Su Can frowned slightly and looked over as he walked.

The old man keeps looking here........

It was obvious that he had been standing at the door for a long time, probably when Su Can and the others called.

Not long after, the old man came out and waited according to the usual time for Su Can and others.

Even so, it's been almost twenty minutes

"Su Can! Huang

Manyu looked at Su Can with excitement in her eyes and said,"Grandpa, did you really come out to pick us up?"

Su Can smiled bitterly and said,"I should be picking you up!""

"Forehead! Huang

Manyu was startled.

Su Can explained:"There is no one in our Su family who can make the old man like this. He walked to the door and waited eagerly for someone!""

"I guess the old man knew you were coming today, so he came to the door to wait for you, his granddaughter-in-law!"

He has come here countless times. No matter how great his achievements are, the old man has never come to the gate to wait for Su Can to say this.

There is no grandfather waiting for his grandson outside the gate.

Usually, it is Su Can who enters the courtyard. He ran directly to the backyard to find the old man. This was the first time he saw the old man like this........

And these must be because of Huang Manyu


Huang Manyu was dumbfounded.

Is it really to welcome her?

Su Can's grandfather valued her so much. Did he value his daughter-in-law so much?

Huang Manyu felt particularly nervous in her heart, fearing that the old man would be dissatisfied with her being such a daughter-in-law. My granddaughter-in-law.

Now, this worry is completely gone.

The old man has come to the gate in person to wait. Isn’t this satisfactory? That means he values ​​her as his granddaughter-in-law too much.

So satisfied.

"Walk! Let's hurry up, don't keep the old man waiting."

Su Can said anxiously.

The old man is not young anymore. Leaving it in such a cold weather will cause serious damage to the body, so it can save a few seconds, just a few seconds.

Over there, the old man also saw this side.........

Although the old man is old, he still recognizes Su Can and his party.


Wang Su was more lively. He ran over first and soon came to the old man's side. He supported the old man and said,"Grandpa, why are you waiting at the door? It's so cold."

"hey-hey! The old man said with a smile:"I knew you, the little elf, were coming back today, so I came here specially to wait for you.""

"whee! Grandpa must have lied to see his sister-in-law."Wang Su smiled and directly revealed the old man's thoughts.

"Our Wang Su is still smarter."

The old man said with a smile.

"Of course! Wang

Su chuckled and said,"Grandpa, the third brother's wife is really nice.

This is helping Huang Manyu to say good things."

The old man squinted his eyes and smiled after hearing this


Wang Qiang also came to the front and greeted the old man.

"well! It's good to be back!"

The old man said with a smile. After saying hello, the old man looked at the two people in front of him. They are talented and beautiful. These are his precious grandson and granddaughter-in-law.........

"grandfather! Su

Can looked at the old man's happy expression and said with a smile:"I brought your granddaughter-in-law back to see you.""

"Hello grandpa!"

Huang Manyu heard Su Can's words and immediately bowed slightly to the old man and said hello.


When the old man heard this, he hurriedly said a few good words.

Looking at Huang Manyu's graceful appearance, decent appearance, and good temperament, she is a good match for his grandson Su Can.

This pairing is a match made in heaven. What a pair!

"Manyu! If Su Can bullies you in the future, tell Grandpa and Grandpa will make the decision for you!"The old man said with a smile.

She is very satisfied with this grandson-in-law. She is indeed her grandson. She has a good vision, just like her good vision in the past, which suddenly selected Su Can and his grandmother.

Now, This child has inherited his own vision.

Yes, yes.

In the heart of the old man, he is secretly proud.

If Su Can knew that the old man was so narcissistic, he would probably be shocked. Is this still the old man he knew?


Su Can smiled bitterly when he heard the old man's words.

My parents already doted on Huang Manyu so much and supported her, and now the old man was added to them.

Co-author, your status is so low?

If there is a conflict with Huang Manyu, will Su Can have to endure four joint attacks?

Su Can wants to cry but has no tears

"If you and my parents dote on Manyu, I will have no status in the family from now on."Su Can spread his hands and said helplessly.

"What status do you want?"

I rolled my eyes at Su Can.

I think back then, your grandfather and I experienced all kinds of blood and fire, and did not even frown under the hail of bullets.

I am not afraid of your grandma.

Of course, this The old man didn't say this sentence.

If the old man said it, wouldn't the old man lose face?

If Su Can knew, then he would also know why his father was a strict wife. Is it hereditary?

This is the Su family, a unique lineage.........

But fortunately, she didn't have such an issue with her. She was submissive to her woman.

Basically, this kind of thing won't happen.

Su Can looked at the old man and could only shrug helplessly, looking speechless.

"grandfather! Huang

Manyu smiled at Su Can, showing a cute and cunning little expression, then looked at the old man and said:"Su Can is very good to me. She is the person who loves me the most in the world and will not bully me. You guys Just don’t worry!"

Huang Manyu felt warm in her heart when the old man said this.

After all, it is a dream for any woman to get the support of her husband's family.

And Huang Manyu got it.

She felt unprecedented happiness

"That’s good, that’s good!"

The old man laughed and was very happy. He was very generous to Huang Manyu's performance, especially just now, he gave Huang Manyu a lot of face.

However, Huang Manyu also gave her husband, the old man His grandson Su Can has a great reputation.

At first glance, this girl is a good wife.

For this, the old man is particularly satisfied........

My grandson Su Can really married a good wife!

The old man thought it was really good. The third generation of the Su family and the wives he married were all good. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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