"gone back?"

Su Can sighed inwardly and said lightly.

It seemed that this girl was deeply affected. After chatting with Huang Manyu for a while, she saw Su Can and the old man chatting in the study......

Then, I said goodbye.

Su Can did not doubt that Huang Manyu said evil things. She was no one else. Su Can knew and trusted Huang Manyu's character very well.

So Su Can had no doubt about this.

But I feel that after Chu Yiyi found out that Huang Manyu was his woman, she felt unhappy and uncomfortable and didn't want to stay here.

Even though Huang Manyu chatted with her softly.

In Chu Yiyi's heart, she felt even more uncomfortable. This feeling was a bit heartbreaking and heartbreaking........

"Just go back if she goes back!

The old man sighed and said,"I originally wanted to stay with Yiyi and have lunch together!" It seems there is no other way"

"Grandpa, if we have a chance, Su Can and I will treat Yiyi to dinner again!"

Huang Manyu explained slowly.

Seeing that the old man and Su Can both trusted her and did not think that she had driven them away just because Chu Yiyi left, Huang Manyu felt warm in her heart.

This sense of trust is very important to her. to make her comfortable

"Um! That’s fine!

The old man smiled and said:"Yiyi, this child, has been Su Can's follower since she was a child, just like a little sister. Su Can has always regarded Chu Yiyi as his sister.""

When Huang Manyu heard this, she looked at Su Can and rolled her eyes.

Do you think of her as a sister?

As a result, Chu Yiyi regarded Su Can as her boyfriend. I really don't know how this guy could be so radiant when he was a child. So charming?

But also, if Su Can didn’t have such a strong charm, how could he attract himself? Attract the likes of beautiful and outstanding girls like Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan........

Let yourself be trapped in it and unable to extricate yourself.

This made Huang Manyu feel very conflicted.

"Yiyi is generous and generous, I also like it very much. Huang Manyu said with a smile.

When the old man heard this, he looked at Su Can, and looked at Su Can meaningfully, as if reminding Su Can of what he just said in the study.

Su Can had no choice but to smile bitterly.


At this moment, a pretty voice sounded outside


Then, the oilcloth door curtain was opened.

A tall, delicate and beautiful girl ran in. It was Wang Su. She smiled and said:"I helped my elder brother tidy up the room."

"So powerful!"

Seeing Wang Su, the old man smiled kindly and said.

Now, among the third generation of the huge Su family, Wang Su is the only one who is like a child, very cute.

The old man is very special to Wang Su. of favor

"Of course........."

Wang Su said slightly proudly.

As soon as she came in, the weird atmosphere was diluted, and the entire hall was filled with all kinds of laughter and laughter.

Su Can smiled and looked at Wang Su.

This girl is like a pistachio, she can liven up the atmosphere wherever she goes.

"correct! Tell grandpa, what did you do in Xiangjiang?"

The old man waved to Wang Su and said

"Grandpa, third brother and sister-in-law took me to buy a lot and even took me on a yacht........"Wang Su followed the old man and began to talk about his experience in Xiangjiang.

They just talked about the yacht and did not mention the encounter with Mr. Lei. They deliberately erased it so as not to worry the old man.

Looking at the smart Wang Su, Su Can smiled.

Su Can and Huang Manyu were at the old man's place. After staying for lunch, they didn't leave until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

When Su Can walked out of the old man's courtyard, he only took Huang Manyu with him.

Wang Su and Wang Qiang stayed in the courtyard. They didn't have much house in Yanjing City, so they could live with the old man.

The old man's courtyard is very large, big enough for the entire Su family to live in.

However, Su Can's family and Uncle Su Can's family did not live with the old man. They all moved out and lived on their own.........

Uncle Su Can's family came from Guizhou, so they could live here.

As for the fact that they did not have a house in Yanjing City, Su Can had thought about it and had already told the old man about it.

For example, Su Can gave Wang Qiang a courtyard house as a wedding room.

Because when Su Wen got married, Su Can gave Su Wen a courtyard house to use as Su Wen's wedding room.

When it comes to the second brother Wang Qiang, naturally he can't treat one favorably.

Naturally, Wang Qiang should also be given a courtyard house. After all, he is married and must have his own house anyway.

Otherwise, if you give away the eldest brother, not the second brother?

This is a bit unreasonable.

Not only that, when Wang Su became independent, Su Can would have to give him a courtyard house no matter what he said, whether he was married or not.

These cousins ​​are all from the Su family and must be given as gifts.

As for Su Can, he is the one who lacks the most courtyard houses. He doesn’t know how many courtyard houses he owns, anyway, in the huge Yanjing City.

If Su Can said his courtyard house was second, no one would dare to say it was first.

Even if they are said to be number one, no one dares to say they are number two, because how can they compare?

No matter how many courtyard houses there are in the second place, there are only a dozen or so units, but Su Can’s is calculated in hundreds!

That's too much.........

In the past few years, Su Can has continued to acquire a large number of courtyard houses. There are so many, so many, so many. Su Can himself doesn't even know how many courtyard houses he owns.

Unless you take out those house books and count them one by one, you can probably know how many hundreds of courtyard houses Su Can has.

In addition to giving them to Su Wen, Wang Qiang and Wang Su, Li Xi and Li Dong, two cousins, Su Can would also give a set.

Nor can we favor one over the other.

After all, neither side can fall behind.

As for the set given to Wang Qiang, the old man told Su Can not to give it out so quickly, but to wait first.

Next year, after Wang Qiang's daughter-in-law Hu Qian gives birth to a child, Su Can can just give the courtyard house to his second brother Wang Qiang.

Now, there is no need to send it so fast.

Su Can agreed upon hearing this.

He knew that the reason why the old man asked him to do this was because he felt ashamed of his second uncle. After all, his second uncle had been missing for decades.

Now we finally recognize each other.

The old man naturally wants to make up for his regrets over the years.

If the Siheyuan was given to Wang Qiang now, the second uncle's family might move to the Siheyuan.

This leaves the old man alone again........

It is probably more difficult for the old man to make amends with his second uncle. For the sake of the old man, Su Can simply did not give away the courtyard house for the time being. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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