He was not very familiar with the man in front of him. Instead, he knew this man because he was holding this little girl.

Because this girl was very famous in later generations. Not only was she famous, but her sister was also very famous.

All kinds of gossips, known as the world's number one.

Therefore, in Su Can's previous life, he wanted to know what kind of parents could give birth to two girls like this.

Su Can did some research on the Internet and found out about this man.

But now, Su Can doesn't know this little girl, but she knows this man. From this, he guesses that this girl is the one.........

She was the woman whose gossipy news spread all over the world for generations to come.

It can be said that the woman known as the American Harvester has had relationships with countless American basketball stars and entertainment stars.

However, the little girl now looks like a doll, very cute and innocent. Who would have thought that this girl would be like that in the future.

It is estimated that the man holding the little girl is also unimaginable.

However, on such an occasion, it was a bit inappropriate for this man to take his little daughter with him to attend such a party.

Perhaps, when this girl grew up, she became like a social butterfly because she had such an experience since she was a child.

Thus, the habit was born

"open! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The man saw Zhang Man next to Su Can and said in surprise.

"Mr. Hilton."

Zhang Man said with a smile

"I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you also here to attend Qianfen Investment Company’s party? asked Hilton

"Of course........."

Zhang Man nodded.

As for Su Can, Hilton didn't care, but regarded Su Can as Zhang Man's follower, because he couldn't imagine that the person in charge of the Wanxiang Group in Hong Kong actually had a big boss behind him.

Of course, because the industries are different, the news that Su Can was the big boss behind Wanxiang Group in Xiangjiang did not reach his ears.

He only retained his initial understanding of Zhang Man.

He is the head of a company with assets larger than those of the Hilton family. Even if he is his father, Barton Hilton respects Zhang Man extremely.

Not to mention, he is still a playboy now.

Su Can looked at the Hilton in front of him. Perhaps he should be Richard Hilton. In the Hilton family, the name of the person in front of him was actually no older than his two daughters' names.

What's more, his father, Barton Hilton, was in charge of Hilton under the prestige of his father. Even before Su Can traveled through his previous life, he had not yet passed away.

Therefore, his reputation among the world is not great.

The loudest ones are his two daughters. The eldest daughter in front of him and the younger daughter who was just two or three years old are the most famous.

That is the beauty that resounds all over the world........

Su Can gave Zhang Man a signal not to introduce himself, but to let Richard continue to misunderstand his identity.

He didn't care about that.

Moreover, Su Can did not intend to let some foreigners know his identity when attending Qianfen Investment Company's party.

Because here, Su Can can recognize only two or three people who know his identity, not many people.

As for the Richard in front of him, not to mention that he has no qualifications, even if his father Mr. Barton comes over, he will not have any qualifications.

Unless it was Conrad, but this man died seven years ago, the year Su Can was reborn.

Therefore, the current Hilton family is not qualified.

As for being able to attend Qianfen Investment Company's party, it was purely because it was held at the Hilton Hotel.

Hilton naturally wanted to show some respect and sent out an invitation.

Su Can, Zhang Man, and Wang Rui, Zhong Mingqiang, entered the elevator. As for Su Can's other security guards, they had already gone to the party.

Where is the security work done in advance?.........

Zhong Mingqiang was with him to protect Su Can's


The elevator rose quickly. The party was on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel, where many large companies hold banquets. It can be said that the location is very good.

If the company cannot meet the standards, the Hilton Hotel will naturally not Booked for the other party.

And Qianfen Investment Company has obviously reached this level, because the market value of Qianfen Investment Company far exceeds the market value of Hilton.

In Wal-Mart's investment department, in terms of investment vision, it is ranked first In the front row.

After a while, the elevator reached the top floor and stopped.

Su Can, Zhang Man, Hilton and others walked out and walked to the door. Zhang Man and Hilton each took out their invitations. The receptionist at the door checked Afterwards, after entering the security gate, I went inside. The security here is very strict.

After all, this is a developed country, and security awareness far exceeds that in China and even in Hong Kong.

Su Can remembered that the person in the previous life had not The wealthy American who founded an Internet company once spent tens of millions of dollars on security a year.

This shows how huge the security market is.........

Once inside, Su Can glanced slightly and saw many waiters walking among them with various drinks.

There are mostly people with European and American faces, but there are very few Asian faces.

They gathered in small groups, holding red wine or champagne, chatting with each other. They were all acquaintances of their own, and they talked happily together.

Su Can glanced out of the corner of his eye and quickly saw Du Guofei in a hidden place.

At this time, he also noticed Su Can and wanted to go in the direction of Su Can. Su Can shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't have to.

In a place with such tight security, there won't be much of a threat.

Besides, Zhong Mingqiang was following him. With him around, some minor emergencies were simply not enough for Zhong Mingqiang to handle.

If Du Guofei and the other security guards who came in early were at Su Can's side at this time, then Su Can's identity would definitely be the focus of attention.

There are so many people following, who is this person?

The people here, whose companies have reached hundreds of millions of dollars, have all become excellent business people.

Just take a guess and you'll know.........

Su Can felt that there was no need to cause any trouble.

Seeing Su Can's signal, Du Guofei immediately stepped back, as if he had returned to the hidden darkness and hid. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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