Huang Manyu is full of murderous intent, and Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan also have a hint of murderous intent.

Compared to the three of them, when the others in Xiangjiang learned the news, they did not show murderous intentions, but were full of contemplation.

Lee Group.

In this building, only the Li Group has its offices, and only a few large companies in Xiangjiang have such large offices.

A company, a building.

At this time, Li Chaoren was sitting in the office, pushing up the gold-rimmed glasses frames. He had been reading the financial newspaper for more than ten minutes.

And his eyes remained motionless........

Compared with his calm eyes, Li Chaoren's heart at this time was not calm, but like the sea, making huge waves.

This big wave swept over for more than ten minutes, but it was difficult to calm down.

"No wonder, no wonder! Li

Chaoren sighed a few times and said in a low voice:"I saw Zhang Man so respectful to Su Can several times, and I thought he just had an amazing background.""

"I didn't expect that he was really the big boss behind Wanxiang Group. This really surprised me and was beyond imagination."

Li Chaoren was very curious about the rise of Wanxiang Group.

Unfortunately, Wanxiang Group was very simple on the surface. Privately, it was as simple as on the surface.

After he checked, he found that there was nothing to find out..

Therefore, I always thought that Zhang Man was the real major shareholder of Wanxiang Group.

But now, the news broke by Financial Weekly made Li Chaoren realize it instantly. Those ideas that had been disconnected before were connected at this moment. Together.

Finally, together

"Vientiane Group?"

Li Chaoren read in a low voice.

Even he had to admit that in just a few years, this group has achieved something that he could not achieve after struggling for most of his life.

Moreover, in some judgments, , the large-scale investments made by Wanxiang Group are far inferior to those of Wanxiang Group.

For example, when the Hong Kong real estate market collapsed a few years ago, Li Chaoren made a large sum of money to buy the bottom, but he only took out more than one billion in funds.

At that time, it was not that he did not want to take it, but that he did not have the strength to do so. allow........

However, Wanxiang Group allocated RMB 5 billion in liquidity to save the housing market, a feat even Li Chaoren envied.

Especially the high-quality properties purchased by Wanxiang Group made Li Chaoren jealous.

Those several buildings were in great locations and at unbelievably low prices. Unfortunately, they were acquired by the wealthy Vientiane Group.

It's not that he doesn't want it, it's just that although his industry is considered top-notch in Xiangjiang, it is still weak compared to the terrifying opponent of Wanxiang Group.

If you are competing, compete with Vientiane Group for those high-quality building properties.

Li Chaoren knew that he would definitely not be able to get a good deal, because even if they raised the price of those properties, they might not be able to buy them.

And, not only that, it might also affect his other layouts.

In the end, I could only watch helplessly as Wanxiang Group acquired the enviable high-quality properties. Now the value of the best properties has soared.

The highest increase was already four times higher than when I first bought it.

This is really amazing.

Li Chaoren looked at it with envy.


At this moment, the office door was pushed open.

Li Chaoren's thoughts were awakened at this moment. He looked at the door, frowned slightly, and showed an unhappy look in his eyes.

He is a man who pays attention to rules. , and the door was opened so recklessly without knocking, which made him feel unhappy.

When he saw that the person who came was his eldest son, Li Chaoren shook his head helplessly.

This son was just different from Mr. Su. They are only a few years old, but the gap between the two, not to mention the achievements, just in terms of Qi nourishing skills is a world of difference.......... no way!

A monster like Mr. Su is rare to see in a hundred or even a thousand years.

Li Chaoren can only comfort himself in this way

"What's the matter? He's so reckless. If something big happens, he will remain as still as a mountain."Li Chaoren looked at his eldest son and said

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

Li Zeju humbly accepted Li Chaoren's criticism.

Seeing his son like this, Li Chaoren nodded slightly. Although this child is far different from Mr. Su, he is good at learning and listens to opinions.

In this regard, Li Chaoren Superman is particularly satisfied

"What's wrong!"

Li Chaoren opened his mouth and asked slowly.

"Dad, do you know the big news?"Li Zeju raised the newspaper in his hand. When he was about to say something, he suddenly saw the newspaper in front of his father's desk.


Li Chaoren instantly knew what his son was going to say.

"That Mr. Su, it's so scary, he is actually the big boss behind Wanxiang Group."Li Zeju spoke with a shocked expression.

"Dad, how did he do it? Li

Zeju was shocked and said:"Wanxiang Group was founded in 1979. It was only a few years ago. How old was he at that time?" Isn't it about the same age as me now?"

The more he learned this, the more terrifying Li Zeju felt.

How old is Su Shaocai now?

So, in 1979, he was only in his early twenties, right?.........

This age is almost the same as his, and at this age, the other party created the giant Wanxiang Group that it is today.

In just a few years, Wanxiang Group has surpassed the industry that his father spent most of his life creating.

Is that human being? evildoer? god?

He's so changed, this Su Shao is really not a human, he's simply a god.

Li Zeju felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Compared with that Mr. Su, the gap between him and Mr. Su was really huge, so big that it was like a huge ocean trench.

It can't be overcome in several lifetimes.

Even if you achieve one percent of this person’s achievements, I’m afraid it will be difficult to achieve. This is a very scary thing.

"Um! Mr. Su is indeed excellent!"

Li Chaoren nodded, leaned back on the chair and said:"Among all the people I have met, including us old guys, no one is more powerful and outstanding than him. He has far surpassed us."

"What's even scarier?

Li Chaoren continued:"How old is he?" I am really convinced that he has achieved such great results at such a young age."

When it comes to being convinced, Li Chaoren's eyes showed a gloomy look.

Now, no matter how much he is not convinced by Su Can, he is still convinced.

Especially knowing that Su Can is still the big boss behind Wanxiang Group, this is simply It gave Li Chaoren a sense of powerlessness.

The father and son, now thinking of Su Can, both felt like this.........

People are really pitted against each other, which is really annoying.

How does this compare?

They are human beings, and what is Mr. Su? Is it God? He is a monster-like figure, how can he compare? ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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