An hour had passed since Su Can and the others called the ambulance. At this time, they were all in the hospital........

Su Can was sitting outside the rest room of the hospital, next to Wang Su and Wang Qiang.


At this moment, a burst of footsteps sounded.

Su Can saw Zhong Mingqiang and Du Guofei walking over slowly with that old Kong, because that old Kong walked with a squint.

His legs were almost useless. Got it

"Third brother, thank you!"

Zhong Mingqiang and his party came to Su Can, Zhong Mingqiang said gratefully

"Thank you, third brother!"

Lao Kong next to him made a plop, knelt down, kowtowed heavily to Su Can, and said with red eyes.

"Mingqiang, help him up!"

Su Can frowned slightly and ordered

"It's the third brother."

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang immediately helped Lao Kong up.

He looked at Su Can and said:"Third brother, Lao Kong is so grateful to you that I can't repay you, so I can only kowtow and thank you like this."


Su Can nodded lightly and said,"How is he?"

Zhong Mingqiang said,"The doctor said it was fortunate that it was delivered in time. Otherwise, if the delay continued, Kong Shen's leg would not be saved because it had been inflamed for too long. He has even been infected. If he waits a little longer, it will even endanger his life and it will be over by then."

Lao Kong said guiltily:"I didn't know it would be so serious. I thought it would be fine just to give him some anti-inflammatory medicine.."

That was his only brother. If he hadn't met Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang, maybe in a few days, his brother's presence or absence would be the same thing!

Therefore, that kneeling just now was done willingly.


Su Can frowned, nodded slightly, and looked at Lao Kong. This man was a man who guarded the motherland and had been on the battlefield. Su Can had special admiration for such people.

He was willing to help people like Lao Kong.

"Lao Kong, what’s wrong with your leg and your brother’s injuries!"

Su Can opened his mouth and asked

"Um, this!"

When Lao Kong heard this, he showed a look of embarrassment on his face.........

Zhong Mingqiang took a look and immediately said:"Old Kong, don't talk about bragging, let's put it aside in Xiangjiang. If there is something that the third brother can't do, then there is no one else in Xiangjiang who can do it."

"So, don’t hide what happened to you, and don’t be afraid that it will implicate us."

"Third brother speaks, you say it, this is one, we will help you take revenge."

When Zhong Mingqiang said it to the end, there was a hint of murderous intention in his voice.


Lao Kong looked at it gratefully, but he still didn't believe it in his heart. They are all from the mainland. In this three-acre land of Xiangjiang, do they have such a big business?

Lao Kong was afraid of speaking out and being implicated. What to do if Zhong Mingqiang and the mysterious third brother are found?

"Say it!"

Su Can said lightly.

"Forehead!"Lao Kong took a deep breath and said slowly:"Third brother, Lao Zhong, let me tell you, don't be impulsive!"

"You tell me first!"

Zhong Mingqiang was anxious.

Lao Kong spoke at this time and said:"The matter started two years ago. At that time, we heard that people here in Xiangjiang could earn thousands of yuan a month just by working here. If you come down, you can earn several tens of thousands of yuan."

"So, my brother and I arrived at Pengcheng and smuggled over secretly. Unexpectedly, we ended up in a small fishing village in Xiangjiang."

"Over there, we were discovered by others. There was a gangster in this fishing village who controlled nearly a hundred people nearby. After we were caught by them, they asked us to do illegal work, that is, we would work for them for free."

"When we first arrived, there were many of them. We worked there for almost a year. Finally, I escaped with my brother........"

"But I didn't expect that a few months ago we met that group of people on the streets of Xiangjiang. After they discovered us, we had a fierce fight. My leg was broken by them at that time, and the wound on my brother's leg was... It was also at that time that he was wounded by them."

Su Can frowned slightly when he heard this. In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in this era, or in other words, there are many.

Especially things like smuggling, whether it is smuggling into Xiangjiang domestically, or in this era When we come to the border of the United States, the life of these people is not that good.

The goal is to have a high income in the capital society, but because they don’t have a visa, they can’t work openly, and they will only be squeezed by people with evil intentions.

If they are not squeezed, they will Will report and then send them back. Many people silently accept the squeeze of some small workshops in order not to be sent back.

But Lao Kong and his younger brother, what they encountered was even more excessive.

After all, they controlled them and made them They worked in vain and later escaped. When they met, they actually broke Lao Kong's legs, and even almost killed Lao Kong's younger brother.

In this way, the hatred was great.

"Damn it!"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he was furious and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"made them........."

Du Guofei also said in a deep voice.

The remaining security personnel were also angry. They all knew Lao Kong and had close friendships with him. They were all angry when they saw Lao Kong being treated like this.

"No, no, don't be impulsive. They are local snakes over there, and they have strength in numbers."

Lao Kong quickly stopped Zhong Mingqiang and others.

Su Can looked at it and sighed in his heart.

This Lao Kong is an honest man.

Indeed, the people over there are local snakes. Although there are usually not hundreds of people, there are few There must be person No. 10.

Zhong Mingqiang and the others went there and started a direct fight. The other party was a local gangster with official connections, so they would not gain anything.

Unless they killed the gangster and escaped from Xiangjiang.

However, there is a record of this.

Lao Kong didn’t want Zhong Mingqiang and the others to be like that, so he stopped Zhong Mingqiang, which shows that Lao Kong has a very good character.

"Third brother. Zhong

Mingqiang looked at Su Can and begged:"Please help Lao Kong. He has saved my life before. Please look at my face and help him once. I must make him pay for that gangster." The price was extremely heavy. Su

Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang, smiled, and said,"Mingqiang, you have been with me for so long, do you still need my help with such a small matter?""

"Could it be that after you have been with me for so long, you can't rely on some resources to do such small things?........"

"Then, you underestimate the dignity of being my security chief."

Su Can lightly scolded Zhong Mingqiang and said.

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