"Wang Er!"

Hearing the old man's promise, Su Can looked at Wang Er

"Third brother, you give your orders........."

Wang Er looked at Su Can and said with a smile.

Su Can ordered:"Contact Chu Feng and ask him to prepare a private room and a few more vegetarian dishes. We will go over for dinner later!" The old man is old and can't eat oily food, so his diet is still Mainly eat light foods. These are the recommendations given by health care doctors.

When Su Can was at the old man's house, most of the food he ate was like this.

After all, as people get older, it is okay to eat fatty foods occasionally, but not if they are eaten regularly.

The old man was secretly satisfied when he saw Su Can's arrangement.

His grandson Su Can was very well prepared. There was no reason why he could grow up to be what he is now.

"Okay third brother!"

Wang Er received Su Can's order and immediately said respectfully. Then he looked at Su Wen and said,"Brother Su, let me borrow the phone."

"no problem!"

Su Wen waved his hand and said it was no problem.

After a while, Wang Er called Chu Feng and ordered a few dishes to be prepared before hanging up the phone.........

"Third brother, it’s all ready!"

Wang Er hung up the phone, looked at Su Can and said.

Su Can nodded slightly and smiled:"Grandpa, everything is ready, let's go! Let's go to the palace restaurant for dinner now"


The old man smiled brightly.

They got ready, stood up from the sofa, and walked outside the house. Su Can walked in front, and when they came outside, they saw Secretary Li

"Uncle Li!"

Su Can walked quickly to Secretary Li and said

"Su Can! Have you talked to the old chief?"

Secretary Li looked at Su Can in surprise.

Su Can smiled and said,"Uncle Li, it's dinner time. Let's go have some food before we talk. You can come too!" I just said I wanted to treat you to dinner, let’s take this opportunity to come together"


Dine with the old man? Secretary Li couldn't even think about it.

When Secretary Li was in a daze, the old man, Su Wen and Wang Er came out

"Xiao Li, come along too!"

The old man looked at Secretary Li, nodded and said.

The old man heard everything Su Can and Secretary Li said just now. He is old and his ears are still good!

"Thank you, Chief!"Secretary Li was overjoyed when he heard this.

He looked at Su Can, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

Su Can smiled faintly, but he didn't feel that this was such a great thing. It was so important to him. Said that it was just a very ordinary thing.

But for Secretary Li, this was undoubtedly a big event, which made Secretary Li feel particularly grateful to Su Can.

Several people walked out of the small building and came to the motorcade. This time they went to dinner, so they drove two cars there without much preparation, and Su Can’s security guards only brought Zhong Mingqiang and Du Guofei with them.

The rest of them drove back to Su Can’s villa in Pengcheng.........

Otherwise, if so many people went to eat at the Palace Restaurant in the Xingshi Building, they would probably be shocked.

People like Su Can, plus the old man's security, must be over thirty people older.


The car started quickly and headed towards the Lion Dance Building.

Here, it is not very far from the Lion Dance Building. In addition, these days, there are not as many traffic lights in Pengcheng as there are in later generations.

The speed is very fast. It won't be long.

Otherwise, in future generations, the ten-kilometer journey will take half an hour, and if it is in the peak area, it will probably take longer.

Now, it is very convenient.

In about ten minutes, under the sunset, the Lion Building looks like a Like a giant holding the sky, it stands in the setting sun.

And the setting sun in the distance is connected with the Lion Building, as if the Lion Building has become a huge candle.

The sun is a burning flame.

"On this land of ours, the only way to go is to have more buildings like this, more factories, and more job opportunities!"

The old man squinted his eyes, looked through the car window, and looked at the Lion Building in the distance, which looked even more glorious and huge under the setting sun, and said with some excitement in his voice.


Su Can, who was sitting next to the old man, held his trembling hand with excitement.

He understood the old man's mood. After decades of hard times, the old man knew how hard it was to improve people's living standards.

He cared about his family. country, almost every day I think about how ordinary people can improve their living standards.

Now, when I see the tall Lion Dance Building, I am naturally very excited.

"Such a day will not be too far away. Our Eastern dragon has awakened. The future world will be the big stage for our China!"

Su Can's voice was sonorous and powerful, full of confidence.

It was as if he had seen that prosperous age right before his eyes. Indeed

, Su Can, Su Wen, old man Li, Secretary Wang Er and others were sitting in the car, and only Su Can Can clearly know what the future will be like.

Therefore, Su Can is full of confidence in the future, and Su Can is full of endless yearning for the future.

"here, here......."

Su Can stretched out his hand and pointed to the low buildings or barren land on both sides of the road. His voice was full of confidence and he said:"Skyscrapers will be erected in these places, each with at least hundreds of buildings." Meters, two hundred meters or even five or six hundred meters high"

"In these buildings, huge companies will be born, providing jobs one after another, so that the living standards of the people will continue to improve."

"Not only that, with the development of Pengcheng, Pengcheng will become a bright pearl in the world, a beautiful business card for our Huaxia, and become an international metropolis!"

Su Can's voice is very contagious, especially at sunset, when the golden sunshine shines into the car.

Along with Su Can's voice, the people sitting in the car can't help but look a little yearning. Get up.

Su Wen said in surprise:"Su Can, can Pengcheng really develop to this point?"

"Third brother, is it true?"

Wang Er was dumbfounded.

Even Secretary Li, who abided by his duties and rarely spoke, couldn't help but asked:"When I heard Su Can's words, I couldn't help but yearn for that scene, and I couldn't wait to see it. Now is the time......."

The old man looked at Su Can and said,"Su Can, when do you think Pengcheng can achieve the scale you mentioned?"

"It doesn't take twenty years, it doesn't take thirty years, it only takes a dozen years to see a large-scale Peng City."

Su Can said confidently. ps Please subscribe

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