"I'm afraid this person is a fool!"

"Ha ha! Idiots, there are only four of them competing with us!"

"There was also a cripple among them......."

"Are you trying to tease me to death? It made me laugh so hard. It was the first time I saw such a stupid person. It was so ridiculous! This one is looking for death!"

"Watt, is this guy’s head rusty?"

"That's right, he's looking for death!"

"I'll break their hands and feet later"

"That’s right, that’s right!"

When the people under Da Jinya heard that Zhong Mingqiang wanted to compete with them in terms of numbers, they all laughed like crazy. One by one, they ridiculed Zhong Mingqiang and the others. They thought this was a very funny thing.

"Okay, don't waste time, break their hands and feet first."Da Jinya couldn't bear it anymore and said directly.


Then he shouted loudly.

Others held various wooden and steel sticks in their hands, and even people with machetes, and began to slowly approach Zhong Mingqiang and the others.

Da Jinya picked up a cigarette and lit it deeply. took a sip.........

He felt that these pretenders in front of him would soon be hit by his men.


At this moment, suddenly there was a dense sound of car horns all around, and then the horns of a large truck also sounded.

Those sounds were many and very dense.

"what happened?"

Da Jinya had a vague premonition in his heart, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The people under his hands also showed curious expressions, looking in the direction of the trumpet sound, and their footsteps changed. Slowed down


Zhong Mingqiang, who was trapped in the middle, said calmly


The next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

More than a dozen cars turned from the intersection, roaring towards the entrance of Dahu Village at a very fast speed.

Not only that, there were several large cars behind them. truck

"what happened? Why are so many cars coming to our village?"

Big Jinya frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

However, before they could recover, the cars had already arrived at the entrance of the village. From the car in front, a man in a suit and leather shoes got out. As soon as that man appeared , saw Zhong Mingqiang surrounded, he pointed with his big hand

"Click! Click!"

The car doors and the big truck door suddenly opened.


Suddenly, a shocking scene unfolded.......

People walked out of those cars one after another. Some of them exuded a fierce aura and were armed with steel rods, machetes and the like.

In less than a few minutes, all those people were surrounded by the people with big gold teeth.

When Da Jinya saw it, he couldn't help but let out a cold breath.

How is this going?

This happened in just a few minutes, he didn't come back to his senses at all, and there were so many people on the other side.

Da Jinya estimated that there were at least nearly three hundred people.

Where did they get all these people?

Could it be that he is from the society?

His big gold tooth never dares to offend those people! Just stay near this fishing village and use the convenience of the port to do evil.

If we were to compare ourselves with real large societies, we would never dare to do so, because the number of people in those societies could be as high as tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

How many people does he have?

Da Jinya looked at the young man who was walking over surrounded by a group of people. He knew that that person must be the person in charge.

He greeted him with a charming look on his face:"Boss, I don't know who you are from, why do you come to Dahu Village? I am from here, can I help you?"

Da Fei glanced at this person. Big Jinya didn't even respond, but walked straight through the crowd towards Zhong Mingqiang.

Da Jinya looked at Da Fei's back, his expression suddenly showed an extremely embarrassed look..........

His big gold teeth flatter others, but others ignore him?

This kind of humiliation has never been encountered by Da Jinya.

However, seeing the hundreds of people around, Da Jinya didn't even dare to say a word. Here he was a local emperor, but compared with the people in the community.

He is such a scumbag and can no longer be scumbag.

Da Jinya gritted his teeth and quickly followed.

However, a scene that stunned him suddenly happened. The young boss who ignored him walked up to the four people, talking and laughing.


When Da Jinya saw it, his throat squirmed and he swallowed in fear. He was dumbfounded.

This was a slap in the face. That person actually had such a big background. He could call anyone in the club casually. So many people. Oh my God! How did I meet such a murderer!

Da Jinya was extremely frightened in his heart, and his hair stood on end, feeling particularly terrible.

Zhong Mingqiang and Da Fei exchanged a few shabby words, but he didn’t expect Da Fei would come over in person. He knew that the reason why Da Fei came over in person was undoubtedly to give face to the third brother.

If it were not for the third brother, Zhong Mingqiang would be nothing, let alone how many people could be called out in a place like Xiangjiang. Hundreds of people came.

All this was because of Third Brother.

Zhong Mingqiang felt very grateful in his heart.......

"Lao Kong, the time has come for revenge!"Zhong Mingqiang came back to his senses, looked at Lao Kong, and found that Lao Kong was stunned.


Zhong Mingqiang reached out and patted Lao Kong on the shoulder.、


Lao Kong came back to his senses and looked at Zhong Mingqiang excitedly, his eyes slightly red.

Zhong Mingqiang smiled faintly and said:"Don't be stupid, the time for revenge has come, let's start taking revenge!"


Lao Kong said excitedly.

Zhong Mingqiang, Lao Kong, Da Fei and others slowly walked towards Da Jinya. Da Jinya looked at those people coming and couldn't help trembling all over.

The fat on his face , couldn't help but tremble.

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Big Jinya and smiled faintly:"Big Jinya, what, don't you want to compete with me to see who has more people? Scared?"


Hearing Zhong Mingqiang's words, Da Jinya was so frightened that his legs and feet collapsed. He knelt down on the ground with a plop and quickly kowtowed to Zhong Mingqiang.

"Boss, it’s me who can’t see Taishan. I’m wrong. I’m wrong, boss!"

Da Jinya knelt down and begged,"I didn't know it was you, boss, please spare me, please spare me!" I know I was wrong!"

"I am willing to pay one million as compensation. Please forgive me, boss, forgive me!"

Big Jinya kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

He now admits defeat.........

Seeing that the opponent's power has long surpassed his, he is unable to resist at all. If he doesn't admit defeat now, he will not be able to take advantage of it.

However, when he begged for mercy, there was a hint of hatred in Da Jinya's eyes. He thought that no one could see him because he lowered his head. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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