Buying an airplane is just for convenience.

Now, it is really inconvenient to go from Yanjing City to Xiangjiang, or to Guangdong City or other cities in China.

But flying is more convenient........

However, aviation has not been completely liberalized yet, which is a very difficult place.

Moreover, Su Can remembered that in his previous life, he bought the first private jet Zhang Yue's in 1997.

At that time, the whole country was shocked.

Now, if Su Can bought a private jet and word spread, the whole country would be shocked and frightened.

It's a bit highbrow.

Su Can thought for a moment and rejected the idea.

"but. Su

Can frowned slightly and said in a low voice:"Maybe in Xiangjiang, you can use the name of Vientiane Group or Yong'an Bank to buy a private jet!""

Su Can's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

Nowadays, these two companies are the largest industries under Su Can's control. They are very large, and the money is really not in short supply.

If these two companies are used, any company can If you buy it in the name of a family, it is well deserved and will not attract anyone's attention.

Besides, the mainland has not completely liberalized aviation. Even if Su Can buys it in the mainland, he will not be able to fly.

Buy it Should it be used as a museum?

Or used as a themed restaurant?

However, if you buy it in Xiangjiang, there is no big problem.

People like the Ship King actually have private jets. These are not uncommon things in Xiangjiang..

Buying it there is not conspicuous.

Besides, private jets these days are really not expensive. They only cost tens of millions of dollars, which is equivalent to several times the Hong Kong dollar.

In total, it is not even hundreds of millions.

Like a dozen Years later, the same goes for the eldest brother's private jet, which is not too expensive.

Su Can can buy one, a more advanced one.

Thinking of this, Su Can became a little interested.........

"A few days later, when I arrived in Pengcheng, I attended the business forum in Pengcheng and then told Zhang Man or Lu Qianshan!"Su Can's heart moved slightly.

Anyway, Su Can will go to Pengcheng in a few days.

He has promised Su Wen to attend the business forum in Pengcheng and personally sit in for Su Wen to avoid any accidents happening there..

When the time comes, Su Can’s companies will all participate.

Whether it is Zhang Man or Lu Qianshan in Xiangjiang, Yang Daqian, Xu Zhengmao or Da Fei, these responsible companies will all participate.

After all, Su Can’s The eldest brother Su Wen is the person in charge, and the industries under his control must be given some support.

In addition to Su Can's industries in Xiangjiang, there are actually industries in the mainland, such as Guoqiang Electronics Factory and The industries that Zhang Qiang is responsible for.

In addition, KFC, Carrefour and Gongdu will participate.

It can be said that Su Can's industries account for a large proportion.

Therefore, when the time comes, all his people will gather in Pengcheng. , not counting Su Can’s other industries abroad........


Just when Su Can was deep in thought, the car finally stopped.

"Third brother, we are back!"

Du Guofei's voice woke Su Can up from his meditation.


Su Can nodded slightly and kept the idea of ​​buying a private jet in his heart. Let's talk about it after arriving in Pengcheng!

He has decided to buy this private jet.

At that time, it will be arranged by the Wanxiang Group in Xiangjiang. , it will be a lot more convenient to go abroad when the time comes.

There is no need for too many procedures.

After all, in foreign countries, in this era, private jets are a very common thing for the top wealthy people..

Most of those people travel by private plane.

What's more, they even built a private helicopter landing platform directly on the top floor of their group headquarters building.

Those people, from the suburbs, have private manor villas. Taking a helicopter to work, I have to say, is indeed a bit comfortable.

However, it is not possible in the mainland now.

However, Chinese people are popular about moderation, being low-key in life and high-profile in doing things. Even in later generations, few people do this..

Su Can will naturally not do this stupid mode.

Here, he will undoubtedly establish a strong enemy.

Su Can has experienced that era in later generations and knows what a terrifying era it was in the Internet era.

One word can kill someone. , one word can destroy a tens of billions company.

This is all because the spread of the Internet is too fast, and many people cannot adapt to the spread of the Internet.

As long as there is a scandal, countless people can be pulled out. Scandal is coming.

All these require caution.

Su Can got out of the car and saw two luxury cars next to him. Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly. After scanning it, he felt confident.

"Third brother, does this car belong to Boss Yang?"

Du Guofei asked

"Um! Apart from him, few people in this alley can afford to drive such a luxury car. It seems that he has already arrived.........."

Su Can nodded slightly and smiled.

It's now three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Yang Daqian came from Xiangjiang and took a plane in the morning. It is estimated that he will arrive in the afternoon.

In addition, it didn't take long to arrive at this alley from the airport in Yanjing City, so the time was probably already here.

As soon as Su Can's voice fell, footsteps suddenly sounded inside.


A burst of hurried footsteps rushed out of the courtyard, getting closer and closer, and then the footsteps sounded from somewhere on the threshold of the courtyard. A figure rushed out of the courtyard, looking at the familiar figure, it was... Yang Daqian is undoubtedly


Seeing Su Can, Yang Daqian said hello excitedly.


Su Can looked at Yang Daqian and nodded slightly.

This time, Yang Daqian has made a great contribution, and this great contribution is well deserved.

Although it only reduced the size of the big brother, Su Can knew that this was earlier than in the previous life. several years......

During this time, we can seize the opportunity and lay out the mobile phone field, even if there are still many shortcomings in technology.

Of course, it is not as good as communications companies such as Ericsson and Motorola.

However, this step ahead is enough for Huatong Patent Company to catch up with the opponent by a big step.

If this continues, before the arrival of 3G, Huatong Patent Company will surpass these communications giants, which will not be a big problem.

This was faster than Su Can originally expected.

In this way, the future communications industry is not decided by Qualcomm, but by Huatong, China's communications company Huatong Patent Company. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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