
Su Can's yacht started and without hesitation hit the yacht on the opposite side.........


The people on the yacht opposite were frightened, and someone shouted

"Madman, that man is madman!"

"If he dares to ram this yacht into us, isn't he afraid that after the yacht is damaged, he won't be able to afford the damage to the yacht for several lifetimes?"

"Oh my God! Run!"

"Give me a swim ring!"

"hurry up!"

"Damn, that guy is the real lunatic."

"Run! The yacht opposite is too big. Let's run quickly. If we run slower, it will never be too late."

There were panicked sounds on the yacht.

A man who was originally very arrogant showed fear on his face. He was so frightened by Su Can's yacht that his face turned extremely pale........

They were all frightened.

It turns out that they were the ones doing such arrogant things, but now it's actually the other way around, someone crashed into them with a yacht.

Crazy, crazy

"Bang! Boom!"

Just when chaos broke out on the yacht opposite, Su Can's yacht crashed into it without any surprise.

This tall and massive yacht crushed her like a Big Mac. On the yacht opposite.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise


Su Can stood on the yacht and could feel the moment the yacht hit. His whole body was shaking, as if he had encountered an earthquake.

However, the vibration was only for a moment.

The next moment, it was just a slight tremor.

However, the yacht opposite was not just like this. When Su Can's yacht collided with the other party's yacht, a big hole suddenly appeared in the other party's yacht, and the body of the yacht was sunken into it.

The body of the yacht is deformed.......


Not only that, the yacht also tilted greatly after the impact and fell to the side.

The people on the yacht were even more unbearable. They were shaken by the impact and fell into the sea water like dumplings. That way

"thump! thump!"

Falling down one by one, they all became like drowned rats.


Su Can didn't care about those people who fell into the sea, or whether those people lived or died. Instead, he ordered Zhong Mingqiang to continue letting the captain crash into it.

No matter what, the other party's yacht must be hit and scrapped.

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully


The captain increased his power and continued to ram hard, overturning the yacht.

Under Su Can's big yacht, he directly hit the yacht there and opened a big hole in a short time.

Then, the seawater poured into the big hole crazily.

Su Can took a look, and then asked Zhong Mingqiang to tell the captain to look at the yacht and head towards Huang Manyu and Wang Su.

As for the yacht, and the dye The white-haired Mr. Lei and Su Can, no matter how good they are, slowly get rid of these people.

Now, the yacht has crashed and will probably sink to the bottom of the sea later...........


Looking at Su Can's big yacht leaving the scene, his own yacht had already entered the water and was half swallowed by the sea water. Mr. Lei, who had dyed white hair and was wearing a life jacket, roared loudly in the water.

"Damn it, I want you dead, I want you dead!"

Lei Shao yelled.

However, Su Can couldn't hear any of his curses.

After the yacht picked up Huang Manyu, Wang Su and others, it headed towards the villa on the beach. After being disturbed like this, , they also have no interest in continuing to play.

They might as well go back

"elder brother!"

After getting on the yacht and looking at Su Can, Wang Su said with a cry.

"Um! fine! Su Can nodded slightly and said,"I have taught those people a lesson. It's okay. It's okay.""

Seeing this girl like this, Su Can guessed that she was scared enough.

She came from a small place, and she had never seen such a formation before! So it was normal for Wang Su to be scared.

"Thank you brother!"

Watching his brother stand up for him, Wang Su felt full of security.

Xu Qingchen looked at Su Can and said,"Uncle Su, do you want to tell my father about this and ask him to send someone to control those people? people"


Su Can shook his head and said with a smile:"I will deal with this person later. You don't have to worry about it. Go back later and have a good meal! I caught a lot of fish.""


Xu Qingchen and Xu Qingxia nodded and said.

After the yacht drove for dozens of minutes, it quickly returned to the pier of Su Can's villa and parked on the pier.

Su Can and the others got off the yacht and headed towards the villa. And go.

Now, Su Can has given this villa to Huang Manyu.

Even the yacht was actually given to Huang Manyu as a reward for Huang Manyu being pregnant with Su Can's child.

This tradition is very common in Xiangjiang. There is a history.

Su Can remembers that in later generations, some wealthy people in Xiangjiang did the same thing when their daughter-in-law or granddaughter-in-law had children.

For example, if a girl was born, she would be rewarded 10 million.

If she was a boy, the reward would be several million. Tens of millions.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

However, although Su Can's is somewhat similar to them, in the final analysis, this is just a gift because Su Can is grateful to Huang Manyu.

Let Wang Su, take Xu Qingchen and Xu Qingxia to the beach Have fun.........

After getting off the yacht, Su Can asked Wang Su to take Xu Qingchen and Xu Qingxia to play at the beach. The chef quickly cooked the red fish and mackerel, while he and Huang Manyu came to the living room to do some work.

Su Can sat down

"Check it out, what is the origin of Lei's Group!"

Su Can narrowed his eyes and said with a hint of murderous intent.

"I'm going to call the bank and ask someone to check what kind of company this Lei Group is in Siam. When Huang

Manyu heard this, she immediately said

"Um! sorry to bother you!"

Su Can nodded slightly.

As for the so-called Mr. Lei, he actually bullied his sister. Although Su Can is not a sister-in-law, people in his family are not allowed to be bullied.

Now, although Su Can has broken The other party's yacht cost the other party nearly 10 million.

Moreover, it also knocked over those people and fell into the sea. However, all this was not enough. He had to make him regret it for the rest of his life.

And doing so was to hit the back of Mr. Lei Rely on him.

As a result, he, and even the family behind him, will be implicated, falling from a high position to the world..........

From the most luxurious life, he suddenly became without money and lived like a slum.

This is the greatest punishment.

It would be difficult for others to do this, but for Su Can, it couldn't be easier. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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