"Are you not in a hurry?"

When Su's mother heard this, she turned back, looked at Su's father, rolled her eyes, and said,"Then don't you read the newspaper? See what I'm doing over there? I've watched it several times........"


His little idea was discovered, and Su's father blushed. Fortunately, he took the newspaper to cover it so that it was not exposed.

"Ahem! Father Su coughed a few times and said,"The children will be back soon. When you are done with the work in the kitchen, come over and rest.""

"I have all the dishes ready! Mother Su thought for a moment, then walked towards the sofa, sat down and said,"I have prepared several kilograms of beef, mutton and so on. In addition to these, hairy tripe, lamb tripe, ribs, sea fish, sea shrimp and frozen tofu, There are vermicelli, cabbage and everything else"

"By the way, I also made ten pounds of sheep and scorpions. Do you think Manyu can get used to these dishes here?"

Mother Su said worriedly.

This is the first time for her daughter-in-law to come to Yanjing City. Although she is not in the family building, she is in the villa she built by herself..........

But Mother Su went to the vegetable market early in the morning and bought all kinds of fresh mutton and beef that were slaughtered that day.

It was specially made into slices of mutton and beef.

Sheep and Scorpio have been treated a lot.

Just next to the living room, everything has been set up, and a large table is full.

In this day and age, this would definitely be eaten by rich people. How could ordinary people have the money to eat at such a big table?

Even if it’s the Chinese New Year, I still can’t bear to eat so much.

Isn't that a waste of money?

If it were left to this day and age, anyone from Yanjing City would come as a guest and see so many dishes, and they would feel that the host values ​​them very much.

However, Su's mother was still worried.

After all, his daughter-in-law is no ordinary person!

He was the person in charge of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. He had never tasted anything like this, delicacies from mountains and seas, flying in the sky and swimming in the water.........

Even the old couple have never seen it, and their daughter-in-law has probably eaten it.

Therefore, Mother Su always felt that the things she prepared were a bit too shabby for her daughter-in-law Huang Manyu to look down on!

Although, after living with Huang Manyu in Xiangjiang for a period of time, Mother Su felt a little low about Huang Manyu's character.

But, is this impossible to say?

In her heart, she was very anxious.

"What we are eating tonight is hotpot mutton. The taste is bland, similar to the ones in Guangdong Province. The kid Manyu should be able to get used to it."

Dad Su put down the newspaper, thought for a moment, and replied


Mother Su asked again, still a little worried.

"You!"When Dad Su heard this, he shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. He still saw this side of his wife.

Is this because he is afraid that his daughter-in-law won't be used to it?

"It's okay, eating habits. A few days ago, you called Su Can and asked Manyu if she had any taboos. Didn't Su Can tell you everything?"

Su's father rolled his eyes and said.

Su's mother remembered the phone call she gave to her son Su Can a few days ago, asking Huang Manyu what she couldn't eat and what she didn't like to eat.........

However, his son's reply to him was that he could say anything, no matter what he said.

Moreover, Huang Manyu can eat both spicy and non-spicy dishes.

Having said that, as a mother-in-law, Mother Su is still worried. How can I put it, her heart is hanging in the air?


Mother Su paused and sat nervously on the sofa.

Dad Su looked at it, smiled, and said,"Don't say it, Su Can really knows how to enjoy it. This house is really nice, much warmer than where we are."

"Moreover, the environment is good and very quiet. It is really comfortable to live here in the winter!"

Dad Su changed the topic and said with a smile.

"Come on!"

Sure enough, after hearing what Su's father said, Su's mother was instantly attracted by her topic. She rolled her eyes, smiled at Su's father and said:"A few days ago, when the house here was built, didn't the child ask you to move here? Live? I don’t know who it was that disliked this place. It’s not good, and that’s not good either?"


When Su's father heard what Su's mother said, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At first, he really disliked this place. He thought it was remote and the location was not good, so he didn't come over to see it. Instead, he continued to live with Mother Su in the family courtyard..........

Now, do you think it's better here?

Um! Truth series.

Father Su was speechless by Mother Su. This old couple has been like this for decades.

Father Su also likes this kind of relationship.

If one day, Su's mother stops criticizing him, Su's father will not adapt to it.

The same is true for Su's mother. If one day, Su's father is not around and she is scolding her, she will be a little uncomfortable.

This is why, in the previous life, the Su family was defeated. After Su's father passed away, Su's mother also passed away not long after.

This is their love!

Simple, help each other

"My son also has several villas here. How about I talk to my son and we can bring one over and live here."

Although Mother Su criticizes Father Su, she loves this man very much in her heart.


Dad Su shook his head and said with a smile:"It's such a waste for just the two of us to live in such a big house, and living like this is so scary........."

"I still like the family building where we live. It’s not big or small. It’s our home. It’s very warm."

"When I come back from get off work every day, it would be great if I could have dinner with you at home, read for a while, and you could give me a shoulder massage."

"It’s hard to adapt to living here!"

Dad Su was making a strong confession, saying little love words.

When Mama Su heard this, her face turned slightly red. She looked at Dad Su, glared at him, and scolded him with a smile:"You are so naughty."


After being scolded by Su's mother, Su's father was not angry. Instead, he smiled happily and felt beautiful.

Looking at Su's mother's eyes, he became even gentler.

Fortunately, Su Can was not here at this time..

If it were left in the past, he would have been just a big bright light bulb, which was particularly annoying and too redundant.

But now, there are only Su’s father and Su’s mother.

So, Su’s father had the courage to pull down that light bulb. The old face of the upper layer, following the words of love that Su’s mother said........

Otherwise, he wouldn’t even dare to give Su’s father ten courages, right?

Could it be that he doesn't want to lose face?

Su's father is also a face-saving person. How could he say loving words to his wife in front of his son? ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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