauty in a rage.

He beat up the two Xiangjiang people, but she didn't tell her these things.

In her heart Extremely touched

"Such a third brother, even I, even if I promise, can't repay the kindness of the three of them!"Zhao Qingqing said excitedly.

However, she thought that even if she agreed, she might not be able to get the third brother.

This made Zhao Qingqing's heart filled with endless frustration, and her eyes flickered slightly. Startled, constantly in a daze

"Hello! Zhao! Are you still listening?"

In the phone, Teacher Zhao's weak voice sounded.


"Teacher Zhao, Teacher Zhao, are you still there?"


The phone rang Teacher Zhang's voice one after another. She hadn't heard Zhao Qingqing's words there for a long time, and she was a little confused by Zhao Qingqing's silence.

She thought something had happened to Zhao Qingqing, so she shouted loudly.

Hearing the voice from the dropped microphone, Zhao Qingqing paused slightly and finally woke up from the excitement.

She exhaled a long breath, took a deep breath of fresh air, picked up the dropped phone, put it to her ear, and said slowly:"Teacher Zhang, I'm listening!"

"Teacher Zhao, you were silent for so long, I thought something had happened! You just scared me to death."

Teacher Zhang's hearty laughter rang out on the phone, and she continued:"But, Teacher Zhao, those two Xiangjiang people were beaten up, it was really satisfying!"

"yes! Zhao

Qingqing also smiled happily and said,"I don't know who beat them. If I know, I must thank him."........"

The best thing is to be able to commit yourself to that person, that is, the third brother. If he can accept his commitment to himself, that would be great!

In this way, Zhao Qingqing probably won't die in her heart.

However, in front of Teacher Zhang, Zhao Qingqing did not dare to say that he already knew who the person who beat up the two Xiangjiang people was.

Even if she believed Teacher Zhang, she would not cause trouble for the third brother.

In Zhao Qingqing's eyes, apart from her parents, even her younger brother Zhao Guoqing is not as important as her third brother in her heart.

She really, really likes her third brother.

How could she not like such a man protecting her?

"yes!"Teacher Zhang said with a smile:"We must thank them properly. They are very satisfying, but we don't know who they are!"

"By the way, Teacher Zhao......."

As he spoke, Teacher Zhang paused and said,"I recently found an acquaintance and asked someone he knew to help me fish out your brother!"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang!"After Zhao Qingqing heard this, she slightly thanked Teacher Zhang.

After all, this person was helping her.

Although, this favor was no longer needed. Her brother Zhao Guoqing had already found his third brother to give him to him. Fished it out.

But in the end, Teacher Zhang had that heart, which is enough to make people grateful.

"However, my brother has already come out, so there is no need to bother others with this matter."Zhao Qingqing said truthfully.

"What? Already out?"

Teacher Zhang said in shock.

"Yes! Zhao

Qingqing smiled and said:"I have entrusted someone else to help me get my brother out. I just went to pick up my brother.""

"That's it! Congratulations, Teacher Zhao!"

Teacher Zhang congratulated Zhao Qingqing and said.

Zhao Qingqing smiled and chatted with Teacher Zhang for a while. Finally, Zhao Qingqing hung up the phone and slowly walked to the chair next to him........


Zhao Qingqing exhaled a long breath, with a happy smile on her face, just like a happy little daughter-in-law.

The whole person was enjoying it and couldn't extricate herself.

"Third brother! Zhao

Qingqing said softly:"Thank you. You have done so many things for me, but you have never told me. Are you afraid that I will repay you?""

As he spoke, Zhao Qingqing suddenly stood up, raised his fists, and encouraged himself, saying,"Even if you don't tell me, I already know it, and I will definitely give it to you." ps Please subscribe

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