Su Can and Zhang Man turned around and headed towards the car.

Now SoftBank has only begun to experience fluctuations, and its market value is declining. It has not yet reached the lowest trough........

To re-invest now is just to take the more than 100 million US dollars that Sun Zhengyi took out last time and return it to Sun Zhengyi.

The Vientiane Group holds 30% of Sun Zhengyi’s shares in SoftBank.

This seems like a lot.

However, judging from the current situation, it is undoubtedly a loss.

As long as you wait a little longer and SoftBank's market value drops, Vientiane Group can spend less money to get the 30% of the shares.

Not only that, it will also make Sun Zhengyi grateful.

Going in now will only make him take it for granted.

Su Can didn't need to tell Zhang Man how to make this deal, so that Wanxiang Group could get the maximum benefit.

So now there is no need to deal with Cangtian Yingluo at all

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, please give me a chance!"

Cangtian Yingluo watched Su Can and Zhang Man's backs drifting away, with a look of despair on her face.

That position was missed by her again.........

When she came to Xiangjiang, President Sun Zhengyi personally promised her that if she really found Vientiane Group willing to invest.

Then, the position of vice president of SoftBank Group belongs to her.

As a result, he became the person in charge of a company with a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars. This was a temptation that Cangtian Yingluo could not resist.

But now that I look at it, it’s obviously ruined.


Cangtian Yingluo let out a long sigh. Watching Su Can and Zhang Man's motorcade leave slowly, her eyes couldn't help but dim.


Cangtian Yingluo thought for a moment and was about to say something in a low voice.


Suddenly, Cangtian Yingluo took a sharp breath, opened her mouth slightly, and was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. She looked in the direction of the motorcade that had disappeared long ago.

"That one?

Cangtian Yingluo said in astonishment:"Who did Mr. Zhang call just now?""


Cangtian Yingluo whispered:"Is that the name of the president of our island country?" Could it be that that man is the man behind Wanxiang Group?"

"The president said that that man was the one who really took over the Wanxiang Group. Could it be that he was the man just now?"

"Oh my God! Oh dear Amaterasu, what did I miss?.........."

"How could I be so stupid, why couldn't I recognize this man! You know, what the president said, that person is very young"

"And just now, the person standing next to Mr. Zhang was so young! He's almost the same age as me"


Cangtian Yingluo said regretfully:"Why can't I recognize it?"

She particularly regretted it. After all, in order to find her, she followed the instructions given by Sun Zhengyi and personally went to the manor under Taiping Mountain and waited countless times.

Even, sometimes, the whole thing is there.

However, nothing was found.

But now, that person was so close, but she didn't realize it, and she missed such an important opportunity in vain.

This made her sad.

If she knew, she should have dressed up more before coming here and not wear so much!

As long as that person likes her, she can accompany him no matter what.

But the opportunity was missed?


Cangtian Yingluo felt unspeakable regret and took out her Xiaomi mobile phone. Yesterday, the head of Softbank Group, Sun Zhengyi, asked her to be responsible for looking for Su Can.

Naturally, after the Xiaomi mobile phone was launched, he also bought it for her. One.

Xiaomi mobile phones are not only available in Xiangjiang, but also in Bangzi, island countries, Southeast Asia and other places............

This mobile phone sells for 46666 in Xiangjiang, while in Asia and other places, other countries sell it with a price increase of more than 5,000, which is 51666.

This even gave birth to the first batch of mobile phone purchasing agents in history. Many people bought Xiaomi mobile phones in Xiangjiang and got Sell ​​abroad.

Because this is five thousand Xiangjiang coins earned in vain!

For ordinary people, this is almost two months' salary, but if you are a mobile phone purchase agent, you can earn two months' salary with one mobile phone.

If I could build ten units a month, that would be a monthly income of 50,000!

Su Can never thought that he would inadvertently make it cheaper for Chinese people to buy mobile phones by thousands of dollars, and he would actually become the beginning of the purchasing agent industry for Chinese people.

Is he considered the founder of the mobile phone purchasing industry?

Cangtian Yingluo took her mobile phone, checked the time, gritted her teeth, and started to call the phone number.

The president once said that as long as there is news about Mr. Su in Xiangjiang, report it immediately.

Even though it's almost twelve o'clock there now.

After all, there is a time difference between the island country and Hong Kong. It’s almost ten o’clock here, but there’s an extra hour there.


Cangtian Yingluo called, opened the car door at the same time, and got into her Nissan car.


After connecting over there, Cangtian Yingluo said respectfully

"Say it! You called me so late and woke me up from my sleep. If there is nothing else, you know the price. Sun

Zhengyi said in a deep voice

"President, I just saw the mysterious Mr. Su........."

Cangtian Yingluo said in a deep voice

"What? Mr. Su found him, where is he!"

Sun Zhengyi's voice suddenly became excited, and Cangtian Yingluo could even hear the shaking sound from the phone.

It was obvious that the excited President Sun Zhengyi had touched something.

Sure enough, He was very excited about the mysterious man

"Sorry, president! Cangtian

Yingluo said:"I saw a young man next to Mr. Zhang, but I didn't recognize him on the spot. It was only after they left that I suddenly realized that that person must be Mr. Su.""

"What? When Sun

Zhengyi heard this, he became furious and shouted loudly:"You idiot, you stupid woman, Young Master Su is right in front of you, but you don't recognize him.""

"You have ruined a big thing. You stupid guy has caused our SoftBank Group to miss a big opportunity."

"You deserve death, you damn woman."

Sun Zhengyi was extremely angry.

He knew how much power he had with the mysterious Mr. Su, and how rare it was to find him.

And he warned Cangtian Yingluo to pay more attention. , the young man next to Zhang Man.

If she was respectful to that person, it must be Mr. Su.

And now, she knew it, but she didn't recognize it on the spot.

Damn it........

Sun Zhengyi kept yelling at Cangtian Yingluo on the other side of the phone. Even so, it was difficult to understand Sun Zhengyi's anger. ps request_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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