Huang Manyu was dumbfounded, and the youngest opened her mouth in shock, grinning from ear to ear.

"Why?" she blurted out.......

"Boss, we have found out that Cangtian Yingluo is the mastermind behind this. Why not just control the person directly?"

Lu Qianshan found it unbelievable. Why did the boss refuse this?

In Zhang Man's impression, the boss Su Can was not an indecisive person, nor was he a kind-hearted person.

If he got angry, the whole of Xiangjiang would tremble..

But now, how can he not let her control Cangtian Yingluo?

Is it possible that this matter will be settled?

"boss? why is that?"

Zhang Man also asked curiously.

The three women all found it incredible, because Su Can's decision was really unlike his decision.

Is this still the decisive Su Can?

They were all confused.


Su Can smiled faintly, picked up the teapot, filled the empty teacup with tea, and slowly picked up the teacup.

He blew a few puffs of cool air, and the tea cooled slightly, and he drank it immediately.........

"Because, without us taking action, someone will naturally tie Cangtian Yingluo in front of us. Why bother to do it ourselves and get our hands dirty?"

Su Can smiled, put down the tea cup and said.

This time it was Cangtian Yingluo who took the initiative to put the knife in front of Su Can, but even if she took the initiative to put the knife in front of Su Can, Su Can would not do it. Let others do it.

If you do it yourself, wouldn’t that make your own hands dirty?

"Boss, you mean, let Sun Zhengyi?"

Zhang Manhui was stunned. A figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and he immediately blurted out:

"Sun Zhengyi?"

Huang Manyu muttered her name, and her eyes suddenly opened up. She looked at Su Can and was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, she liked him and had taken action early to become his woman. What if she had become his enemy?

Huang Manyu even shuddered. , because compared with Su Can, her methods are simply weak.

But now, she has become Su Can's woman, and Su Can will only protect her, but Su Can's methods make her safe. Feeling.

Lu Qianshan said in surprise:"As expected of the boss, this is a good method. Killing a chicken with a bull's-eye. Since it is a matter of Softbank Group, let Sun Zhengyi personally kidnap Cangtian Yingluo and come over.""


Su Can nodded slightly and smiled..........

Of course, the more critical point is that Su Can, in addition to not wanting to do it himself, also wanted to beat Sun Zhengyi's SoftBank Group.

SoftBank Group is what Su Can must get.

This is related to Su Can's layout in the island country, the country with the third largest economy in the world in the future.

Without SoftBank, how successful would the subsequent series of arrangements have been? And if he wanted to control SoftBank, Sun Zhengyi would be convinced.

He is willing to work for Su Can.

Then, you have to keep fighting.

This time the Cangtian Yingluo incident gave Su Can a good opportunity to beat him. Facing Su Can's anger, Sun Zhengyi would definitely retreat a lot.

Su Can wants Sun Zhengyi to be pushed back step by step with no way out amid the general trend.

When the time comes, if Su Can buys SoftBank Group again, Sun Zhengyi will definitely be grateful for it without any complaints.

Only moved.

This is a mature business boss who will strategize and develop things in a direction that is beneficial to him after something happens.

Su Can's current operation is exactly this model.

They have transcended the world and no longer rely solely on hatred, let alone such trivial hatred.

"Boss, I asked the people in the group to call Sun Zhengyi immediately and ask him to come to Xiangjiang immediately and kidnap Cangtian Yingluo. He has to bear the thorn and plead guilty!"

Zhang Man said murderously.

"Go for it!"

Su Can nodded with satisfaction.

Lu Qianshan looked at Su Can and felt that he had learned a lot.........

This move of the boss, killing someone with a borrowed knife, is really subtle, and it is also the best way to deal with the enemy.

Once this method comes out, who can compete?

Lu Qianshan felt that he must learn this trick carefully.

After a while, Zhang Man made the call and said:"Boss, I have asked the vice president of the company to take charge of this matter."

"very good! Wait a day or two for Sun Zhengyi to come over with Cangtian Yingluo to apologize!"

Su Can leaned back on the sofa and said with a faint smile.

Twenty minutes later, the island country

"Bagaya Road!"

In the headquarters of SoftBank Group, Son Jung-yi slammed the phone on the ground in the office and let out a huge roar.

This sound shook the entire SoftBank Group.

All employees were frightened and the hair on their hair stood on end.

In the island country In the workplace culture of a company, subordinates must absolutely obey their superiors, let alone the boss of a group.

The employees in the office were all trembling with fear, not knowing who it was that had angered President Sun Zhengyi again, and they felt afraid. Extremely.

At this time, in the office,

Sun Zhengyi grabbed his head with both hands and looked ferocious. He grabbed it with his hands and immediately caught a lot of hair and fell off.

During this period, SoftBank Group began to decline, and its investment companies went bankrupt one after another, and SoftBank Group had no new investors to join...........

As a result, the company's current market value has dropped a lot.

Sun Zhengyi's anxious hair was falling out in large handfuls. It is estimated that it will not take long for all his hair to fall out.

"Cherry blossoms are falling in Cangtian! Sun

Zhengyi gritted his teeth and said bitterly:"You stupid woman, I asked you to go to Xiangjiang to please Mr. Su. How dare you plot against Mr. Su?""

He hated that woman Cangtian Yingluo so much. He thought Cangtian Yingluo was very capable, but he didn't expect that she was so stupid.

In Xiangjiang, she actually dug such a big hole.

He thought of the one just now The other party on the phone was a senior vice president of Wanxiang Group, and the tone of his words was so stern.

After Sun Zhengyi knew the truth, he felt extremely frightened.

He knew that although the current SoftBank Group has a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars, The company is compared with a giant like Wanxiang Group.

SoftBank is extremely weak.

And his men actually dare to plot against Wanxiang Group?

Isn’t that looking for death?

"Fortunately, Wanxiang Group knew that I was not involved in this matter. Otherwise, if they thought I was involved in this matter, SoftBank would be doomed. Sun

Zhengyi said harshly:"No, I must make up for it. I want that bitch Cangtian Yingluo to know what big mistake I have committed.""

"I want to make her regret it for the rest of her life......."

Sun Zhengyi's heart was full of hatred.

Can he not hate it?

The company was almost destroyed by Cangtian Yingluo. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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